There are always 3 sides of every story. 2 versions and the truth.
Sometimes the 3 stories can turn into 10, especially when gossip is concerned. Gossip is a destructive force. No one ever knows the real story of what they view, yet often with just a view, an entire line of gossip is formed. In Asylum USA there are always a plethora of variables that factor into behavior and outcomes that people never take into consideration. In the states united, the asylum inmates are running loose and into multiples of deficient behaviors that boggles the sane mind. It is impossible to predict the actions of deficient minds or the behaviors associated therewith, but what can be predicted is, “we don't know what we don't know.”
One can never gossip or assume anything about anybody, and doing such conjecturing in the states united is a foolhardy proposition. People are into weird things and “different” things that present themselves in ways not clearly apparent...what one sees with the eyes may not be what the truth of a situation is....
The neighbors always seemed like such a nice couple. We would often hear them laughing gleefully throughout the days and when we did see them they would always smile. Of course there are always rumors, neighbor gossip if you will, about them, and probably everyone else that lives in proximity, but like most gossip, most, if not all of it, was not true. There were stories of strange sounds, almost like grunts and growls at all hours, and strange behavior of all kinds, but since it was only “gossip” nobody took it serious until today.
Today was different. The “nice” neighbor smashed his way out of his home, through a broken window, and ran off down the street. Not being one to “pry” I decided to ignore what I saw. I wonder what happened?
Was he mentally ill from all of his years being indoctrinated in public school? Was it a ghost that scared him? Was it domestic violence? Was it a home invasion or maybe a wild animal? What really happened? What can I muster from my public schooled, mind washed, prejudiced imagination to fill in the blanks? Maybe he was fighting with his lady friend, like on television? Maybe it was aliens, I saw that on CNN? Yeah that sounds about right. Let me call and tell everyone...
Caller 1: “The neighbors were fighting today and the female forced the male out of the window. Or it was a alien after him, something?”
Caller 2: “How do you know?”
Caller 1: “I saw it. I saw him smash his way out, something was chasing him.”
Caller 2: “Do you know them?”
Caller 1: “No, never talked to them in my life.”
Caller 2: “Oh?”
When something happens in eye view without further information it can appear in ways that are often false. The imagination and reality are vastly different. Whenever there are blanks in information, those blanks are filled with information already possessed no matter how wrong or absurd it is. Something is better than nothing. That is where prejudice and bigotry is born, in the beholders imagination. That is where gossip finds a home. That is where falsehood thrives. That is where we err.
Lord have Mercy
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