The 2024 election is fast approaching and “the script” is about to flip, I believe. Over the last 5 years or so I noticed that society was taking a darker turn, and with lightning speed. I noticed that all manner of perversion was on display. I noticed that rioters were running wild, “seemingly” unabated. I noticed an uptake in unhinged behaviors, crime, drugs, and a total break down of societal norms. I saw immigration out of control and I saw the people stand around in a state of helpless weakness. For years. I saw the political stunts, the economic plunder, and the “seemingly” wrongful malicious prosecution of political enemies. I saw the politicians “step up” their “acting game.” I saw political insanity. I saw that it, “the undermining of society,” had happened before with the, “Hippies,” who utilized sex and drugs in the stead of violence and crime.
I saw it all, but I didn't see All Mighty God. His hand was not in it. It was a downhill slope that I saw, ram-shaking and destroying everything “normal.” I saw it clear and so did everyone else, mostly. Most pretended it would be alright, while others reacted to the crime, the looting, the rioting, the political games, stage acts and psy-ops. Even the left leaning disciples who ushered in the insanity, even they, I saw, began to change. The Frankenstein monster that the “extreme left fanatics, the robots, the minders,” AND THEIR CONTROLLERS had created repulsed even them. They became petrified, the monster was going “organic.”
It was loose now, attacking them, and no longer controlled by “regular, centralized fanatics,” but self powering, self replicating itself, like a hydra, on pure manifested, self generated, chaotic evil.
A visual, economic, personal “life experience” was about to unfold in the states united, the people of the land knew it in their gut, and they also knew they were powerless and too weak to change it. Or so satan's [little “s”]illusion made it seem. The people were helpless, demoralized even, they had become pin cushions in some sort of macabre, ghastly experiment, they were harmed and most had given up hope. satan has a PLOT, ALL MIGHTY GOD, MOST HIGH, has a PLAN!
Within the people of the land, a process began to happen. The THOUGHTS, THE CRITICAL, PRAGMATIC DEDUCTION, THE REALIZATION, the whispers, the private talks, the family cohesion, the snide comments in protest, the subtle jabs at the MASKquerade, the wild, public “mental” outbursts, the “now opposing” media segments and then the overt talk, FROM MEDIA. The overt talk of suffering, the overt talk of harm, the overt talk of “choice,” the overt talk of “change,” the overt, curious talk of “Trump, the devil” as a “moderate,” by those who hated, and despised his name.
[Trump was up by 50%over his closest competitor. Unheard of in modern politics.. I don't do “politics” but I follow the “show.” Fascinating.]
Rational minds began to become perplexed, intrigued even, they truly did, and then it all made sense, I believe. The spell was broken. The veil was gone.
The people of the land, I believe, were purposely driven extreme fanatic left, with all of the perverted, twisted trimmings, in order to disgust the people at large, SHOW THEM TO THEIR FACE, and thus make them clamor for “change” in the other direction, to wit, hardcore, fanatic, extremist, right. You know, Jim Crow 2.0, except with a twist. Instead of the foundation for such extremism being the “original” race based animus, it will be class based, political ideology based, religious based and fake patriot based. The “show” must go on. Ad nauseam, however the people in their hearts and minds can stop it. They can refuse the extreme position and adopt a moderate position just and equal to all who desire it. Shifting right may not be so bad, but how far right should it be?
See, the real history of this land bears witness to this fact. This nation has constantly went back and forth between many extremes, “any extremes” that accomplish the vision. The “vision” of fanatics. The “fanatic push,” in any dogma, religion or philosophy, actually is the calling card of “extremism.” So expect, as a last desperate measure, the shift towards lunatic right, including, but not limited to, Fox News type 24/7 outlandish, propaganda, political stunts, new legislation, “old guard” politicians, patriotic banter, religious jargon, hard right pundits, conservative news, baseless antisemitic accusations, draconian measures, veiled racism, slogans, anthems, pledges and plenty of “foreign funding,” generated, financed, by “this land,” but none for home.
It will be the same hand, it will just have changed gloves. The old glove [plot] goes back in the drawer and the new glove comes out. The drawer is full of different gloves. You heard?
Again, satan has a plot. ALL MIGHTY GOD HAS A PLAN!!! That shift right, extreme or not, can only go as far as it is allowed. Trust.
Lord have Mercy
What a mess, time for all to look into ourselves. Perhaps it is not too late. We all have one death inside and then the judgment. Mercy is what I want.