Sheeps in shepherd boys straitjacket-disguises cry wolf to wolves in painted on ‘it takes a’ villagers disguises ~ & that mutton morning, noon & night ~ that conspiracist canines are ravaging the flock.
The Aesop linearities ~ “a liar will not be believed, even when telling the truth” ~ do not hold.
But squint at it in peripheral vision & the Aesop Angles are easy to see.
Sheeps are overfond of sociopaths.
“Strength” (in numbers) to “strength” (in numbness).
Sheeps in shepherd boys straitjacket-disguises cry wolf to wolves in painted on ‘it takes a’ villagers disguises ~ & that mutton morning, noon & night ~ that conspiracist canines are ravaging the flock.
The Aesop linearities ~ “a liar will not be believed, even when telling the truth” ~ do not hold.
But squint at it in peripheral vision & the Aesop Angles are easy to see.
Sheeps are overfond of sociopaths.
“Strength” (in numbers) to “strength” (in numbness).