Most simple minded people love to be deceived, they really do. So much so that they will abandon common sense, common research, or common anything, if it does not comport with their “fantasy,” their fairy tale. Even to the point of making up fantastic conspiracy theories about sci-fi topics and weaponry. Is it all delusional? Is it all insane? Most of it is. Not all.
One such “conspiracy” is the use of DEWS upon the population by international actors. DEWS are Directed Energy Weapons. I don't know if this is true, I don't postulate on such matters, however what I do is research and deduction.
“The Pyreliophorus was a device similar to a burning glass, created by the Portuguese priest Manuel António Gomes, also known as padre Himalaya, whose objective was to melt many different types of materials using solar energy. The device used several reflecting mirrors to concentrate the sunlight into a common point. With this device, it was possible to reach a temperature of around 3500 °C, enough to melt many types of metals and rocks. Unlike a common burning glass, the Pyreliophorus uses a concentric parabolic array of mirrors to concentrate the sun light into a common point, instead of a lens. The device uses a clock system that makes the mirror array concentric axis to rotate along the sun alignment. This device was one of the main attractions on the Saint Louis World's Fair in 1904, and it was awarded with two gold medals and with one silver medal. Himalaya protected his Pyreliophorus using the patent system in many jurisdictions, including the British one on the patent application number GB190116181 or in the American with the patent application US797891. (shallow dive)
“The Pyrheliophor was erected at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition -- the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair -- by Manual Antonio Gomes, a Portuguese priest known as Father Himalaya. The experimental apparatus, ""suggesting a giant spider ... was constructed to ascertain the amount of heat that might be secured by the concentration of rays of the sun. It contained 6,117 mirrors so placed as to reflect the sun's rays upon a single point. By this means a heat of more than 7,000 degrees Fahrenheit was secured .. The Pyrheliophor ... stood upon the high ground southwest of the Palace of Forestry, Fish and Game. No. 13572.”
Now ask yourself a question. “If in 1904 the technology was available and functional, what would over 100 years coupled with technology, research and development produce?” Answer that rational with pragmatic, deduction.
Does such technology exist? One can rationally deduce it does. Is it being utilized in nefarious ways? Man is prone to evil, which is historically proven. Most corporations and most realm elites are evil, which is historically proven. Thus one can only rationally deduce that it is not only probable, but also possible that technologies beyond the average person's knowledge are being deployed at some time or another. This is a manifest detriment. Why? Because if you don’t recognize a technology you can’t recognize its handiwork.
Lord have Mercy
J.B., I'm just seeing this, so excuse the late comment. As to whether that sort of weapon was used in the Lahaina fires, I really don't know, but to review the damage, none of it looks at all like any wildfire that I've ever read about. The actions of the governments involved is suspicious, to say the least, as well. Good article, BTW. I don't always notice what I'm deleting when I empty my spam folder and often your articles are misread as spam, though I usually do get them in my inbox.
Regards, Ed.