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Deep Inside You

Beyond Rape

See, in my opinion, most of the people depicted in this video should be confined in a facility for the criminally insane. A facility specifically designed for higher intellects of the criminal mastermind type. They should be enrolled into a “public school” type program, whereby their intellects are stifled, their thought processes stunted and their ability to ask a critical, analytical, rationally deduced question or even form such in their minds is gone. Kinda like high school graduates. They should be “tuned down” to the level of regular public school graduates, for public safety of course.

Let’s keep it 100. As a historian, I have yet to see any technology, industry, or science utilized to its full potential for the benefit of society or the public at large. Throughout history, inventions and innovations in Western and European societies mostly starts out benevolent and ends up being usurped by the evil doers and turned against the people. Prove me wrong.

Medicine…Covid tyranny, biological weapons, etc. Agriculture…genetically modified poisonous foods. Electronics…weapons, weapons, weapons. All Mighty God….religion. Property ownership…..taxes. Freedom of travel…licenses and registration. Treaty guarantees…genocide and exile. EVERYTHING is utilized primarily for evil and the people of the realm get the byproducts.

So, where in a sane person’s mind can there be a place for people who want to tinker with the very matrix of human biology? What could possibly go wrong? Most of the simple minded, naive and trusting people don’t comprehend that most transmission- able “influenza type” diseases are actually supercharged in a lab via gain of function before being “accidentally” released into the general public. For those who don’t grasp the concept: SCIENTISTS ARE MAKING THE “STUFF” TO HARM PEOPLE UNDER THE GUISE OF “RESEARCH.” The “scientific” community is chocked full of lunatics and psychopaths who will readily exterminate humanity, I truly believe, and history bears witness to this fact. They have tried before, “you heard?”

Again, the people who are delving into these “sciences” demand a closer scrutiny, as does their “inventions” and serums. These “bond villain” types are loose, right now, in society, with massive funding, and if history is any gauge, then the people of the land better gird themselves. Bullets are passe, it’s needles, sprays, aerosols, and electronic device attacking the genome. The funny thing is, the people are watching the urban low life’s, the impoverish desperados, the junkies, niggers, immigrants, white supremacists, MS13, and sundry other “stereotypical” media presented “character archetypes” of crime, when the real criminals, the assassins in white coats, the ones who can decimate whole populations, are given a free pass, not even a traffic citation, or even “second guessed,” and billions “annually” in public grants or funding. The medical industry alone clocks a million or more deaths annually.

Now, let’s rationally deduce. People of the land pay taxes. Taxes pay “ scientists.” Scientists create the detriment. Detriment effects people. A circle. The people are paying for their own detriment. Something has to change. The people need genuine, benevolent, scientific development, not quackery, and a close watch on “scientists.”

Lord have Mercy

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