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Well, does a video, or a raft of collected videos, or a murder of congresscritter crows … represent “the culture”?

The seen is often dwarfed by the unseen. And by “often” I mean always.

And for a long time now the seen - that gets all the credits-rolling reality - is mostly, & for many wholly, the shown.

You know the one that goes “If its free you are the product”? Well, if the magician is showing you you’re almost certainly already the tricked.

There are stats collectors out there, I’ve seen, that claim to be able to tell the stories that never get turned into stories for broadcast - suppressed stories - & that those stories outnumber the stories that would homogenize & pasteurize “culture.” Dunno if all those contra-stats/tories are true, but what I’ve seen leans that direction … &, clear to see, the other direction leans like Piza.

In a related note, at least if you run it thru the right hemisphere, rather than the left, A2 milk, especially raw, is far better for milk-drinkers (which benefits even redound to non-milk-drinkers … rising tides lift the boats …) than …

Yak (yak-yak) milk …

Gnu (boss, same as the old boss: 1st thing we gotta do, saith the lawyers, is disarm, convert those guns into gnus …) milk …

Camel (drama-dairies in pantsuits … one of ‘em’s even named Kamala) milk …

Goat (greatest of all time genocides preceded by judas leadership) milk …

& last, this list, not least, Entomilk (mashed up black soldier fly maggots - no additional comment necessary I should think) milk.

Besides that, there is indeed the far more widespread difference-arc from my youth, when martial arts did not so often include weapons.

(Tho it very much did include multiple adversaries piling onto/rushing one … which is weaponization, too … “the good old days” are always compensatorily not as good as enmeshed memories would assert otherwise.)

And/but/however … when such a lower & lowering common denominator surrounds, if you are within that surround, you do not want, cannot afford, to be the wop who brings a knife to a gunfight, either. Or to assume the wop came alone.


Wop-bop-a-loo-mop, alop-bom-bom ~ Little Richard

“You get what you settle for.” ~ Louise Sawyer, “Thelma & Louise”

Whatever is subsidized, increases. Only because subsidy-seeking is so subsidized in the biology … which can also be spelled “buyology” - & should be.

Too many “buy” whatever is offered, whether they have any right to, or not, whether it is good for them & others, or not, whether it’s true, or not. Gimme the bread, man, I’ll take it; gimme the circusocialsecurity, I’ll take that, too.

“Give a sissy a gun and he will kill everything in sight.” ~ Gore Vidal describing Teddy Roosevelt (from the chapter in Vidal’s United States: Essays 1952-1992)


Sissies have been arming conscriptizens & ordering them to murder forever.

Some rich men came and raped the land

Nobody caught 'em

Put up a bunch of ugly boxes (those “ballot” ones, too)

And Jesus people bought ‘em 🎶


Boondock Saints, seal team 6, totemization/magic tricks, dramatic reveals/timings, when after all it was you & me (generic generalization that does indeed cover at least 2 standeviants under the mean that is always reverting), House of Sand & Fog? Yes, it is …

Words & weapons are tools. Stunted/omesticated wo/men-children imbue tools with magical powers that don’t exist. Movies help seal that pavement. Compare the movie treatment style (as Dafoe does, but not incl in this clip) to how a murder team comes in aimed & aiming & seals the pavement:



Or Tuco, in the bath, in Good, Bad, Ugly. “Talk … shoot.”

I shouted out (whoo-hoo)

"Who killed the Kennedy's?" (whoo-hoo)

When after all (whoo-hoo)

It was you and me (whoo-hoo) ~ Sympathy For The Simp Devils


Today I want you to pretend to be frightened of this man.

You must do everything he says.


He's weak.

He's nothing without his gun.

He's very scared.

And a scared man is dangerous.

We will...

remain lions in our hearts, pesaram.”

The foggy hourglass house does not have a happy ending, or even a happy getting to the sand runs out ending.

Sand is what all those glass-housed stones-throwers grind themgearselves with, up, into.

“Hey, Sandman, I’m soooo tired, can I just go to sleep, now, please?” Sandy replies, “You’ve been asleep your whole life. Wake up you nightmare Dreamweaver!”

Yes George. But even tho you didn’t propagate the cherry-chopper story you did ride out, with Alex-the-great Hamilton (the musical!) & a lot of other cyphers to put down those “whiskey rebels” who probably helped you just prior to supplant the Brit King.

Cake bribery, baitery - then comes the switch.

Average White (& every other shade, hue & crying color, too) Band of fair-weather brothers:


A2 milk goes good with cake.

And having the A2 & not needing a glass of milk is better than needing an A2 & not having it & thereby getting milked, baked or smoked.

Have cake, not Marie Antionette, not “her” leavings crumbs, feed the cow in trade for more A2, grow the heritage non-gmo grains for more flour-cake. Pick up the right pieces.

If only it were as easy as peazy de résistance.

If only the cake weren’t immortal wax in a museum display case of museless read/write hardy har har/drives spininning in place until they fly apart at the seems to be real but ain’t.


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