What Happened To My Family?
"The world wants to be deceived, let them be deceived" Roman Edict. Part 2.
What happened to our people of the land? What happened to my family?
There is an old Roman edict, “The world wants to be deceived, let them be deceived.” Why does the truth hurt so bad? Why do people avoid it? Because they are content with their present fantasy life, and such trifles as past genocide or past madness does not fit into their created happiness. No one, absolutely no one, ever questions how they have the life that they do. No one asks themselves, “How many people had to die in order for me to have the life I do?” How many dirty tricks, land grabs, unconstitutional actions or outright murders had to happen in order for me to sleep good at night?
The realm created on this land by foreigners started out mentally ill, sick, in the most basic of ways. As soon as the European foreigners, in conjunction with the church, set foot on this land, the first thing they did was to bring racism, treachery, fraud, and enslavement. They formed the society, in a twisted way, into the modern version of an old evil, but they gussied it up and presented it as heaven, but it was still hell. The foreigners came here and immediately started classifying Negro Indians as slaves. Why? So they could steal them, sell them, work them, rape them or kill them, whatever they wished, after all they were “savages.” So says the church.
They tried this game with my Great Grandmother. They actually tried to classify her as a slave. She was not. She had to “prove” who she was, on her own land, but that was not good enough for the devils in charge. She had to go all the way to the Supreme Court in order to seek redress, and she did. She was declared, “FREE,” but was she really? Nope. She may have had FREE standing, but the devils were already entrenched, and their terror campaign already begun. She had to leave the Louisiana Territory, her home, with some of my family, and go to Vera Cruz Mexico in order to live in peace.
House of Guillory Marguerita "Slave?" Case Jean-Baptiste Guillory
(2019) All Rights Reserved
"If weaker and less satisfactory evidence is offered when it was within the power of the party to produce stronger and more satisfactory evidence, the evidence offered should be viewed with distrust."
California Evidence Code, Section 412.
In the history* of the Guillory tribe here in the United States there are two prominent Jean-Baptiste Guillory's, one, "White", and one so called, "Black." Both half brothers, free men and the sons of Joseph Gregoire Guillory. Two Guillory's, each with a separate story, yet intertwined by bloodlines. Most of the material written about these brothers has been compiled by the same brainwashed, public school educated 'academics' who base most of their historical suppositions upon racist indoctrination, wholly conclusory allegations and baseless emotional fables. Most of the literature compiled, if not all, is a mish mash of stereotypical foolishness, spewed forth by sinister “parrots” of the mainstream master slave narrative. I resent that premise. The root of my resentment in this story matter is not in the "White and Black" brothers, or their story but rather my Grandmother Marguerita, and her story...
Most people when they view an issue, they only view it from their own database of personal knowledge and experience. If the person has a limited knowledge database, then that person will naturally have a narrow perspective relative to that knowledge foundation and issue at bar. The same is with ancestry research. "Research is in the eye of the beholder." Unlike most researchers who use T.V., social media, ancestry.com, etc. I personally utilize Constitutional Law sources, Congressional instruments, Laws, Codes, Statutes, Ordinances, etc. coupled with "research" of family records and or oral traditions to provide myself with a clearer, often different, perspective on any given topic.
Most people want to be lied to, it makes them feel good, so it doesn't matter if the "research" is true, just a long as it arouses emotion or reinforces the same ole master slave relationship with Negro Indians on the bottom and Whites on top. That's where research is today, and I am fine with that, except I will not allow this folly an attachment to my beloved Great Grandmother or my family.
*The “Marguerita” slave case, as it is called, is one of the oldest legal cases in the United States and the actual documents are some of the oldest currently being housed in the Louisiana State Museum.
In 2022, after reflecting upon the story of my family, and my Grandmother specifically, the story of our past has become clearer. The legal case against my Grandmother was really much bigger than her. It was about establishing her “estate standing on the soil and land,” and most importantly, the “standing” of her heirs after her, of which I am one of many.
See, my Grandmother was listed as, “Negress,” as in “American Negro Indian.” There never was a issue as to her “color” but an issue as to her “standing.” Was she an “indentured” under contract? Was she listed as such in legal instruments and under what conditions could she be “bound?” It was determined by the Supreme Court of the time that she was in fact “Free,” not under contract enslaved, [but rather “PLACAGE”(Fr.)], not a fugitive from labor, and issued a ruling accordingly. In the 1790 census my Great Grandfather, her son, Jean Baptist Guillory, was listed as “Mulatto” and most of all, “FREE.”
That “freedom” would be short lived. My family had no idea that the same foreigners that they fought shoulder to shoulder with against the British, in conjunction with the Papal-European banking interests, would turn on them, bring in large groups of Eastern European settlers, or killers, via Homestead Acts, inter alia, Indian Removal Act, who would then form armed gangs; and utilize existing Jim Crow policies with violence to drive the American Negro Indians off of their farmlands, cities, towns under the guise of “riots or revolts (Re-volt means to re-energize).”
The following is a list of, but not all, of the atrocities that were clandestinely leveled against my family and American Negro Indians in general. It happened over time, because the perpetrators play long range, in order to make it look random, but it wasn't, it was directed my a inter-generational force of evil. It was direct enemy action.
San Miguel de Gualdape Slave Rebellion, 1526
So called, “Slave Rebellion.” Indentured Negro Indians mistreated, as usual. This “theme” or “meme,” oR a variation thereof, will be utilized by the evil doers repeatedly as an excuse to harm the people of the land. Insurrection, rebellion, or rape, the three emotional “triggers” to attack Niggers, will be used ad nauseam by foreigners as an excuse to do evil.
Gloucester County Conspiracy, 1663
The Gloucester County Conspiracy, also known as the “Servants’ Plot” or Birkenhead’s Rebellion, was a plan by American Negro Indian “indentured servants” to rise up against authorities in Gloucester County in 1663, this was due to inhumane treatment.
Bacon’s Rebellion, 1676
Bacon's Rebellion was an armed rebellion held by Virginia settlers from Europe that took place from 1676 to 1677. It was led by Nathaniel Bacon against Colonial Governor Berkeley, after Berkeley refused Bacon's request to drive Americans Negro Indians out of Virginia. Thousands of European foreigners, including those in indentured contract servitude and other races, “Africans,” rose up against Berkeley, chasing him from Jamestown, driving out and murdering the American Negro Indians and ultimately destroying Jamestown.
Bacon was indeed a evil devil.
New York City Slave Uprising, 1712
The rebellion of 1712 was instigated by African slaves, foreigners, who used African-based religious spookism to gas up other foreign slaves to revolt, calling for a war on Christians. They were caught and the ones who weren't outright killed were brutally executed: four of them were burned alive; one of them was crushed by a wheel; one of them was kept in chains until he starved to death; a pregnant woman was kept alive until she gave birth (berth) to the child and was then executed; and the others, approximately 25, were hanged. This enabled a brutal crackdown on surviving American Negro Indians.
The Stono Rebellion, 1739
This rebellion, Cato's Conspiracy or Cato's Rebellion was a slave revolt in 1739, in the slave “colony" of South Carolina. It was the largest slave rebellion in the colonies of the South. It was led by Catholic “Africans from Africa” who were likely Congolese, as the rebels were Catholic and spoke many languages, including Portuguese.
The usual suspects, foreigners, and the church.
New York City Slave Conspiracy, 1741
American Negro Indians and poor Whites rebel, again, against being mistreated and cheated. Many people killed, usual suspects involved, those caught burned at the stake. You know, usual suspects and usual madness, masquerading as “civilization.”
Gabriel Prosser Revolt, 1800
Same ole same ole. Nigger plotting to kill Whitey. Same fear induced, same result. A lot of Niggers killed and displaced.
Igbo Landing Mass Suicide, 1803
Igbo Landing , aka, Ibo Landing, Ebo Landing, or Ebos Landing) is a historic site at St. Simons Island, Glynn County, Georgia. It was the setting of a mass suicide in 1803 by captive Igbo people who had taken control of their slave ship and refused to submit to slavery in the United States. Since we know “African Slavery” was a hoax, then it would be only rational to deduce, based upon prior history, that the souls aboard the vessel were most like murdered and the “suicide” was just the cover-up. Nobody questions the narrative. In fact, a “sewage plant” is built at the site, witnessing the bullcrap on a daily basis. Funny how the Universe works.
Andry’s Rebellion, 1811
The 1811 German Coast uprising in parts of the Territory of Orleans in January, 1811. The “slave” [employee] labor strike was the largest in U.S. history, but the strikers killed only two white men. Confrontations with militia, combined with post-trial executions, resulted in the deaths of 95 “contract indentures,” or slaves that surely resulted in lucrative “insurance payouts” for the lost property. For over two weeks, White, evil devils, planters, fraternal organizations, hired killers and officials interrogated, tortured, executed, and decapitated an additional 44 people escaping, or “breaching contract” who had been captured (Insurance payouts). Executions were generally by lynching or firing squad. Heads were displayed on pikes to intimidate others and prove the claim. Mulatto or “Creole” residents complained to Washington, D.C. about new U.S. settlers, Eastern European, in the territory, and wanted no part of President Jefferson's plan to pay 30,000 pseudo Americans to infest the “new territory,”our family's land, and race mix with the residents so that the foreigners would have “organic” blood and the land rights thereto.
Additionally, most of the alleged, “Leaders” just happened to be “Mulattos,” or people similarly situated, to wit, French and American Negro Indians, like my family, holders of the land in due course. Same ole fraud. In other words, more Niggers (Indians) killed and lands stolen by the usual suspects, masquerading as everyone else.
Denmark Vesey Conspiracy, 1822
Denmark Vesey (also Telemaque) (c. 1767 – July 2, 1822) was a 19th century foreigner, and community leader in Charleston, South Carolina, who was accused and convicted of planning a major slave, contract labor revolt in 1822. The so called, “plot,” if it was real at all was discovered and, drum roll please, “USED A BASIS TO DESTROY AMERICAN NEGRO INDIANS.” Same fear stoking propaganda being used today to enact all manner of unlawful edicts.
Nat Turner Revolt, 1831 (Fake made up tale)
This was a “false flag.” There are no court records ANYWHERE, documenting the trial of Nat Turner or any “abstracts of judgment” in this matter. This fabricated incident was used to instill fear in the foreign settler population and thus arouse them to violence against, guess who? The American Negro Indian.
Amistad Mutiny, 1839
More “Africa-Nigger-Slave” propaganda. More musings of nothingness, designed to put a certain incorrect image in the minds of the dumb people. You know, savages captured, transported, mutiny, etc., good fictional accounts, psychological operations, in order to sell newspapers. You know, just like today. Staged drama for the masses.
Creole Case, 1841
See above
Slave Revolt in the Cherokee Nation, 1842
Another labor dispute in which the “contract indentures” absconded in an attempt to reach Mexico. The Cherokee Nation was an established “Nation,” with land, militia, government, businesses, EMPLOYEES, and farms. The 1842 “escape” was the largest escape of a group of indentured, contract laborers to occur in the Indian Territory. While traveling south, they were joined by 15 contract laborers absconding from the Creek Nation, who like the Cherokee were established. On the way to Mexico “private bounty hunters” who had collected a group of “absconders,” contract breakers, on behalf of our family tribe, The Choctaw, were killed. Our tribe raised over 90 tribal militia men and captured them. Those responsible for “murder” outside of THE LAW were hung. The Choctaw had “indentured” employees, referred to as “slaves” in modern books. They still do. In fact the Choctaw “employs” more persons under contract now than they ever did and the non-American Indian tax man makes more money. Are they slaves? No, its the nature of capitalism. The same employment situation exists today, on all land or sea jurisdictions, Choctaw, Cherokee, Navajo, under new names, new games, but still traded on Wall Street under a plethora of bonds, Trusts and other financial instruments, just like in 1842. Only the language, terms and vernacular changed, the “system” is the same.
Cincinnati Riots, 1829
This was started basically by the White, same ole suspects, fraternal organizations, IMMIGRANTS (50% of the population), impeding American Negro Indians, et.al., from earning a livelihood by blocking employment and requiring them to post a “bond” (Which would be hypothicated, securitized, invested in tranches) in today's amount that would be 12-15 THOUSAND DOLLARS within 30 days or LEAVE THE STATE OF THEIR NATIVITY (LEAVE THEIR ESTATE). They were already being housed in “WARDS” under negotiorum gestio guardianship. They were forced to leave, by legislative codes, de facto BILLS OF ATTAINDER, and abandon their estates to be seized by the aforementioned usual suspects, THE ONES WHO WROTE THE LEGISLATION. The ones who previous tried to “ship” them out. They say they were “Irish” but I suspect they were not.
Anti-Abolition Riots, 1834
More of the same. Whites destroying American Negro Indians, their property, churches and businesses. Those, “Irish” again... The is a “theme” that runs throughout all of the so called, “riots” or rebellions in the states united. Labor disputes and disputes in general caused by or occasioned by “foreigners.” Irish, African, Portuguese, Eastern Europeans disguised as everyone else, all and sundry. The same ole usual suspects.
Cincinnati Race Riots, 1836
These were caused by racial tensions at a time when Americans Negro Indians, some of whom had absconded from the South, were competing with Whites “foreigners” for jobs. The racial riots occurred in Cincinnati, by a mob of Whites against American Negro Indians. A riot had occurred in 1829, as aforementioned, led by “Irish,” and another riot against American Negro Indians broke out in 1841. After the riots of 1829, in which many “American Negro Indians” lost their homes and property, a growing number of Whites “foreigners,” such as the "Lane rebels." The “Irish,” foreign rioters of 1836, worried about their jobs if they had to compete with more American Negro Indians, attacked both them and White supporters, who were often pre-colonial, and viewed as “Nigger lovers,” because they co-existed in peace. Same ole soup warmed over. Aww shucks, “those dag gon “Irish.” (Wink, wink, wink.)
The Pennsylvania Hall Fire, 1838
Another great work by the same ole suspects. A building utilized for free discourse and promotion of civil administration was torched. The same, usual groups involved. The same hoof prints, of the same suspects, were found at the scene of the Census Record fires, and other “fires” nationwide up to, during and after, “reconstruction.” Search, “great fires,” and see the pattern.
Christina (Pennsylvania) Riot, 1851 The Christiana Riot, or Christiana incident, was the successful armed resistance by free American Negro Indians to an attempted kidnapping by a federal marshal to recover four absconded laborers who were under contract indenture with Edward Gorsuch of Maryland. The raid took September 11, 1851, at the house in Christiana, Pennsylvania, of William Parker, an American Negro Indian. The attempted kidnapping took place after the federal Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 was passed, increasing the amount of bounty hunters, and human trafficking across state lines, masquerading as “law enforcement.” The boarders were repelled by the “Americans” and the “kidnapping” failed.
Detroit Race Riot, 1863
The Detroit race riot of 1863 during the American Civil War as "the bloodiest day that ever dawned upon Detroit."It was started due to White working class “foreigners” among the working class, competing for prosperity, becoming disgruntled for being drafted to fight a war for a nation of American Negro Indians, who were prospering. Many American Negro Indians were killed, many were maimed. Businesses were destroyed, 35 buildings burned down and many homes lost. Roaming bands of armed looters robbed, stole, and destroyed what they could not take. Losses were estimated at minimum $15,000 to as much as $20,000 per household. (equivalent to $440,162 in 2021). Hundreds were left homeless. No compensation was ever received and nobody went to jail. Them dang gon “Irish” again, huh? Notice the pattern? There is one. Foreigners, in conjunction with organized guidance, became, have become, the foot soldiers in this inter-generational debacle. Notice that the American Negro Indians had businesses, property, land, farms, all and sundry. How did SLAVES gain all of this? They did not because under LAW, slaves cannot own property. So again, another indicator that the Africa-slave narrative is a concoction, among a plethora of manifest concoctions. American Negro Indians had it all financially, land and estates; and through a slow process, over 200 years, one hit here, another hit there, the entire estate and all attached thereto has been obscured from the minds of the American Negro Indians and pre colonials within the states united. The population “re-educated,” the records, history, academia, “reconstructed,” and now the entire realm believes the lies that seated the devil and his disciples, to whom one will know by their works. The real “African,” SYMBOLICALLY, is the Eastern European, not us. My GREAT Grand Mothers, from Opelousas, did not arrive here on a boat FROM ANYWHERE. All of them were here, established on record, before any of “this madness” started.
New York City Draft Riots, 1863
See above, same ole suspects, same result. Niggers got robbed, murdered and displaced. The “civil war,” the run up to it, and all of its theatrics, riots and such, were just a cover to murder, displace and replace the pre-colonial “Americans” of all races. The first phase was, after immigration, to blend in with the pre-colonial Whites, subvert them via fraternal groups, and gain their support. Phase 2 would be to destroy the American Negro Indian, FIRST, build total infrastructure while under the cover of whiteness, then when complete, destroy the pre-colonial , trusting Whites who thought they were safe, Negro Indians, Brown and all comers who oppose the evil. The blue print utilized, “rinse and repeat,” until this day.
Memphis Riot, 1866
The Memphis massacre was a series of violent attacks by White “foreigners” that occurred from May 1 to 3, 1866 in Memphis, Tennessee. The attacks were fomented by political, fraternal and social racist groups after the “Civil War,” in the early portion of the historical “Reconstruction,” aka, “lies.” After a shooting battle between White “fraternal controlled” policemen and American Negro Indian veterans fresh out of the Yankee Army, gangs of White residents, foreigners, and policemen rampaged through American Negro Indian neighborhoods and their houses, attacking, murdering veteran soldiers and civilians alike. Most of the neighborhoods were burned to the ground. According to a congressional report, “46-50 people were killed, 75 people injured, over 100 persons robbed, 5 women raped, and 91 homes, 4 churches and 8 schools, every one, torched in the community.” In modern money, estimated property losses at over $100,000, suffered mostly by American Negro Indians. Many Negro Indians people fled the city permanently and by 1870 there were only 25% left. Mission accomplished. Another sector of the country cleared.
Pulaski* Tennessee Race Riot, 1868
In 1865, White Confederate veterans had founded the Ku Klux Klan, a secret, racist, evil, vigilante organization, in Pulaski. The participants operated in groups, mostly under cover of darkness, in efforts to drive American Negro Indians out, destroy their businesses and claim their property. It was claimed a “business dispute” caused the “riot,” as espoused below, but clear minds know better. Why? Because any excuse is better than none, and historically no matter what the reason the American Indians are the ones who suffer the violent reprisals. Supposed cattle theft, “murder the entire tribe.” “Indian depredations” as they called it, “Kill all of them, forthwith.” Then steal the territory after the extermination.
Bureau RF & AL Office Sub. Asst. Comr. Nashville, Tenn. Jany 11/68
Bvt. Maj. Genl. W. P. Carlin
Asst. Comr. Tenn.
In obedience to your instructions of the Asst .Comr. I proceeded to Pulaski*, Tenn. on the 9th inst. to investigate the riot and murder at that place of Orange Rhodes and the wounding of several others on the 7th inst. The riot was commenced by Calvin Lamberth (white). After a thorough investigation I find the following to be the facts.Some time last summer a feud originated between Calvin Lamberth (white) and Calvin Carter (col'd) about some matter of trade and which left a disagreeable feeling between the parties but as it was a small and trifling matter no difficulty arose from it. The immediate origin of the riot was from Calvin Carter (col'd) interfering with a colored strumpet, Lucy Reynolds, kept by Calvin Lamberth (white). Calvin Carter (col'd) had threatened to whip said Lucy Reynolds if he caught her going to Lamberth's house. Whitlock Fields (col'd) was with Carter at the time Carter said he would whip the woman. The woman Lucy Reynolds who frequented Lamberth's store at unseasonable hours informed Lamberth what had been said by Carter and Whitlock Fields. On the 7th inst. Lamberth (white) was hunting Carter (col'd), stating he would kill him on sight, and about 9 o'clock on that morning he (Lamberth) went into John Carter's grocery store still looking for said Calvin Carter (col'd) and having a stick in his hand but failed to find him. About 1 o'clock in the day Lamberth with John Kennedy and two other friends went into and stood in front of John Carter's grocery with pistols in their hands. The town Constable N. Amit(?) dispersed them. In about half an hour after, Lamberth (white) again went over to the grocery with a stick in one hand and a pistol in the other & stood in front looking for Calvin Carter. Whitlock Fields stood in Washington Rhodes house and told Calvin Carter (col'd) that Lamberth (white) was coming -- without further provocation Lamberth then shot at Whitlock Fields twice and then in return Fields snapped a cap -- his pistol would not go off. Immediately upon the firing the young men of the town ran out of their several houses carrying double barrel shot guns & pistols already loaded for the occasion and drew up in front of John Carter's grocery store in line. The Negroes who were in the grocery store numbering eight (8) attempted to defend themselves, a few of them having pistols. The whites who were in line then made a general attack firing volleys into the house. At this time Mr. Malone was trying to quell the disturbance and told the Negroes that the whites had promised to keep back if they would keep quiet. Under Mr. Malone's advice the Negroes crowded back into a heap in the house and doorway and as they were thus huddled together the whites rushed up and again fired into them. The results of this volley was the killing and wounding of the following colored men. Orange Rhodes mortally. Calvin Carter supposed mortally. Ben Nelson severely. Tom Butler severely. John Carter slightly. Calvin Carter slightly. None of the whites were injured. There were 18 white men firing into the colored at 10 paces distance. Orange Rhodes killed was known to be both by white & black one of the best col'd men in the county, being orderly quiet and peaceable. The Mayor, Town Constable Mr. Richardson and Mr. Malone deserve great credit for their exertion in quelling the riot and ran the risk of their lives in doing so. Some of the white men engaged in this were Calvin Lamberth, John Kennedy, McLamore, James Taylor Jr., McKinny, Sterling Payne, Robt. Moore, Black Richardson, May Ezell, McCrea, Percy and Ed Black. The white men waiving an examination were placed under bonds of $1500.00 each to appear before the criminal court. From all the facts and evidence that could be obtained it is evident that this difficulty was sought and brought on by Lamberth and that the parties who aided and assisted him were prepared and ready for such an emergency. There being only 8 Negroes and a few of them armed proves, contrary to the assertion made, that they were not prepared for the murderous assault made. Circumstances further prove that the white men acted upon this occasion from preparation and precedented action for in an instant after the first firing by Lamberth, 18 white men drew up in line in front of the store prepared for action. From the readiness in which these men attended upon this occasion it could only be done by an organization well matured and drilled. There is reason to believe and circumstances & affidavits warrant the belief that such organization is in existence & that is called the Ku Klux Klan, having for its end the expulsion of loyal men whites and blacks from the counties of Giles & Maury and thus terrorizing similar to that which was general in this county about the breaking out of the rebellion. The parties, numbers & instituting of such clan is not as yet definitely known, but sufficient of the clan and its intentions is known however as to warrant its prompt suppression.
I am General
Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servt.
Michael Walsh
Sub. Asst. Comr.
Fun Fact: KKK- K is the 11th letter of the alphabet. 11 X 3 = 33.
*Pulaski was a “Eastern European” from WARSAW, who was brought over by Franklin to help destroy the pre colonials and American Indians. He was definitely a high ranking usual suspect.
Camilla Massacre, 1868
According to Wikipedia, “The massacre followed the expulsion of the Original 33 black members of the Georgia General Assembly earlier that month. Among those expelled was southwest Georgia representative Philip Joiner. On September 19, Joiner led a twenty-five-mile march of several hundred blacks (freedmen), as well as a few whites, from Albany, Georgia, to Camilla, the Mitchell County seat, to attend a Republican political rally on the courthouse square. Estimates of the number of participants range from 150 to 300. The local sheriff and "citizens committee"[Guess who?] in the majority-white town warned the black and white activists that they would be met with violence, and demanded that they surrender their guns, even though carrying weapons was legal and customary at the time. The marchers refused to give up their guns and continued to the courthouse square, where a group of local whites, quickly deputized by the sheriff, fired upon them. This assault forced the Republicans and freedmen to retreat into the swamps as locals gave chase, killing an estimated nine to fifteen of the black rally participants while wounding forty others. "Whites proceeded through the countryside over the next two weeks, beating and warning Negroes that they would be killed if they tried to vote in the coming election." The Camilla Massacre was the culmination of smaller acts of anti-Black violence committed by white inhabitants that had plagued southwest Georgia since the end of the Civil War. The massacre received national publicity, prompted Congress to return Georgia to military occupation, and was a factor in the 1868 U.S. presidential election. The Camilla Massacre remained part of southwest Georgia's hidden past until 1998, when Camilla residents publicly acknowledged the massacre for the first time and commemorated its victims." (Wiki cited. Deep dive not necessary)
Opelousas Massacre, 1868 (St. Landry's Parish)
My Family. Same ole suspects, same ole objective. Democrats in collusion with fraternal groups murdering whole cloth and annexing lands to themselves. Basically clearing “another sector” for the usual group and suspects. Additionally, this action was “prepped” or “prepared for action” long before 1868. The usual suspects wanted St. Landry's riches and they knew they had to get rid of those domiciled there, inter alia, my family, who were wealthy American Negro “Ishak-Attakapa” Indians. Long before the actual orchestrated assault of Opelousas in 1868, the devils in St. Landry had a plot, to wit, “The Black Code of St. Landry’s Parish, Louisiana,” 1865. This plot, made up “codes,” administrative law if you will, did not have any basis in LAW, yet the devils used it to destroy an entire “region” of people and their prosperity, including my family. Most of it is blatantly unconstitutional. It is as follows:
AN ORDINANCE relative to the police of negroes recently emancipated within the parish of St. Landry.
Whereas it was formerly made the duty of the police jury to make suitable regulations for the police of slaves within the limits of the parish; and whereas slaves have become emancipated by the action of the ruling powers; and whereas it is necessary for public order, as well as for the comfort and correct deportment of said freedmen, that suitable regulations should be established for their government in their changed condition, the following ordinances are adopted, with the approval of the United States military authorities commanding in said parish, viz:
SECTION 1. Be it ordained by the police jury of the parish of St. Landry, That no negro shall be allowed to pass within the limits of said parish without a special permit in writing from his employer. Whoever shall violate this provision shall pay a fine of two dollars and fifty cents, or in default thereof shall be forced to work four days on the public road, or suffer corporeal punishment as provided hereinafter.
SECTION 2. Be it further ordained, That every negro who shall be found absent from the residence of his employer after 10 o'clock at night, without a written permit from his employer, shall pay a fine of five dollars, or in default thereof, shall be compelled to work five days on the public road, or suffer corporeal punishments as hereinafter provided.
SECTION 3. Be it further ordained, That no negro shall be permitted to rent or keep a house within said parish. Any negro violating this provision shall be immediately ejected and compelled to find an employer; and any person who shall rent, or give the use of any house to any negro, in violation of this section, shall pay a fine of five dollars for each offence.
SECTION 4. Be it further ordained, That every negro is required to be in the regular service of some white person, or former owner, who shall be held responsible for the conduct of said negro. But said employer or former owner may permit said negro to hire his own time by special permission in writing, which permission shall not extend over seven days at any one time. Any negro violating the provisions of this section shall be fined five dollars for each offence, or in default of the payment thereof shall be forced to work five days on the public road, or suffer corporeal punishment as hereinafter provided.
SECTION 5. Be it further ordained, That no public meetings or congregations of negroes shall be allowed within said parish after sunset; but such public meetings and congregations may be held between the hours of sunrise and sunset, by the special permission in writing of the captain of patrol, within whose beat such meetings shall take place. This prohibition, however, is not intended to prevent negroes from attending the usual church services, conducted by white ministers and priests. Every negro violating the provisions of this section shall pay a fine of five dollars, or in default thereof shall be compelled to work five days on the public road, or suffer corporeal punishment as hereinafter provided.
SECTION 6. Be it further ordained, That no negro shall be permitted to preach, exhort, or otherwise declaim to congregations of colored people, without a special permission in writing from the president of the police jury. Any negro violating the provisions of this section shall pay a fine of ten dollars, or in default thereof shall be forced to work ten days on the public road, or suffer corporeal punishment as hereinafter provided.
SECTION 7. Be it further ordained, That no negro who is not in the military service shall be allowed to carry fire-arms, or any kind of weapons, within the parish, without the special written permission of his employers, approved and indorsed by the nearest or most convenient chief of patrol. Any one violating the provisions of this section shall forfeit his weapons and pay a fine of five dollars, or in default of the payment of said fine, shall be forced to work five days on the public road, or suffer corporeal punishment as hereinafter provided.
SECTION 8. Be it further ordained, That no negro shall sell, barter, or exchange any articles of merchandise or traffic within said parish without the special written permission of his employer, specifying the articles of sale, barter or traffic. Any one thus offending shall pay a fine of one dollar for each offence, and suffer the forfeiture of said articles, or in default of the payment of said fine shall work one day on the public road, or suffer corporeal punishment as hereinafter provided.
SECTION 9. Be it further ordained, That any negro found drunk within the said parish shall pay a fine of five dollars, or in default thereof shall work five days on the public road, or suffer corporeal punishment as hereinafter provided.
SECTION 10. Be it further ordained, That all the foregoing provisions shall apply to negroes of both sexes.
SECTION 11. Be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of every citizen to act as a police officer for the detection of offences and the apprehension of offenders, who shall be immediately handed over to the proper captain or chief of patrol.
SECTION 12. Be it further ordained, That the aforesaid penalties shall be summarily enforced, and that it shall be the duty of the captains and chiefs of patrol to see that the aforesaid ordinances are promptly executed.
SECTION 13. Be it further ordained, That all sums collected from the aforesaid fines shall be immediately handed over to the parish treasurer.
SECTION 14. Be it further ordained, That the corporeal punishment provided for in the foregoing sections shall consist in confining the body of the offender within a barrel placed over his or her shoulders, in the manner practiced in the army, such confinement not to continue longer than twelve hours, and for such time within the aforesaid limit as shall be fixed by the captain or chief of patrol who inflicts the penalty.
SECTION 15. Be it further ordained, That these ordinances shall not interfere with any municipal or military regulations inconsistent with them within the limits of said parish.
SECTION 16. Be it further ordained, That these ordinances shall take effect five days after their publication in the Opelousas Courier.”
U. S. Congress, Senate Executive Document No. 2, 39th Congress, 1st Session, (Washington, D. C.: G.P.O., 1865), 93-94.
Digest that. Imagine being treated like that in your own land by a group of foreigners who had not been in this land 50 years. My family has been here, on this land, Opelousas, and soil since at least 12 THOUSAND years before the nativity of Christ. Now, imagine being “forced” by violence into fairy tale land, and then reduced to poverty? In your own land.
The Meridian Race Riot, 1871
According to Wikipedia, “It followed the arrest of freedmen accused of inciting riot in a downtown fire, and blacks' organizing for self-defense. Although the local Ku Klux Klan (KKK) chapter had attacked freedmen since the end of the Civil War, generally without punishment, the first local arrest under the 1870 act to suppress the Klan was of a freedman. This angered the black community. During the trial of black leaders, the presiding judge was shot in the courtroom, and a gunfight erupted that killed several people. In the ensuing mob violence, whites killed as many as 30 blacks over the next few days. Democrats drove the Republican mayor from office, and no person was charged or tried in the freedmen's deaths. The Meridian riot was related to widespread postwar violence by whites to drive Reconstruction Republicans from office and restore white supremacy. Although the Enforcement Acts helped suppress the Klan at this time, the Meridian riot marked a turning point in Mississippi violence. By 1875 other white paramilitary groups arose; the Red Shirts suppressed black voting by intimidation, and their efforts led to a Democratic Party victory in state elections. Within two years a national political compromise was reached, and the federal government withdrew its military forces from the South in 1877.”
Any excuse is better than none, “objective complete.”
Chicot County Race War, 1871
In late 1871, Chicot County was protected by several hundred Indian Negro Americans, and Judge James W. Mason. The murder of American Negro Indian lawyer Wathal, angered the men who went to the jail, took possession of the murderer and took over the area. The White residents fled, by boat to Memphis, Tennessee. Prior to the Civil War, Chicot County was one of the most prosperous in the state, in terms of trade. Large plantations owned by “Americans” lined Lake Chicot, with lots of cotton, corn, and fruit. The Civil War, affected the county’s economy, as designed. The county was home to politician James W. Mason, who was supported wholeheartedly by both the governor and the well to do Republican establishment. Mason was well educated. Mason was postmaster of the Sunnyside Post Office (1867–1871), the first documented American Negro Indian postmaster in the United States. He served in the Arkansas Senate from 1868 to 1869 and from 1871 to 1872. He had helped his father to reclaim his land after the war, and when the sheriff refused to obey an order by him, Mason had him put in jail, assembled a militia of American Negro Indians, and drove the Sheriff out of town. Mason “brought into town four hundred armed Negroes and went for the whole crew.” Mason, despite opposition and threats of violence retained his political power. He was county sheriff in 1872. In March 1873, the state legislature drafted a constitutional amendment which would grant political rights to all former Confederates. It was approved and there was a return to Democratic rule, KKK style. Mason was sent to trial for his participation in the events. After several weeks, he was released on a writ of habeas corpus. He died of unknown causes in 1875.[Most likely poisoned]
The Black Hawk War 1872
The New York World [NEWS MEDIA] of October 24, 1872, referred to the incidents, as “a foray of infuriated blacks armed to the teeth, and led on by a scoundrel carpet-bagger upon a town, with avowed intent to slay the men and violate the women thereof.” That was all that was needed. The result was the same. Death, destruction and land grabs by the usual groups and suspects. It's always, “violate the women,” however as history bears witness, there has NEVER been a case of American Negro Indians, “Negros,” wholesale raping anyone in the states united, at any time. With foreigners, not so much. They have violently ravaged, and murdered our beautiful men, women, and children of the Americas.
The Colfax Massacre, 1873
Easter Sunday, April 13, 1873, in Colfax, Louisiana, seat of Grant Parish. An estimated 60–180 American Negro Indian militia men were murdered while surrendering to a mob of former Confederate soldiers and members of the Ku Klux Klan. After the 1872 election for governor of Louisiana and local administrative offices, a group of the usual suspects, armed with long guns and a cannon overpowered the men and militia occupying the Grant Parish courthouse. Most of the men were murdered after surrendering after promise of no hostility, and another 50 were murdered later that night after being held as prisoners for several hours. Estimates of the number of dead have varied over the years, ranging from 60 to 180. The true the number of victims was difficult to determine because many bodies were thrown into the Red River, burned, or removed for burial, possibly at mass graves. Same ole group, same ole soup.
Clinton (Mississippi) Riot, 1875
“Freedmen,” a code for American Negro Indians, first began voting in Mississippi in 1867. In Clinton, families of American Negro Indian Republicans gathered at a place called, “Moss Hill.” Attendance at Moss Hill was about 1,500 to 2,500, mostly all Negro Indians and their families who gathered to have a picnic. There was also seventy-five or so white persons present, of whom 19 or so were armed with guns and intoxicated. White Liners, they were called, basically a paramilitary armed militia unit of the Mississippi Democratic Party consisting of ex-Confederate soldiers and their descendants. You know, same suspects, different day. False rumors of an American Negro Indian plot to storm the town started, and Clinton’s mayor called up the usual fraternal groups. Hundreds of White Liners traveled on trains to Clinton. “They [the White Liners], “just hunted the whole country clean out, just every man they could see they were shooting at him just the same as birds.” Sarah Dickey, a white teacher, later described the scene, writing to President Grant proclaiming, “I was at the republican mass meeting, held at this place [Clinton]. . . . [T]he democrats, who were on the ground, went there for the express purpose of creating a disturbance and of killing as many as they could. . . . You hear a great deal about the massacre at Clinton, but you do not hear the worst. It cannot be told.” (Rounded up & killed)
White “liners.” This time. By many names you shall know them.
Hamburg Massacre, 1876
The Hamburg Massacre aka Red Shirt Massacre was a riot in the American Negro Indian town, Hamburg, South Carolina, in the run up to the last election of the so called, “Reconstruction.” It was the one of a host of violent “rampages” plotted up on and acted upon by the same ole suspects, and White Democrats in the Republican District, of which the American Negro Indian was the majority, with the specific aim of the “same ole same ole,” and using mayhem and violence to do it. Supposed started over a dispute about free passage on a public road, any excuse better than none, and the rest, as history has proven, is a wrap. A sham court hearing was held and the usual suspects, White "rifle clubs," the "Red Shirts,” rode down on the court house. 100 Red Shirts, communists perhaps, attacked 36 American Negro Indians from the National Guard at the armory, killing two. The Red Shirts tortured, murdered four American Negro Indian National Guard prisoners, and wounded several others. 94 white men were indicted for murders, but as usual, none NOT ONE, AGAIN, were prosecuted.
Carroll County Courthouse Massacre, 1886
The Carroll County Courthouse Massacre occurred in Carrollton, the county seat of Carroll County, Mississippi. Earlier in the year another racist provocation led to the bloodshed that left twenty-three people dead. Brothers Ed and Charley Brown, who were American Negro Indians, spilled molassas on a White man, Robert Moore. The next month, Moore told of the incident to James Liddell, a Carrollton lawyer (liar) and Greenwood newspaper editor (media liar), who could not let the molassas incident go. He was too racist and decided to address matter with his group of usual suspects. Liddell confronted the American Negro Indians and accused them of spilling the molasses on Moore on purpose. There was a verbal dispute. Later that night, Liddell rode down on the Americans a second time after rumors they were talking foul about him. This time, the argument ended with gun play and all three men were hit. No one knows who fired first, the Americans pressed charges against Liddell for trying to murder them. Whites in Carrollton were outraged that a, “Nigger,” a Indian, had the nerve, gall, courage, mes rea, self respect, manhood, masculinity, to charge a white person with a crime. That was considered, “uppity.” Can't have those uppity Nigger Indians exercising their standing or rights. There was “another” sham trial, and on the day of the trial, at least 75 White men with guns, the usual suspects, assaulted the courtroom and opened fire on the American Negro Indians (Browns) and the other Indians in the room. Indians tried to escape by jumping out the windows on upper floors but were shot by White men waiting outside the courthouse below. The Brown brothers were killed along with at least 25 other Indians during the premeditated execution. The exact number if how many others died later from bullet wounds is unknown. All victims of the Carroll County massacre were American Negro Indians, no Whites, or usual suspects, including, “Irish” were injured, which for the most part is always the “ending” preferred.
Thibodaux Massacre, 1887
THIS massacre occurred in Thibodaux, Louisiana in 1887. It followed a three-week strike in which more than 10,000 contract indentures protested against the living and working conditions which existed on sugar cane plantations in four parishes. It was the largest strike in the history of the sugar cane industry and it was also the first strike to be conducted by an organized labor union, the Knights of Labor. The state sent the militia to protect strikebreakers from ambush attacks by strikers, and work resumed on some plantations, however, some indentures and their families were evicted from plantations. The local White, usual suspect groups, responded to an ambush of town guards by attacking American Negro Indians and their families. At least 75 American Negro Indians were killed during the next three days and the total body count of killed, wounded, and missing was in the hundreds, and it is one of the most violent, evil, genocide, masquerading as a “labor dispute,” in U.S. history. The victims of the evil, planned, murder included innocent elders, women and children. All of the people who were killed were American Negro Indians, as usual.
New Orleans Dockworkers’ Massacre, 1894-1895
The 1895 New Orleans dockworkers massacre was an armed attack against American Negro Indians, non-union dockworkers by unionized immigrant White workers. It was the same ole suspects, driving out the American Negro from his means of livelihood, which too is a pattern throughout the slave codes and these “incidents.” This incident, like all others, was rooted in the same objectives of the great work, hatred. During this incident a armed gang of 300 hundred Whites attacked a ship being loaded and started firing on American Negro longshoremen. At this scene, and another armed attack on another cotton ship upriver from the first, six were killed and many others displaced or hurt.
Battle of Virden, Illinois, 1898
Another “labor dispute” by the same ole suspects. United Mine Workers of America local ordered a strike at a mine in Virden, Illinois, and hired armed security to escort the American Negro Indians, to start mining production back up. The train security was armed, the striking miners were armed. A shoot out happened and a total of 6 security guards were shot, 9 striking mine workers were killed, with more than 40 wounded. Virden, became a sundown town, and most American Negro Indians were ran out of from Macoupin County. Meanwhile, the Chicago-Virden Coal Company and a few others recruited American Negro Indian miners as strikebreakers. A trainload of potential strike breaking miners pulled into Virden but that train did not stop, and continued North to Springfield, Illinois without incident. A few days later, another train pulled into Virden, loaded with over 100 potential strikebreakers, along with their wives and children, American Negro Indians. The “recruited” or “set up” workers were from Birmingham, Alabama and surrounding areas. The train had security, and made a stop just outside the minehead stockade. The train was surrounded, usual suspects, and shooting from all sides of the train commenced. The American Negro Indians and families were unarmed, of course. 20 minutes of fire started and when the smoke cleared, 30 miners were shot, and 9 killed; 4 guards were killed and five wounded. There were many casualties and injuries not recorded. During the melee of lead the train's engineer pulled away from the minehead, and went North to Springfield, Illinois. The injured and dead were taken off the train. The American Negro Indians were promised medical humanitarian aid, and invited to a local union hall. The following day, the union announced it would not protect the American Negro Indians or give them any care beyond that evening. A pair of American miners tried to run from the union hall but were caught by the White miners, usual suspects, and beat down. A large crowd of the usual suspects gathered at the union hall threatening to lynch the “Niggers,” but Springfield Mayor Loren Wheeler calmed the savages down and attempted to send the American Negro Indian miners back home on the next train. At the station they were abandoned without money, food, medicine, weapons, or warm clothes. Governor Tanner said that if another rail car carried American Negro Indian strikebreakers into the state, he would "shoot it to pieces with Gatling guns.” The captain in charge of the Illinois Guard at Pana promised: "If any Negros are brought into Pana while I am in charge, and if they refuse orders to retreat when ordered to do so, I will order my men to fire. If I lose every man under my command no Negros shall land at Pana." The governor, part of the overall plot, admitted, because he was part of it, that he had no legal authority for his action to prevent strikebreakers, but said that he was “doing the will of the people.” Guess what people? The union and the mine owners eventually agreed to segregate the Virden mines, this way American Negro Indians could be abused. The City of Virden enforced segregation as a sundown town, meaning all, “Niggers Out at Sundown,” until the 1970s. Of the 3,123 miners in Macoupin County in 1908, only 1 American Negro Indian miner was left. See how this goes? All over the South during reconstruction our people were being run out of their trades, their jobs, their farms, their livelihood. The American Negro Indian is in the position today economically because he was never allowed to rise. His base of skills was destroyed, his trades destroyed, his farms destroyed, his businesses destroyed, piece by piece, incident after incident, over time, by the same ole suspects, so nobody would focus in on it. I don't ever want to hear anything about “Niggers” being lazy, because it is manifest how this all went.
Wilmington Race Murders, 1898
Also known as the Wilmington massacre or coup of 1898. It was a coup d'état and mass murder carried out by White, same ole suspects, in Wilmington, North Carolina. The event was a violent overthrow of a duly elected government by a group of the same ole suspects and fraternal groups. The coup happened as a result of a group, same ole suspects, of the state's White Southern Democrats plotting, same blueprint, an armed salivating gang of 2,200 White men, same ole suspects, to violently overthrow the legitimately elected mostly American Negro Indian, pre-colonial White government in Wilmington. The same ole suspects violently expelled lawfully elected opposition political leaders from the city government, destroyed the property of everyone involved and businesses of American Negro Indians and pre colonial Whites that had been there since before the “Civil” war. They destroyed the newspaper belonging to the people and killed upwards of 360 people. This was a violent overthrow of a lawfully elected body politic, supposedly in a “free country,” by a group of evil devils intent on their great work of misery. On the flip side of that, being a student of the quantum levels, I have a firm comprehension, with certitude, of the concept which could best be described to the simple minded as, “Yen and Yang.” This notion of balance, on a quantum level prescribes that along with the great workers of evil, there has to be a great workers of good. The doctrines hijacked, the religions usurped, the nations undermined, the academia dishonored, the North American tribes infiltrated and controlled, all and sundry, is and has been under laser focus, I truly believe, by All Mighty God, and His forces in this realm. I believe truly, the balance will at some point be restored by natural processes that only history, our-story, will unveil.
Newburg, New York Race Riot, 1899 Same ole same, ole usual suspects. Foreigners, Arabs this time, completing with American Negro Indians for brick “mason” jobs. 100-200 participants with weapons. The usual, with “Niggers” losing out.
Robert Charles Riot (New Orleans), 1900
Robert Charles, an “agent” working for the usual suspects, was an “activist” who tried to convince American Negro Indians to abandon their lands (Estates)in Louisiana and move to Liberia. More than likely he was a foreigner who “looked” like an American Negro Indian. It is said he was from “Mississippi,” however I doubt it because he supposedly shot and killed a police officer and escaped. The usual suspects organized a mob and, as usual, hunted down Charles and shot him over 2 hundred times. Then, as usual, the incident was used as an excuse to murder 30-40 American Negro Indians and wound at least 50. You know, the same slow genocide and “another” sector cleared.
New York City Race Riot, 1900 Policeman in civilian clothes, killed while “soliciting” an American Negro Indian woman, by her boyfriend who did not recognize him as a policeman but rather a “trick” fondling the woman. Same ole suspects, in conjunction with the police beating and harming innocents, American Negro Indians, who had nothing to do with the incident.
Arizona Kidnapping 1906
Thousands of abandoned children, called, “the Foundlings” in 1869,
supposedly, “Irish,” were roaming all over New York City. They were
the children of immigrants who had been brought over from mostly
Eastern Europe. There was a famine in 1840, and New York City was a
sewer, literally. The Catholic church has set up a network, a system
if you will, for transporting small children across the states united
via railway. Child trafficking at its finest. Over 300,000 minor
children were transported across the states united into the hands of
unvetted foreigners, who victimized the children in every imaginable
way. Catholic Nuns from New York took children to Clifton and Moren
ci, Arizona in a group of 40 or so in October 1904. The children were
placed in Mexican Catholic homes in Clifton and Morenci. The town
Whites, the usual suspects, were having no part of that. The sight of
American Negro “Mixte” Indians tending to White babies was too much
for their evil, tiny, hearts to bear. The usual suspects, with the
usual “treatment,” as displayed, OVER AND OVER, in this musing, being
dished out. A posse of 25-50 cowards with guns, attacked the homes of
the people housing the children and removed the children by force.
The usual suspects “rolled up” the priest of the area with threats of
lynching, leaving the children to be “hand picked” by the kidnappers,
however the nuns managed to leave with 21 children. The rest of the
children disappeared, never to be seen again. In Morenci, 1,000-
ft. or so away from Clifton, was a sewer, nicknamed, “Hell Town.” It
was dirty, dusty, little hole, full of evil devils, who frequented
the filthy brothel and saloons. It was an open air prison yard of
godless immigrants, and sons of immigrants who attempted to create
their own version of “hell” like they had back home before they “ate
their own.” The town was violent and wild, and racist against any and
all, a pattern of the usual suspects that they brought with them. The
same as now. Additionally, the usual suspects herein, as most, are
not religious people, and in “Hell Town,” 3 churches were destroyed
by fire or flood, as usual. Hell town had bad air, bad water, typhoid
epidemics brought by foreigners, infertility, all and sundry “punish-
ments,” and rightfully so. Anyone of light complexion, European look
or descent was considered alright, but American Negro Indians, of all
hues, and Chinese were killed or ostracized. Traditionally that's
what devils do. According to a “Tucson Citizen” reporter:
"In the street a sheriff sat on horseback, with a revolver, like the
other men. Women called us vile names, and some of them put pistols
to our heads. They said there was no law in that town; that they made
their own laws."
According to the “Arizona Bulletin,” "...sweet, innocent, white Amer
ican babies" sold to "squalid, half-civilized Mexicans of the lowest
The “Foundling” church appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court. In Decem-
ber 1906, the highest court ruled it lacked jurisdiction. President
Theodore Roosevelt (Rosenfeld), after being directed by fraternal
groups such as New York's, “Ancient Order of Hibernians,” ordered the
Attorney General to file a “friend of the court” brief. It was a civ
il matter, as no criminal charges were ever filed against anyone.
Justice Edward Kent, speaking about the kidnappers, "With humanitari-
an impulse, (they) assisted in the rescue of these little children
from the evil into which they had fallen. ... We feel that is for
their (children's) best interests that no change be made in their
custody,” while congratulating the devils who kidnapped the missing
children with such “trolling” as, "Americans" who staged "community
meetings" and "volunteer actions" to remove children from "degraded
half-breed Indians."
Atlanta Race Riot, 1906 Same ole suspects, fearing the rise in political power of the American Negro Indian on September 22, 1906, through September 24, 1906, pulled another violent tantrum, another genocidal stunt. The French “Le Petit Journal,” the Times of France, described the mayhem as, "lynchings in the USA" and "massacre of Negroes in Atlanta." The final body count is unknown, however some report as many as 200 American Negro Indians murdered. They were hanged from poles, lampposts, they were shot, dragged, beat down, hacked or stabbed to death. Innocent American Negro Indians were snatched from street cars, chased down and attacked on sight. Violent, heavily armed, White gangs of the usual suspects, destroyed the homes and businesses of the American Negro Indians invaded black neighborhoods, destroying homes and businesses, with some owners murdered in their shops.. You know, the usual. Additionally, I don't ever want to hear why “Niggers” don't own anything. Why they don't own homes or businesses. Ask “the usual suspects,” why? James G. Woodward, a Democrat, was asked as to the measures taken to prevent a race riot, he replied, “The best way to prevent a race riot depends entirely upon the cause. If your inquiry has anything to do with the present situation in Atlanta then I would say the only remedy is to remove the cause. As long as the black brutes assault our white women, just so long will they be unceremoniously dealt with." So, there it is, the usual suspects, with their ultimate solution mentioned “over and over” in their writing, “Get rid of the Niggers.” Murder them, or whatever you have to do. That's how “the evil” gets down.
Springfield, Illinois Race Riot, 1908
This massacre of 1908 consisted of numerous violent war actions com-
mitted against American Negro Indians by a ravenous, evil, gang of 5-
6 thousand Whites, fraternal groups and foreigners, the usual sus-
pects, in Springfield, Illinois, on August 14-16, 1908. Two American
Negro Indians were accused of raping and killing 2 woman and their
father. The Sheriff transferred them out of the jail and the usual
suspects went berserk. The usual suspects used the arrest as an ex-
cuse to “ONCE AGAIN” fan out and attack neighborhoods, murder people
in the streets, burn down homes and destroyed businesses, same pat-
tern. The state militia was called out. Before the Civil War there
had been some tolerance for relationships between American Negro In-
dians and women of other races. When the “war” against the Indians
was over, keeping the races separate, and at each others throats, was
necessary in keeping the evil hierarchy of the usual suspects in
tact. That way the American Negro Indian would never return to social
and economic competition with Whites. With open, socially exceptable
chants, such as, "Curse the day that Lincoln freed the Niggers," "No
Niggers in Springfield," and "Kill 'em on sight! You know how it
went. Rinse repeat, over and over. Indians by the Hundreds dead,
White armed rampage, Indian town destroyed, Indian businesses de-
stroyed, and American Negro Indians exile, by force, off of their es-
tates. More “abandoned” land for the foreigners to claim. Go back and
tally the acreage “abandoned” as a result of the “riots” and other
incidents described herein. It is millions of acres, “abandoned” un-
der duress, under threat of violence, that now is in possession by
the descendants of the foreigners who murdered the holders of the
land in due course. No one questions the life they have been “hand
ed.” No one dares ask.
The Slocum Massacre, 1910
Slocum, Texas, is near Palestine in East Texas. The usual suspects
accused the American Negro Indians of planning an “uprising.” They
put out a call to White men from other counties to help them and they
sent their families to churches or schools for protection before
gathering a mob in hunt of Indians. They stocked up on guns, ammu-
nition, and gassed themselves up on alcohol. The violence began when
a group of the usual suspects confronted a group of teenagers. Most
of the teens got away, but one was caught and murdered, a child, by
the devils. They soon formed armed gangs, 50 usual suspects or more,
throughout Anderson County. The groups infested Indian neighborhoods
and tried, with guns, to kill any American Negro Indian they came in
contact with. Some were shot as they tried to flee through the for-
est. It was a “one way” shooting gallery This went on for 16 hours.
Sheriff William H. Black said, "Men were going about killing Negroes as fast as they could find them, and, so far as I was able to ascertain, without any real cause" He also described it as “There was just a hot-headed gang hunting them down and killing them.…They were just hunting the negroes down like sheep."
Newspapers all over Texas and the U.S. stated that the conflict in
Anderson County was started by American Negro Indians. This caused
more armed violence towards Americans. The New York Times reported,
"Score of Negroes Killed by Whites."
In spite of efforts by American Negro Indians to draw attention to
the crime, the federal government did nothing. No one went to jail,
although several were identified and arrested. The Whites involved in
the murders and other crimes destroyed all evidence against them and
went unpunished. The federal government was not trying to hear any of
it. As a result, the American Negro Indian population in Slocum,
Texas, and the area declined with “jets”, as many left, abandoning
their lands in fear of their lives, and rightfully so. Another clean
“skate” by the usual suspects, another sector cleared.
East St. Louis Race Riot, 1917 This “stunt” was a series of labor disputes, again, and racist violence by White, usual suspects, who murdered between 50 and 300 or more American Negro Indians, in May and July 1917. 6 -7 thousand were left homeless, and the destruction of homes and Indian owned businesses cost about $8.46 million in 2021 dollars. The multi-day, murderous, assault was described as the "worst case of labor-related violence in 20th-century American history." 1 to 4 thousand White men marched into downtown and started attacking American Negro Indians on the street, in businesses, streetcars, anywhere and started torching buildings. The devils beat and shot, at random, on the street anything moving, including women and children. They cut the water hoses of the fire department, burned entire sections of the city and innocent families as they escaped the flames. A reporter from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch wrote: "For an hour and a half last evening I saw the massacre of helpless Negroes at Broadway and Fourth Street, in downtown East St. Louis, where black skin was death warrant.”
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported, “All the impartial witnesses agree that the police were either indifferent or encouraged the barbarities, and that the major part of the National Guard was indifferent or inactive. No organized effort was made to protect the Negroes or disperse the murdering groups. The lack of frenzy and of a large infuriated mob made the task easy. Ten determined officers could have prevented most of the outrages. One hundred men acting with authority and vigor might have prevented any outrage.”
The police chief estimated that 100 had been killed. (NAACP) estimated deaths at 100–200. I believe them to be at least 300. They always under count the actual victims.
Chester, Pennsylvania Race Riot, 1917 This took place over four days in July 1917. This incident “again” was started by a Negro Indian and his woman walking in a White neighborhood and bumped into a White couple on the sidewalk. There was an argument, which led to a fight, which led to the death of the White man. As payback, huge groups of armed, usual suspects, attacked innocent Negro Indians, and destroyed the property of those who were not involved with the initial incident. This went on for four days as Whites, their police supporters and Negro Indians battled back and forth. The Pennsylvania National Guard, Pennsylvania State Police, horse mounted police, and a “posse” finally quelled the riot. The riot resulted in 7 deaths, all Indians, 28 gunshot wounds, 360 arrests and hundreds of hospitalizations. Mutual combat, although racially motivated, probably one of the more “organic” incidents. The orchestrated “operations” have a different “flavor” if you will. This is just plain ole, “gang banging” in events. When the devils are involved there is plenty of “fire,” murder, property destruction, businesses looted, and American Negro Indian displacement. Again, this seems to just be racially motivated gang actions, although I am sure the usual suspects “twisted a win” out of it some kinda way.
Houston Mutiny and Race Riot, 1917
This was a mutiny and rampage by 156 soldiers from the 24th Infantry Regiment of the U.S. Army, on August 23, 1917, in Houston, Texas. Open racial hostility from the White Houston Police Department, full of the usual suspects, against the Houston Negro Indian community and U.S. Army Negro Indians soldiers at Camp Logan started it all. There was an incident where the usual suspect police officers arrested and beat down a few Negro Indian soldiers, and the other Negro Indians were not having it. They marched to Houston, opened fire upon the usual suspects, killed 10 civilians and 5 of the Houston policemen. 5 Negro Indian soldiers were also killed. The soldiers were tried at three courts-martial hearings. 19 were executed by hanging by the U.S. Army, and 41 were sentenced to life in prison. See how this goes? Racists in police uniforms, with civilian authority, evil people, who refuse to just leave innocent people alone, antagonize a group of “U.S. Military” soldiers protecting a camp, pistol whip a “soldier” and terrorize the innocent Negro Indian community in Houston, with no regard for THE LAW or anything else, save their own fraternal dogma; and when the “men” of the unit saw that the “civilian police” had no respect or regard for the uniform, what it stood for, whose authority it operated on, or the Niggers that wore it. They had no regard for the jurisdiction of the U.S. Army, its property, bases or its power. The fraternal “jurisdiction” of those police was all that mattered, the only law that mattered, and the innocent community at large, of those Nigger soldiers, would have no bearing on that fact. After standing up to manifest racial hatred and physical abuse, like men are supposed to, the soldiers marched back to their posts and offered no further violence. To the military it did not matter how bad the usual suspects treated the Niggers, as long as they accepted it. The message, “Don't you Niggers ever stand up to defend yourself.” Thus the U.S. Army hung them, just like they hung the father of Emmit Till.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Race Riot, 1918
In Philadelphia, a local gang of the usual suspects, had been terrorizing the American Negro Indians of the neighborhood. A large gang of the usual suspects, and Negro Indians went at it. The angry gang then broke open the door of a home to eject a George Grahm, a Negro Indian and his family who had only been there a week. The Philadelphia Inquirer stated, “the South Philadelphia “race war” involved 5,000 combatants and had metastasized into “the most terrific and bitter race riot that has ever taken place in this city.” The area covered 2 square miles and resulted in massive destruction to property. The Philidelphia Inquirer stating, “Federal street was a seething mass of black and white bodies, swinging from one side of the street to the other.” Funny how foreigners kill and displace an entire region of Negro Indians, then a hundred years later get mad when the descendants of those displaced want to move home where they come from. Can't have that. “Once displaced, always displaced,” the usual suspects are vengeful.
Charleston (South Carolina) Riot, 1919 This “one” happened between members of the US Navy and the local Negro Indians. The sailors attacked Negro Indians, homes, businesses, and anything murdering 7 and injuring 40 or more. A group of White sailors felt they had been cheated by a Negro Indian and when they could not find him, they attacked innocent Negro Indians, Americans, at random.
Within an hour, word of the attack had spread to the Charleston Naval Yard and carloads of armed sailors poured into the area. More than 1,000 sailors, and dozens of White civilians joined in. The sailors stole guns in town and they attacked innocent Negro Indians, businesses, homes, and anything they could. "For a time the rioters practically had possession of the downtown streets.”
Trolley poles were pulled down and the innocent Negro Indians on the cars were viciously assaulted. One Negro Indian was shot down as he was ejected off a trolley car. As usual, nobody went to jail. This incident, like most, if not all of the others was part of the states united “Red” revolution, which was a ruse. It was Bolshevism, disguised as everything and everybody else, by the usual suspects.
“The Red Summer” was in mid-1919 during which the usual suspects rampaged, pillaged, stole land, stole names, raped and murdered their way across the states united in over 40 actual cities and many other municipalities. During the Red Scare of 1919–20, and post the Russian Revolution of 1917. There was an anti-Bolshevik sentiment in the states united and it provided the perfect “cover” for the usual suspects, who had just pulled of the Bolshevik genocide, to attempt another genocide in the states united. The political parties were on board, the media, the usual suspects, academia, and it launched the start of a “fabricated,” contrived “red scare.” The “red scare” would be the perfect excuse to first vilify, and then assault the American Negro Indians. It worked in Russia, maybe it would work here? Nope. The government used the excuse that the American Negro Indian was being uppity, a “Red,” because of the advocacy of equity, and self defense in society to create the narrative so that the population would accept the destruction of the “Reds,” as in “Red Skin, as in American Negro Indian, as in “Red Scare.” In March 1919, President Woodrow Wilson said, "the American Negro returning from abroad would be our greatest medium in conveying Bolshevism to America. "Why would Wilson say that? Because he knew that the returning veterans with combat experience would no longer accept the great work of the evil that was seeking to over throw the states united and after surviving the “set up” in France to kill them, WW1, the American Negro Indians and pre colonial Whites were going to be a obstacle to the plot. J. Edgar Hoover, blamed the Washington, D.C., plots on "numerous assaults committed by Negroes upon White women.” For the October plot in Arkansas, he blamed "certain local agitation in a Negro lodge". The usual suspects, this time agitators from another fraternal group gets innocents harmed. During this same period, WEB Du Bois, a foreigner, “colored civil rights leader,” was out fanning the flames and gassing up the community on both sides with rebel rousing, inflammatory “Nigger” writings. Reflect back, He was involved with Margaret Sanger of Planned Parenthood, “the” American Negro Indian exterminator, as part of the “Negro Project.” (American Negro Indian Project) What possible “project” could an abortion provider have? Critical deduction, “Project American Negro Indian Extermination.” Du Bois's entire career exemplifies, clearly, the spire of past academic “agents,” who infiltrated the American Negro community and sold it out whole cloth. Yet he is raised as a hero. Hero of what Hero of the usual suspects, that's all.
Longview Race Riot, 1919
Whites, along with the usual suspects, attacked Negro Indian areas of town, killed a few, burned down several properties, including the house of a teacher and a doctor. No one was prosecuted, or went to jail, although numerous Whites and Negro Indians were arrested. The Negro Indians were taken to Austin for their “safety,” their lands abandoned, again, because of threats to lynch them. They were told to never come back, they most likely did not.
Washington, D.C. Riot, 1919
Armed White men, most of them in the U.S. Military, spent 4 days destroying the businesses, homes and property of American Negro Indians on the “rumor” that a Negro Indian raped a White woman. You know, the same ole soup warmed over and the usual suspects. Innocent Negro Indians everywhere in the vicinity of the phantom incident were attacked, beat, snatched off of trolleys, and chased down. When the police refused, AGAIN, to get involved the American Negro Indians took up arms to defend themselves. The city was shut down while the local media, the same ole suspects, fanned the flames of mayhem with their propaganda and the Washington Post calling for a “mobilization of a clean up operation.” The same ole suspects utilizing the same stale excuses to destroy an entire civilization of American Negro Indians. Through the use of terror, public school, clergy, media, and psy-ops, all of the madness and genocide contained herein would be “mind washed” away and the American Negro Indian would become the Nigger from African, the former slave, who had nothing and will have nothing because he or she is a savage. Please name one incident in the areas described herein where American Negro Indians have ever slaughtered innocent Whites in cities or rural areas? There are not that many, if any at all. See, the key to keeping this illusion going of the Nigger savage, is to keep foreigners, who look like American Negro Indians, in the spotlight as “influencers” of the real Negro Indians. Rappers, criminals, music, dope dealers, sports, and of course a constant loop of everything foul on video, via media, that American Negro Indians do. No one takes into account of the traumatic history described herein, or the decades of drugs deliberately sent to Negro Indians, or the pounding of propaganda from public school, criminal justice, poverty, false religious doctrines, all and sundry that has been leveled against upright, innocent, good, honest, patriotic people of the land. In 2023 only the result is seen. Read the incorporated material and rationally deduce, pragmatically, logically, without emotion, “What exactly would anyone expect to be the result of generations of terror, psychological operations, oppression, created poverty, church operations and the genocide of your people?” Niggers acting up is just a byproduct. Most are non compos mentis, by design.
The entire ugly story has been hidden from the ears of men, however the trauma has been passed via DNA to the descendants of this enormity, and, I believe, what the population is witnessing is the DNA expression of Niggers, and pre colonials “lashing out” against the “thing,” the matrix, that they do not comprehend in their intellect, but that is ever present in their being, with the reaction by them of like past traumas. In other words, “The people are at war, a subconscious war, a war that was fought by their ancestors.” People know the enemy, their very being intimates it to them, but via the trappings of the material realm, and the “total programming” they are unable to identify the enemy or abate it in a peaceful way, within themselves, or without. It is this lack of identification that has allowed the evil to harness this “energy” from the American Negro Indians and direct it towards all that is destructive or evil, available for display online.
In the Washington, D.C. Riot, of 1919, 15 to 20 people died, Whites and Negro Indians. Over 201 were injured in some way. This was one of the only incident where Negro Indian fatalities was less than the usual suspects.
A telegram of protest from the NAACP, another front company for the usual suspects agenda, whining to President Woodrow Wilson, “...the shame put upon the country by the mobs, including United States soldiers, sailors, and marines, which have assaulted innocent and unoffending Negroes in the national capital. Men in uniform have attacked Negroes on the streets and pulled them from streetcars to beat them. Crowds are reported ...to have directed attacks against any passing negro....” They went on to beg for help from Wilson, not knowing he too was compromised, a pawn, controlled by the usual suspects.
American Negro Indians were violently attacked at the White House, in front of President Wilson's HQ, the Washington Post , and surrounding areas. As usual no one was arrested, at least 60 people were murdered with many hundreds displaced from their homes and property.
Woodrow Wilson stated thus, “I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world - no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.” So for the NAACP to believe, for one nanosecond, that Wilson would help them is absurd and asinine on its face. The NAACP letter was just a psy-op, directed towards the public, in an attempt to build bona fidis in the American Negro Indian community. Bear in mind, the usual suspects, had “touched” Wilson in “that funny kinda way,” to wit, Wilson knew the treachery that was being leveled in the silent foreign overthrow of the states united by the usual suspects mentioned herein, and he stated it plainly,
“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it...The government, which was designed for the people, has got into the hands of the bosses and their employers, the special interests. An invisible empire has been set up above the forms of democracy.” Unumquodque quid est.
Chicago Race Riot, 1919
Another violent racially motivated incident between the usual suspects and American Negro Indians. It lasted about a week with about 40 people dead. 25 Negro Indians and 15 Whites, over 600 people were injured with 2/3 of the injuries being Negro Indians. Over 2000 Negro Indians lost their homes or property and it is considered one of the biggest in 1919, or the history of Illinois.
Knoxville Race Riot, 1919
This was a violent race attack that took place on August 30–31, 1919. A gang of the usual suspects rushed the county jail looking for Maurice Mays, a Mulatto, White and Negro Indian, who had been accused of murdering a White female. Mays was not there and the savages robbed the jail and engaged in a battle, over 3 hours, with the local population of innocent Negro Indians. The Tennessee National Guard was called in and they used two .50 cal Ma Duece machine guns to spray randomly the neighborhood of the Negro Indians. After the robbery of the jail, 5 truckloads of the usual suspects arrived and went into Tennessee in search of Mays. A General named, “Sweeny” while awaiting military aid, plead with the savages to leave, to no avail. As this was happening the Negro Indians started to prepare to defend their homes, properties, and heck, their lives. The newspaper, “Great Falls Daily Tribune”, reported that 4 were killed "race war riot" and the Washington Times reported "Scores dead." When the trucks holding the rampagers left, the sound of gunfire was heard, and rumors spread fast that 2 soldiers had been murdered. General Sweeney sent his guardsmen out on the street, accompanied, as usual, by the usual suspects. They broke into shops, stole guns and anything they could find. When they arrived on the street, the Negro Indians opened fire on the invaders. The invaders responded with the aforementioned 2 Browning .50 caliber machine guns, spraying lead indiscriminately. 1 person from the Military was shot and wounded by sniper fire whereupon he stumbled into 50. cal friendly fire and was “shredded” by the gunfire. The battle went on for hours while the Negro Indians attempted to neutralize the 50. cals. Negro Indian Spanish War veterans, WW1 veterans and Negro Indians in general participated in the fray. The 50. cals proved too much and the Negro Indians dispersed. Order was restored. The National Guard surrounded the Negro Indian neighborhood, searched all the houses, roughed up all the Niggers and established a curfew citywide. 2-300 of the usual suspects, as usual, were “deputized.” More violence continued with more Negro Indians murdered, and a deaf, innocent, Negro Indian child was murdered, shot to death, by a “Guardsman” for failing to heed his verbal commands. A child that posed no threat, yet exterminated like vermin. Hundreds of American Negro Indians, men, women and children were murdered. Some of the bodies were dumped in the Tennessee river and others buried in mass graves. Disgusting.
Elaine, Arkansas Massacre, 1919 In this incident, as verified by eyewitnesses, hundreds of American Negro Indians were murdered and more injured. Of course the NAACP was dispatched to “clean it up,” and they released a number of only 25 murdered. As if 25 innocent people being murdered for no reason is alright. The NAACP disgusts me. It has been said, "the Elaine Massacre was by far the deadliest racial confrontation in Arkansas history and possibly the bloodiest racial conflict in the history of the United States." Encyclopedia of Arkansas
After the murders, state officials concocted, in conjunction with the usual suspects, an elaborate cover-up, a ruse, alleging that Negro Indians were planning to stage an “insurrection.” The usual suspect kicked the media into gear, as usual with the New York Times stating, "Planned Massacre of Whites Today," and another local paper wrote that Elaine was "a zone of negro insurrection". Even before reporting the falsehoods, more than 100 Negro Indians were indicted, and 12 being given a death sentence in the electrocution chair. The men were eventually acquitted. The White posse they formed, U.S. soldiers who were brought in, the usual suspects," had massacred, murdered, innocent American Negro Indian men, women and children.
New York City Race Riot, 1919 On July 20, 1919, a White man and an African American man were arguing about World War I. This started the usual and the result was the same.
Tulsa Race Massacre, 1921
“Black Wall Street” The most famous of the evil. The usual suspects, pulling the usual, destroyed property, businesses and murdered thousands. Thousands, armed, were brought in from different areas to support the enemy action by the usual suspects. The usual suspects dropped bombs from planes, U.S. Military planes, and burned the entire town down. Thousands of Negro Indians fled their land. As usual, no one went to jail and no one was convicted.
Rosewood Massacre, 1923
Same ole same ole. Murder of a lot of American Negro Indians and the destruction of their lawfully earned farm properties in Levy County, or usual suspect county, Florida. More that 150 Negro Indians were murdered. The newspapers described it as a “race riot.” The incident started with the same ole same ole, to wit, a Negro Indian, a drifter who nobody knew, supposedly raping, drum roll please, “a White woman.” 300 or more savages, the usual suspects, roamed the county hunting Negro Indians like pests, burning and murdering their way around like a wildfire of gunfire. The Negro Indians who survived, fled to nearby swamps and hid for days until they could be evacuated to safe areas. As usual no one was jailed and the American Negro Indians lost not only their land, lives, livelihoods, but their estates after them to which their heirs were entitled. Please note. All of the “abandoned” lands mentioned herein are abandoned estates. Those estates were and are due to the heirs of this genocide, however they have been hijacked and usurped, negotiorum gestio, by the “STATE OF” in the locations of their occurrence. Rosewood, a town founded by American Negro Indians, like all others founded, have been systematically wiped from the maps, covered over by dams, reserviors, golf courses, military bases, lakes and other structures, never to be seen again. The American Negro Indian must never have original jurisdiction over his affairs, and a municipality governed by Indians would provide just that. Niggers, and Wiggers must always stay dependent on the usual suspects, that way they, the savages, can remain in control.
Bonus War 1932 This actually is not a American Negro Indian specific incident, but it is an “American” incident that Negro Indians, Browns, and Whites; and probably a few usual suspects as well. This is one of the greatest betrayals of trust ever hidden away. The Bonus Army of 45,000 people, including 21,000 veterans of World War I, their families, and other like minded groups gathered in Washington, D.C., in 1932 to demand early cash payouts for redemption of their War Service Bonus Certificates. They were referred to as the "Bonus Army," BEF, or "Bonus Marchers.” They were led by Walter W. Waters, a former Army sergeant. Many of the Bonus marchers wanted their money that they needed badly due to the Wall Street, self created, Great Depression. U.S. Attorney General at that time, William D. Mitchell ordered the veterans, and their confederates, booted from all government property. The Washington police opened fire on the crowd and 2 veterans were killed. President Herbert Hoover ordered the Army to clear the campsite. Army Chief of Staff, Douglas MacArthur came in with men and 6 tanks. The Bonus Army, their supporters and their wives and children were driven out and their tents and personal property burned. General Douglas MacArthur ordered General Perry Miles to get the troops together and awhile later George S. Patton, a Major, showed up. Commanded by MacArthur, 300 soldiers supported by 5 of Patton's tanks commanded by Patton formed up for action. Thousands of civil service workers lined the street to watch. The Bonus group, believing the Army was there to help them cheered in glee until Patton ordered the troops on horseback to charge with other soldiers having bayonets drawn. The cavalry charged, along with the infantry, with fixed bayonets aforementioned and gas. They entered the camps, evicting veterans, families, campers, all and sundry. The President ordered the attack to stop but MacArthur ignored the president and ordered a new fresh, more vicious, attack, claiming that the Bonus group was trying to stage a coup on the US government.[Jan-6] 60 veterans were hurt and 140 arrested. This was not the first, not last attack.
Harlem Race Riot, 1935
Three Negro Indians were killed, 125 were arrested and 100 were injured. This “one” was blamed on communist influence and a Negro Indian from Puerto Rice who was beat down in a department store by the employees. He was accused of stealing, and since all Niggers steal, then it was obviously true. Later that evening the store was destroyed, along with other White owned businesses. Some Negro Indians had property damaged as well, but were spared the “treatment.”
Beaumont Race Riot, 1943 The usual suspects, union workers from the Pennsylvania Shipyard in Beaumont attacked American Negro Indians and destroyed their property on the rumor of, drum roll please, Negro Indians raping a White woman. 3,000 White union workers, and 1,000 more Whites, went to the jail where the Negro Indians were held. The woman who said she was raped could not identify anyone as her alleged rapist. The angry savages, dispersed into small groups, attacked, burned, robbed and terrorized neighborhoods around the jail destroying over 100 homes. No arrests, of course.
Detroit Race Riot, 1943
False rumors, spread by the usual agents, of racist, violent assaults in both the Negro Indian and White neighborhoods started this incident. It took 7000 federal troops to stop the violence. 34 people were murdered, mostly by White police, 450 Negro Indians and Whites were wounded and property valued at $31 million in current dollars was destroyed. A curfew was imposed. 9 deaths were white and 1,800 arrests were made, 85% of them Negro Indians.
Columbia, Tennessee Race Riot, 1946
Gladys Stephenson, to a local department store to pick up a radio that Mrs. Stephenson had left for repairs. She and a young white male clerk began to argue about the repair order; he became verbally aggressive, threatening her. James Stephenson stepped between the two and struggled with the clerk, who ended up crashing through a window in the department store. Local police arrested both Stephensons for disturbing the peace. They pleaded guilty and paid a fifty-dollar fine. They thought it was over until the police again arrested James Stephenson, on a warrant brought by the store clerk's father. The warrant charged Stephenson with assault with the intent to commit murder. Julius Blair, a local businessman, posted bail and Stephenson was able to return home that evening. The usual suspects gathered around the Maury County Courthouse and the Negro Indians in the segregated business section and military veterans, Negro Indians, grouped there too. The Columbia police chief sent four patrolmen in towards the Negro Indians, they were told to stop and when they refused they all were shot and wounded. The state highway patrolmen and the state safety commissioner, Lynn Bomar, came to town and marshaled a group of the usual suspects, town Whites included, and surrounded the area. The highway patrolmen were the first to enter the district. The officers fired wildly into buildings, robbed, stole cash, goods, robbed homes without warrants, and stole all guns, rifles, and shotguns they could. Over 100 Negro Indians were arrested, with 300 guns and jailed without bail or lawyers. It only got worse when, to add insult to injury 2 Columbia policemen murdered 2 Negro Indians in jail custody. No arrests. Disgusting.
Peekskill Riot, 1949
Paul Robeson, foreign agent provocateur, who looked somewhat like an American Negro Indian had given three concerts in Peekskill, musical provocations against the usual suspects, who usually send in agents like him to foment violence by inciting the Ku Klux Klan, fraternal groups and organized units of evil, both foreign and domestic. His big mouth was used as a basis for the same ole same ole by the usual suspects. Again, foreigners, like Marcus Garvey, WEB Du Bois, and Paul Robeson were always tools of the evil doers and they were used because like a chameleon they could blend in with American Negro Indians and profess to represent them, or at least guide them, “Judas goat” style, to their demise. Nothing to see here, just a bunch 'o Niggers getting the “treatment.”
The Cicero Riot of 1951 4,000 of the usual suspects, violently attacked an apartment building that was home to ONE American Negro Indian family in Cicero, Illinois. A high-ranking, fraternal, Cicero officer got wind that an American Negro Indian family, the Clarks, was moving into a Cicero building and the owner, a Mrs. DeRose, was told there would be "trouble" if they moved in. A moving van containing $2,000 worth of Clark's furniture was hijacked by the police. The rental agent of the building was rushed out with a revolver in his back by police. A crowd of savages gathered, over 4000, and Mr. Clark was told by the police to leave the building or he would be arrested "for protective custody." Clark was told by a policeman , "I'll bust your damned head if you don't move." Clark was snatched up by 20 policemen. The Chief of police told Mr. Clark, "Get out of here fast. There will be no moving into this building." Mr. Clark was hit 8 times as was shoved inside a car across the street and the police told him, "Get out of Cicero and don't come back in town or you'll get a bullet through you." At dusk, 4,000 of the usual suspects, violently attacked the apartment building. Women carried stones bust out Mr. Clark's windows. Molotovs were tossed through the windows of the building and the firemen who rushed to the building were pelted with bricks, rocks, bottles and stones. The situation was out of control and County Sheriff John E. Babbs begged Illinois Governor Adlai Stevenson to bring in the National Guard. The troops ended the riot. No arrests.
Cambridge, Maryland Riot, 1963 White owned businesses in the Second Ward, you know the “Ward,” as in non compos mentis, an area for American Negro Indians, a city reservation if you will, were set alight, and there was a shootout resulting in deaths. This was another incident that was fomented by the disastrous, detrimental to American Negro Indians, civil rights movement. A bunch of bums on both sides stoking emotions. 250 or so Negro Americans, under the spell of the usual suspects, organized a "freedom walk" to the County Court House and were intercepted by a gang of 700 or more of the usual suspects. The two groups were dispersed by the Maryland State Police. Two white men and a 12-year-old were hit by shotgun pellets near their homes and police rounded up 8 Negro Indians for questioning. Overnight there was a prolonged gun battle with injuries on both sides. The National Guard was redeployed back to Cambridge, where they stayed for the next year. Brigadier General George Gelston, imposed a 9 p.m. curfew, a ban on protests of any kind, and prohibited the carrying of firearms and selling alcohol.
Rochester Rebellion, 1964 Same ole same ole. 1 man was killed when he arrived on scene wearing a helmet, and was hit and dragged 100 feet by a passing car. There were 3 deaths when a helicopter flew too close to a house, clipping the roof with the rotors and killing 4. The usual suspects threw Molotov cocktails at policemen, who responded with gunshots. It took 3 days to end and took 1,000 national guardsmen to end it. 350 were injured. 1000 people were arrested and 204 stores were either looted or damaged. You know, the “treatment.” Below is a list of more of the same. It does not matter about the details, or the culprits, any rational “deducer” can figure out the gist of it, as aforementioned, ad nauseam. Here are more murderous “antics” below,
1964- Paterson, New Jersey Uprising, Elizabeth, New Jersey Uprising,
Chicago (Dixmoor) Riots, Philadelphia Race Riot.
1965- Watts Rebellion (Los Angeles)
1966- Cleveland’s Hough Riots, Chicago, Illinois Uprising, The Dayton, Ohio Uprising, Hunter’s Point, San Francisco Uprising.
1967- The Nashville Race Riot, Tampa Bay Race Riot, Newark Race Riot, Plainfield, New Jersey Riot, Detroit Race Riot, Flint, Michigan Riot, Tucson Race Riot, Grand Rapids, Michigan Uprising.
1968- The King Assassination Riots.
1969- Hartford, Connecticut Riot.
1970- Asbury Park Race Riot.
1969- and 1971 Camden, New Jersey Riots.
1980- Miami (Liberty City) Riot.
1989- Overtown-Liberty City (Miami) Riot.
1991- Crown Heights (Brooklyn) New York Riot.
1992- Rodney King Riot, Los Angeles.
1992- West Las Vegas Riot.
1996- St. Petersburg, Florida Riot.
Oh and lastly, but the best modern example. “Hurricane Katrina,” where 10,000 people were killed, the levEE deliberately blown up, the American Negro Indians of New Orleans flooded out, businesses robbed by police, escaping Negro Indian survivors attacked, shot and murdered on the Danziger Bridge by the police with military weapons. Then to add insult to injury, the usual suspects moved in and bought up the properties for pennies on the dollar. The remaing homes were supposed to be rebuilt, but the contractors pocketed the money. Same game as the past. See how this went? See how foreign infested, papal supported, “supposed” civilized society treats its people of the land, the ones who were here FIRST. See the great work in action? This is NOT the complete list of “ hostile actions,” FOMENTED BY FOREIGNERS, that resulted in the murder and displacement of American Negro Indians, et.al. How many deaths, how many families displaced from their homes, how many lands, estates, “abandoned” due to violence, how much farmland gone? All of it happened, deliberately, over time, so that no one would pay attention to it, but the result of all of the “riots” was the same, as aforementioned. Only the simple minded, the naive, can believe the enormity of it all was just happenstance. It was not. It was, and is, an evil, calculated, devious, diabolical, well thought out, sophisticated inter-generational plot to extinguish the holders of the soil-land in due course, assume their names, estates, and trusts, with an eye towards possessing the aforementioned in totality, in perpetuity, “WITH A NICE WELL WRITTEN HISTORY, FAKE RELIGIOUS TEXTS AND ACADEMICS OF THE SAME ILK TO MAKE IT TRUE.” The future dummy of public “education” wont even have a clue and the white skinned Eastern European, the Chazar, can pretend to be “aboriginal” in North American the same way he pretends to be aboriginal in Palestine. My Grandmother was not a slave, but rather a woman with blood title to the land and the same devils aforementioned throughout my works knew it. The plot to disenfranchise the American Negro Indian was already in full swing and no “Negros” were to own anything, or even have their natural rights to travel or be free. The Eastern European, fraternal, Papal banking interests wanted biblical slavery, with the “American” owners of the land toiling like the slaves of Egypt while the Eastern European settlers, pretending to be Christians and their talmud, play the role of Pharaoh. Lets keep it real. The entire legislative history of the states united has been forwarded by this same group in order to clandestinely overthrown this land for foreigners whom look to others as animals. The word, “Human” in Roman lex means, “Animal.” (shaitan(satan) as a plot, All Mighty God has a plan, We know how this ends, many scripture allude to such.
Now, just to go back and recap this genocide. Prior to the “Civil” War, which I call, “the infiltration,” many foreigners and their investors moved into North American. In the run up to the aforementioned tragedies of LAWLESSNESS inflicted upon the “Americans,” Negro Indians and pre colonial Whites, the nation was flooded with foreigners with no connection to the land. Once the plot was started, the foreigners were activated and they rampaged and murdered their way across the South, killing and maiming, destroying crops and cattle, coincidentally like it was supposedly “ordered” in the old testament. Any scrutiny of the photos, Abscondita manus ab occultis, is enough to have a clear set of eyes towards exactly what the “Civil” or Roman Law War was really all about.
“We are not only fighting armies, but a hostile people, and must make old and young, rich and poor, feel the hard hand of war, as well as their organized armies. I know that this recent movement of mine through Georgia has had a wonderful effect in this respect. Thousands who had been deceived by their lying papers into the belief that we were being whipped all the time, realized the truth, and have no appetite for a repetition of the same experience.”
Letter, General Sherman to Henry W. Halleck, December 24, 1864.
In the sense of fairness and equity to General Sherman, he did in
fact desire to leave the American Negro Indians in “rear areas” alone
to their own administration, however that could never manifest, not
as long as the usual suspects were around. Their entire dogma is one
designed to usurp the lands of free people and exploit them for their
own personal gain.
Special Field Orders No. 15.
Headquarters Military Division of the Mississippi,
In the Field, Savannah, Ga., January 16, 1865.
I. The islands from Charleston south, the abandoned rice-fields along the rivers for thirty miles back from the sea, and the country bordering the Saint Johns River, Fla., are reserved and set apart for the settlement of the Negros now made free by the acts of war and the proclamation of the President of the United States.
II. At Beaufort, Hilton Head, Savannah, Fernandina, Saint Augustine, and Jacksonville the blacks may remain in their chosen or accustomed vocations; but on the islands, and in the settlements hereafter to be established, no white person whatever, unless military officers and soldiers detailed for duty, will be permitted to reside; and the sole and exclusive management of affairs will be left to the freed people themselves, subject only to the United States military authority and the acts of Congress. By the laws of war and orders of the President of the United States the negro is free, and must be dealt with as such. He cannot be subjected to conscription or forced military service, save by the written orders of the highest military authority of the Department, under such regulations as the President or Congress may prescribe; domestic servants, blacksmiths, carpenters, and other mechanics will be free to select their own work and residence, but the young and able-bodied negroes must be encouraged to enlist as soldiers in the service of the United States, to contribute their share toward maintaining their own freedom and securing their rights as citizens of the United States. Negroes so enlisted will be organized into companies, battalions, and regiments, under the orders of the United States military authorities, and will be paid, fed, and clothed according to law. The bounties paid on enlistment may, with the consent of the recruit, go to assist his family and settlement in procuring agricultural implements, seed, tools, boats, clothing, and other articles necessary for their livelihood.
III. Whenever three respectable negroes, heads of families, shall desire to settle on land, and shall have selected for that purpose an island, or a locality clearly defined within the limits above designated, the inspector of settlements and plantations will himself, or by such sub-ordinate officer as he may appoint, give them a license to settle such island or district, and afford them such assistance as he can to enable them to establish a peaceable agricultural settlement. The three parties named will subdivide the land, under the supervision of the inspector, among themselves and such others as may choose to settle near them, so that each family shall have a plot of not more than forty acres of tillable ground, and when it borders on some water channel with not more than 800 feet water front, in the possession of which land the military authorities will afford them protection until such time as they can protect themselves or until Congress shall regulate their title. The quartermaster may, on the requisition of the inspector of settlements and plantations, place at the disposal of the inspector one or more of the captured steamers to ply between the settlements and one or more of the commercial points, heretofore named in orders, to afford the settlers the opportunity to supply their necessary wants and to sell the products of their land and labor.
IV. Whenever a negro has enlisted in the military service of the United States he may locate his family in any one of the settlements at pleasure and acquire a homestead and all other rights and privileges of a settler as though present in person. In like manner negroes may settle their families and engage on board the gunboats, or in fishing, or in the navigation of the inland waters, without losing any claim to land or other advantages derived from this system. But no one, unless an actual settler as above defined, or unless absent on Government service, will be entitled to claim any right to land or property in any settlement by virtue of these orders.
V. In order to carry out this system of settlement a general officer will be detailed as inspector of settlements and plantations, whose duty it shall be to visit the settlements, to regulate their police and general management, and who will furnish personally to each head of a family, subject to the approval of the President of the United States, a possessory title in writing, giving as near as possible the description of boundaries, and who shall adjust all claims or conflicts that may arise under the same, subject to the like approval, treating such titles altogether as possessory. The same general officer will also be charged with the enlistment and organization of the negro recruits and protecting their interests while absent from their settlements, and will be governed by the rules and regulations prescribed by the War Department for such purpose.
VI. Brig. Gen. R. Saxton is hereby appointed inspector of settlements and plantations and will at once enter on the performance of his duties. No change is intended or desired in the settlement now on Beaufort Island, nor will any rights to property heretofore acquired be affected thereby.
By order of Maj. Gen. W. T. Sherman:
L. N. DAYTON, Assistant Adjutant-General.
— William T. Sherman, Military Division of the Mississippi; 1865 series - Special Field Order 15, January 16, 1865.
His intentions were good, but General Sherman, like all men similarly situated, was just a tool of the usual suspects. Once his mission was completed, there was no intention on complying with any of the “LAWFUL Orders” given. Now reflect back to the pages of “riots” and “massacres that took place AFTER this “Order” was given. President Johnson rescinded the General's Order. Go back, and reflect on the results. “Reconstruction,” as espoused above in riots, massacres, insurrections, uprisings, labor strikes, slave revolts or whatever term that today carries an emotional trigger and guess what? It was done by foreigners, groups of fraternal organizations, who plotted years before with the infiltration of their mercenaries.
In 1861 in Turin, Italy (Roman), hundreds of men wearing red shirts of the Garibaldini who had fought with Giuseppe Garibaldi in Italy, now wanted to fight for the Union in America. U.S. diplomats in countries across Europe and Latin America reported crowds of men pleading, supposedly, to enlist in the “Civil” war. Foreigners in the United States joined the Union in droves, likes locusts. One in every three members of the Union armed forces was a foreigner, some 650,000 of the more than 2 million Union soldiers by estimates. Foreigners and their sons made up about 43% of the U.S. Yankee mercenaries. Foreigner legions gave the North an advantage in manpower and they never have won ANYTHING, not one inch without the foreign devils and their papal banking support.
In the 1860's, Edwin De Leon informed French newspaper readers that the “...North had built its army “in large part of foreign mercenaries” made up of “the refuse of the old world...the famished revolutionaries and malcontents of Germany, all the Red republicans, and almost all the Irish emigrants to sustain its army.”
The foreigners were recruited all over New York, and other East Coast areas, the war effort, the usual suspects, needed bodies. One such poster : Patrioti Italiani! Honvedek! Amis de la liberté! Deutsche Freiheits Kaempfer! (Italian patriots! Hungarians! Friends of liberty! German freedom fighters!) “250 able-bodied men … Patriots of all nations” to “Arouse! Arouse! Arouse!” and fight for their “adopted country.”
Another BEGGED New York’s German immigrants to fight for “your country”: Bürger, Euer Land ist in Gefahr! Zu den Waffen! Zu den Waffen! (Citizens, your country is in danger! To arms! To arms!)
Many of the posters featured soldiers in the Zouave, Foreign, uniforms inspired by the French army in North Africa and adopted by the 11th NY Volunteer Infantry and many other Union units. They wore red banners and shirts, symbolizing “red republicans.” The red cap of liberty, is a cone shaped cap that was a symbol of emancipation in the ancient Roman Empire and worn by 18-19th century revolutionaries. The cap was on many of the Civil War posters, also worn by the Statue of Liberty or held on a spear she holds.
Testimony in 1863 to the antislavery Women’s Loyal National League convention in New York as to why a woman's 17-year-old son was fighting for the Union. “I am from Germany where my brothers all fought against the Government and tried to make us free, but were unsuccessful,” she said. “We foreigners know the preciousness of that great, noble gift a great deal better than you, because you never were in slavery, but we are born in it.”
Even the foreigners admitted that everyone in the states united was free. Slavery as espoused today did not exist. It was a free country taken over by foreigners who murdered everyone who stood in their way, took over everything they could via many lex “administrative” sea doctrines, enslaved the population under Roman pseudo-Judaic, twisted dogma, and re-wrote the story for the naive and silly people of later generation with them as heroes, and “Niggers” from Africa.
That's mostly it when distilled down to its essence.
After the flop of a Revolution in 1848, thousands of Germans with military training from the Prussian army fled to America, and took up immediately fighting against the American Negro Indian. See, “The Cause of All Nations: An International History of the American Civil War” By Don H Doyle for a more in depth study of this topic.
Foreigners, usual suspects, joined the war to rehash the same ole soup, same battles, same ancient failed model, in other words, “The same dumb debacles that were tried and failed in Europe.” They came under many patriotic causes, but like all of the other dogmas, its just BS, pure bovine excrement. It is obsessive compulsive disorder, under the guise of religious dogma, attempting to achieve something OVER AND OVER throughout the centuries and FAILING every time, yet leaving a trail of carnage unrivaled in the history of so called, “sane civilization.” It is not, it is superstitious, OCD, misconstrued, twisted Abrahamic, “supposed” biblical madness. The perpetrators are not the Hebrews of Moses, the Atlantic Ocean is not the Red Sea, and the American Negro Indians and Pre-Colonial Whites are not the Canaanites. There is no kingdom to establish on this land for them, because they are strangers in LAW. The King James bible, with its dual language usage, and the talmud has driven them insane, manifestly, because if they were actually, or their deeds actually from THE MOST HIGH, the aforementioned atrocities, et.al., would have never happened on this land.
You can tell a tree by the fruit it bears. In 2023, in hindsight, there is no All Mighty God in any of their past deeds. What happened to the people of the land? They were treated like animals, by animals, masquerading as men.
“And remember We took from the prophets their covenant: As (We did) from thee: from Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus the son of Mary: We took from them a solemn covenant: That (Allah) may question the (custodians) of Truth concerning the Truth they (were charged with): And He has prepared for the Unbelievers a grievous Penalty.” Qur’an 33:7-8
“Indeed, We offered the TRUST to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, but they ˹all˺ declined to bear it, being fearful of it. But humanity assumed it, ˹for˺ they are truly wrongful ˹to themselves˺ and ignorant ˹of the consequences˺,so that Allah will punish hypocrite men and women and polytheistic men and women, and Allah will turn in mercy to believing men and women. For Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” Qur’an 33:72-73
There is no covenant left. They have abused the TRUST. The covenant was never respected by the foreigners who came here, it was just a cover, a ruse, a front, utilized to lower the guard of the people of the land, so that they could be destroyed. The houses of THE MOST HIGH, in all traditions, are nothing but fronts, trap houses if you will, so that the evil can live another generation.
“You have never heard; you have never understood; for a long time your ears have not been open. For I knew how deceitful you are; you have been called a rebel from birth.” Isaiah 48:8
“Save me, O God, by Your name, (Bismillah) and vindicate me by Your might! Hear my prayer, O God; listen to the words of my mouth. For strangers rise up against me, and ruthless men seek my life—men with no regard for All Mighty God. Selah. Surely All Mighty God is my helper; the Lord is the Sustainer of my soul...” Psalm 54:1-4.
Lord have Mercy