
Because the people have been so compliant, so trusting, so naive, there is really no need to hide, at any time now, the plots, schemes, and schisms of devilment that have traditionally been cloaked under sundry esoteric dogmas and doctrines. I mean, back in the 1940’s or 1950’s people just had no clue, but they had some semblance of morality and outrage so the devils had to hide. The devilish deeds were too profane, too perverse, too enormous, and too vile for the public at large to digest. Now the people have no clue, mostly, and they have no morality as a “check valve” to protect them from their ownselves. Their lower selves. The lower selves no longer hidden. The carnal, lustful side, the greed, the substance abuser, the side of material existence, the rat race, based wholly upon a unquenchable thirst for “more.” You know, “normal life in asylum USA.” This has been cleverly inculcated into the people over a series of decades while they indulged in “pop culture.”

Pop culture, the distraction, became the reality, although it is wholly a fantasy. This allows the evil ones to move about unnoticed, looting, pillaging and plundering, while the people spin about in cyclones of nothingness; and since such has been the situation for an extended period, the disciples of evil have become comfortable in that evil. So much so that they don’t even hide, “not really.” They just gussy up their machinations of depravity in terms that the common “chumps” can digest.

“Assassins,” in white coats have become, “doctors,” mostly, as evidenced by the historical records, however they have been inverted into a priest class of benevolence. This does not comport with reality, but it does not matter, people with manifest malevolent intentions, if “presented right” get a pass. The people just trust them, and because they do, the evil ones can have open meetings where they “war game” their evil plots and schemes with no one the wiser. “Event this or Operation that,” right out in the open, shamelessly, “wargaming and strategizing” the plots.

The evil ones can pretend to be humble, educated, lowly people, ready to dedicate their lives to the betterment of others, and all they need is a suit, white coat or uniform and the people lap it up. The evil ones come in with a soothing, “confidence spiel,” a con; and a reassuring “scientific tone,” one of absolute knowledge and wisdom. It’s an act, like other acts that the chumps in bygone days lapped up too.

After generations of listening to people “dream up” B.S. for other peoples lives, it boggles the mind that people still do. I mean, people still listen to and give credence to “that system” and its disciples. How many lies is enough? How much misery? How many innocent people affected? The list goes on. For example if anyone, especially a female, went to a barber or hair stylist, and that barber or stylist made the wrong cut, or mistake, it would be “curtains.” A barber gets one chance. Why? Because people “have to wear that.” Nobody is publicly wearing “that” but once, and even then under a hat or other covering. Again, a barber gets one chance. A barber has to prove his or her expertise, not by words, but by professionalism and knowledge, and that is reflected in the end product. A haircut that looks good and is a real benefit.

If the people treated politicians, experts, doctors, authorities, academia, clergy, inter alia, public schools, and corporations like barbers, then the realm would be in better shape, but they don’t so evil men can sit around and huddle up, openly, under any “professional” guise they want, and broadcast their plots of depravity and no one seems to notice. “It’s science,” they salivate and grunt.

Think about it? If a street thug was standing in front of your house telling you that he and his cadre of 9 were “running drills” on how to take your vehicle, and the vehicles of your neighbors, a crime, there would be resistance and cause for alarm. Even though the vehicle is a material object. Nobody would step outside and say, “Alright.”

Yet a person in a white coat or suit is standing on a podium and telling the realm that he and his cadre of thousands are going to physically injure them in some manner or sanction them in some manner, along with a whole nation, and nobody “throws a rock in a riot.” “Rock in the riot,” a term from, “He was such a coward he would not throw a rock in a riot.” Mostly nobody found fault with the “white coats,” and mostly nobody seemed to care. That level of mind washing and mask wearing, is incomprehensible.

In a perfect realm, clowns from the priest class, the assassin class, would hold conferences and nobody would care except them. They would be the only attendees, the only ones interested and the only ones who would receive their serums, advice and “guidance.” They could make whatever they want, use it on themselves and “let us know” how it works out for them. They could concoct whatever they wish and enjoy it by themselves or at their conferences, but, “No!.” The evil, mad scientists, want to concoct their wares and then make someone else ingest it.

Imagine a vintner who won’t sip his own wine, not even to test its flavor? Imagine a toast where everybody drinks but one person, the person who poured it? This is the level of disconnect the general public is under. The social controllers don’t don’t have to hide nothing, because people are operating from a state of semi-consciousness, and that is manifest.

Expect many more antics from corporations that masquerade as some sort of authority. They have an agenda, a sick and twisted one that if the people participate in it, they will be building their own pot to cook in. The evil ones plot for a future, a future wholly predicated upon people who care about AND EMPOWER, their B.S.

Know with certitude, that everything viral you fear, “they made.” “Scientists,” I mean.

Lord have Mercy

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