Since the first time when Christians set foot on this land there has been nothing but destruction. Why is that? Because being “Christian” was just a cover story, a weapon to lower the guard of American Negro Indians, and “Indians” of other hues. A historical look back will unveil a course of conduct where the example of “Jesus” the son of Mary, is manifestly absent. How so? Christian conduct is a conduct of love, cooperation, compassion and brotherly love, I know, because I have them in my family, I've met them, I've established relationships with them, and I know the “Kristos,” or “Christ Energy” is real.
The people who came to this land were not all Christians. They were Eastern Europeans, impostors, who had infiltrated Christianity in the same way they had infiltrated Judaism and Islam. They came into this land, stole names, stole land, and then pretended to be Christians while they secretly practiced their evil, inter-generational, plot to destroy the people of the land and claim their estates and possessions.
The same is true today. They are still here. They co-op your churches, introduce false doctrine and they are supported by Clergy who you have been groomed to trust. They have a different agenda, cloaked in popular Christianity, and false teaching. Christianity has been hijacked, sorry to say, and the current state of its “religious community” bears witness to this fact.
For over 200 years the impostors have been here, ON THIS LAND, masquerading as a church and Christians. Are the people of the land, who have been under Christianity, better off? Nope. Slavery or Contract Indenture, Poverty, Crime, Wars, Drugs, Created Disease, Perversion, Hunger, Homelessness, all and sundry destructive. You can tell a tree by the fruit it bears, and the fruit is foul, genocidal, and “Christ” as I KNOW him has no part in it. Until the Christians stand, eject the impostors, and STUDY the book, apply real teachings, the LAW they have been given, then I am afraid the “Kristos” or Christ they expect will be a no show.
“Beware of false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.By their fruit you will recognize them. Are grapes gathered from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles?Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. So then, by their fruit you will recognize them. Not everyone who says to Me, “Lord, Lord,” will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me on that day, “Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?” Then I will tell them plainly, “I NEVER KNEW YOU; depart from Me, you workers of LAWLESSNESS!” Matthew 7:15-23.
Now, keeping the aforementioned in mind, here is a sobering dose of the “Christianity” brought to the people of the land, by impostors. Additionally, let's not get it twisted, this evil was leveled not only against Negro Indians, but FREE WHITES that supported, ignored, or refused to go along with the devils. They are not White people, although they share skin tone.
Free White Persons-
“...means all persons belonging to the European races...It includes the mixed DOES NOT MEAN CAUCASIAN RACE [Eastern European], ARYAN, OR INDO-EUROPEAN RACES, NOR THE MIXED RACE INDO-EUROPEAN...”
Blacks Law Dictionary 3rd Edition 1933 pp 817.
White Persons-
In the popular meaning, “White persons” refers to immigrants from the British isles and Northwestern Europe who comprised most of the population when the Naturalization Act was adopted...” (Adopted March 26, 1790)
Blacks Law Dictionary, 3rd Edition pp. 1844
It was easy to murder, and displace Whites, because they weren't. With American Negro Indians it was easier still...
“The color of these Indians, WHICH IS THAT OF THE NEGROS...brought to our recollection a plantation at Santo Domingo or any other West Indian island..the men and women are collected by the sound of a bell...we have seen both men and women in irons, and others in stocks.” pp.109
“Women are never whipped in public, but in an enclosed and somewhat distant place that their cries may not excite a too lively compassion, which might cause the men to revolt.”
In contrast, the men were, “ exposed to the view of all their fellow citizens, that their punishment may serve as an example.”
“Corporal punishment is inflicted on the Indians of both sexes...
“If he escape [sic] to reside with his relations in the independent villages....the missionaries apply to the governor, who sends soldiers to seize him in the midst of his family...where he is condemned to receive a certain number of lashes with the whip.”pp.113-114.
“The punishment was proof that even 43 years after the founding of the first mission, the Spanish friars were still dependent on lashing and atrocities to make Indians comply with their rules.” pp.114-115.
“It is common knowledge amongst the Indians...that Indians who refused to become Christian were severely threatened. In some cases they went beyond threats to actual punishment. The Indian was left in such bad condition that he came in supporting himself by a cane, unable to stand upright, with his waist and buttocks covered with swollen wounds.” pp.146-147.
Elias Castillo (2015)
A Cross of Thorns-
The enslavement of California Indians by the Spanish Missions.
Craven Street Books
“We have not the space at this time to comment upon this matter...vile kidnappers in human flesh are making a regular business of killing the Indians in the mountains, or running them off, and kidnapping their children, packing them about the country, like so many sheep or swine to sell, at retail or wholesale.” Newspaper Article “Child Stealing” Marysville California 1861 pp. 236-237
“This law works beautifully. A few days ago V.E. Geiger, formally Indian Agent, had some eighty apprenticed to him...we hear of many others who are having them bound in numbers to suit. What a pity the provisions of the law are not extended to greasers, Kanakas (South Pacific Islanders), and Asiatics. It would be so convenient to carry on a farm or mine, when all the hard and dirty work is performed by apprentices.”
Newspaper Article “Apprenticing Indians” San Francisco 1861 pp.240-241.
“A new plan has been adopted by our neighbors opposite this place to chastise the Indians for their many depredations during the past winter. Some men are hired to hunt them, who are recompensed by receiving so much for each scalp, or some other satisfactory evidence that they have been killed. The money has been made up by subscription.”
Newspaper Article, Marysville, California 1859 pp. 268.
“ In 1850 we saw the scalps of Diggers [Niggers] hanging to tent poles in the Shasta and Trinity Country. The Oregon Men who first settled that part of the State thought it sport to kill a Digger on sight, as they would a coyote. The Diggers can only be saved from forcible extermination only by the intervention of Uncle Sam.”
Newspaper Article Marysville, California 1861 pp.269.
“It seems that two white barbarians went to an Indian rancheria in that neighborhood for the purpose of getting possession of an Indian girl about ten years old. This attempt at forcible possession was resisted by the mother of the child, assisted by a crippled Indian boy, the only one in the rancheria. The resistance of of this poor cripple so exasperated the villain that one of them seized him by the top of the head, while with his knife he first cut his throat and then stabbed him to the knife hilt, and to wreak vengeance fully, turned the knife in the wound several times, then withdrawing it, again stabbed his victim, turning the knife as before, repeating the act until the life was extinct. While this butchery was going on the girl and her mother made their escape.”
Newspaper Article “Horrid Murder of an Indian Boy” Sacramento, California 1865. pp. 306
“Our city is visited daily by the remnants of the Digger tribe, whose sole occupation appears to be eating watermelons.”
Newspaper Article Sacramento 1863. pp. 310.
“ A tall, corpulant, pox marked Digger...Wahketaw was a “good Ingin,” and the sorry remains of his tribe have been for many years the inoffensive aboriginal bummers of this city and vicinity...We had a suspicion that coppery “bluth'n-law” of his was playing on our sympathies; nevertheless we gave him a bright new dime and charged him to go and buy a watermelon-not whisky.”
Newspaper Article “John Digger at Marysville.” San Francisco 1863. pp. 311.
Robert F. Heizer (1974)
The Destruction of the California Indians.
Also author of “They were only Diggers.”
Peregrine Smith, Inc.
“Breeding was expected to be an increasingly important weapon in America's imperial arsenal during the one sided war. Yankee soldiers were expected to settle in occupied territory, marry “beautiful senoritas,” and achieve a new kind of “annexation.”
(This is exactly what happened and is still happening. There are men from other countries who come to America and marry Indian women just to guarantee their offspring legal standing and future claim to Native lands or benefits. Look at the casino Tribes, they are Whites, masquerading as Indians with a few Indians as front men. Usurpers, imposters, and frauds, the lot of them.
“This is what happened in California, as illustrated by the remarkable career of a young Tennessee officer....a close friend of President Polk. He married the daughter of a wealthy Mexican rancher, received a large tract of land...By the 1860s he owned over twenty thousand acres of land and had established himself as one of the ruling patriarchs of the new state.”
From the Chapter, “Pedigree and Poor White Trash” pp. 143.
“Though it entered the Union as a free state, prohibiting slavery, the legislature soon passed a series of byzantine laws permitting the indentured servitude of Native Americans.”
id pp. 144.
“...the Digger Indians were filthy and abominable, and far worse than either “Niggers” or “dogs.” White men in the Golden State killed off Indians as if dispatching squirrels...Free Blacks likewise lived in filth and “degradation.” Helper (Hinton Rowan Helper) echoed Walker's (Senator Robert Walker of Mississippi) racist migration theory: someday Blacks would be drawn toward the equator and deposited (like waste) in the receptacles of South American countries.”
“These “semi-barbarians” share the same fate of the southern
Negro: both the “copper of the Pacific” and the “ebony of the Atlantic” were destined to be permanently enslaved.”
id pp. 145.
“All knew poor whites were cursed because they were routinely consigned the worst land...This was how they became known “sandhillers” or “pineys.”
“...Harriet Beecher Stowe was no less harsh... “the whole race of poor Whites, this tribe of creatures... There ought to be hunting parties got up to chase them down, and exterminate 'em, just as we do rats.”
id pp. 149.
Nancy Isenberg (2016)
White Trash-
The 400 hundred year history of class in America, also author of “Fallen Founder.”
Viking Penguin Random House
“As Euro-Americans flooded into, and out of, the gold fields of California in the 1850s, they harnessed democracy to achieve a new dream of wealth and security based upon land ownership. Using new state laws and their rights as citizens, they quickly and bloodily transitioned California's land base from one controlled by mostly native peoples into one controlled almost completely by Euro-Americans... As conflicts evolved, Euro-Americans turned to traditional ways to take advantage of Indigenous populations. The process of doing so involved the clever manipulation of DEMOCRACY and its various institutions: local and county governments, the press, and the state legislature, executive and judiciary... In most cases, governments were at least willing to turn their heads, if not help, when native populations were being exterminated. Yet above all else, settlers, ranchers and miners, like their brethen in the southern portion of the state, used voluntary, democratic associations to the greatest effect in bring about the genocide of the California Indigenous people.”
pp.179-180 from the chapter “The Democratic Death Squads”
Brendan C. Lindsay (2012) Murder State-California's Native American Genocide 1846-1873. University of Nebraska Press
“ The practice of murdering California Indian Adults in order to kidnap and sell young women and children for a profit likely reached its zenith in 1862.”
“...individuals and groups were constantly kidnapping children...and killing the parents for no other purpose.” “...substantial numbers of men planned, once winter snows had melted “to make a business of the killing bucks wherever they can find them and selling the women and children into slavery.” “...kidnapping is extensively practiced by a gang who live in the neighboring mountains” and that such crimes are “coupled with other barbarities, murder, rape &c., which no pen can do justice to.”
“ Mendocino, Humbolt, Del Norte and Klamath [there] flourishes a clas of pestilent whites whose business it is , or has been until recently, to kill Indian 'bucks' and squaws for the purpose solely of getting and selling their children.”
“Indian Baby Hunters” ranging from Sonoma to the Oregon border...”You may hear them talk of the operation of cutting to pieces an Indian squaw in their indiscriminate raids for babies as 'like slicing old cheese.'” Again state and federal policies help facilitate the genocidal crimes of “forcibly transfering children...and widespread systematic killing.”
From the Chapter “The Civil War in California and Its Aftermath.” pp. 303.
“At a local level, one writer later reported that in Ukiah “there were few families in town that did not have from one to three Indian children.” At a regional level...a kiddnapped Indian child in “every white man's house” in Northern Cailifornia. Up and down the state, whites held California Indians as both dejure and de facto unfree laborers. As far south as San Diego County ranched dave Couts used state laws to ensnare Southern California Indians as de jure wards, apprentices, indentured servants, and leased convicts as well as de facto debt peons. Anti Indian campaigns continued, in part, because the gears of the killing machine meshed with Californias lucrative trade in unfree California Indian labor.”
id pp. 304.
Benjamin Madley (2016)
An American Genocide- The United States and the California Indian Catastrophe. Yale University Press.
“...California Franciscan missions and their founder, Junipero Serra, are extravagantly romanticized by modern California residents, and remain popular tourist sites. Very few notice, however, that the middle of the plaza of each mission is a whipping post...Serra would take soldiers with him, randomly kidnapping Indigenous individuals and families...against impossible odds, the Indigenous resisted and survived to tell the story. Had they not done so, there would be no Indigenous peoples remaining in Northern California, because the objective was to eradicate them. From the outset of the California gold rush, crazed “gold bugs” invaded “indigenous territories, terrorizing and brutally killing those who were in their path. These settlers seemed to require no military assistance in running roughshod over unarmed Indigenous residents of fishing communities in a bountiful paradise of woods, rivers and mountains.”
From the Chapter, “Sea to Shining Sea” pp. 128-130.
Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz (2014) An Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States.Beacon Press.
“Hanson (George M. Hanson) also worked with the legislature to repeal California apprenticeship laws and strike down the provisions that allowed the leasing and whipping of Indian convicts. Achieving these legislative goals proved difficult, however, especially in the state senate, which was controlled by democrats.” White households continued to hold Indians by the thousands.... The numbers are astounding.”
id. pp. 307
Andres Resendez (2016) The Other Slavery-
The Uncovered Story of Indian Enslavement in America.
“And if ever some natives dare attempt escape from the padres' efforts to lead them to salvation....there would be no mercy shown. “...Junipero Serra traveled from pulpit to pulpit preaching fire and brimstone, scourging himself before his incarcerated flock, pounding his chest with heavy rocks until it was feared he would fall down dead, burning his nipple with candles and live coals...”
“...unsanctioned enslavement of the Indians began as soon as California became an American possession...California Indians...”make as obedient and humble slaves as Negros in the south.'' In fact they were better because they excepted “flagellation” with more humility than Negros.”
“Indian Docility was believed to particularly assured “when caught young.” So a thriving business in hunting and capturing Indian children developed. Newspapers frequently reported sightings of men driving Indian children before them on back roads to the slave markets in Sacramento and San Francisco. As with black slaves in the South, prices varied “according to quality,” said the Ukiah Herald, but they sometimes climbed as high as two hundred dollars each. Bargains could be had in some areas, however, as in Colusa County in 1861 [where] Indian boys and girls age three and four years were sold at fifty dollars apiece.” Especially “good little” Indians or as the Sacramento Daily Union described them, “bright little specimens” might even fetch a straight trade for a horse. Given the shortage of women in California during those early years of white settlement, a “likely young girl” might cost almost double that of a boy, because, as the Marysville Appeal phrased it, girls served the double duty “of labor and lust.” “As happened in Virginia two hundred years earlier, and as has happened across the entire continent during the intervening years- between 95 and 98% of California Indian has been exterminated in little more than a century.”
pp. 140-146.
David E. Stannard (1992)
American Holocaust- The conquest of the New World.
Oxford University Press.
My Grandmother used to say, “Jesus wept,” and in this case I am sure he is.
Lord have Mercy
Just to clarify. Not all Eastern Europeans deserve the aforementioned. I have high regard for the Eastern Orthodox Church, Russian Culture, Russian Language and history. Apologies upfront to the upright, honest, REAL Christians and Muslims, however, if the shoe fits....wear it.