Hell man(’s mayonaise, lettuce, tomato & goat meat sandwiches for everybody!), the “judas goat” ain’t where the buck twenty-nine (de-inflated) sandwich stops.
It’s the people lining up to buy it where the $1.29 stops … being in their pockets.
O-pinion rights? Well, I’ve heard talk of arm bars, for example, where “O” is for “ouch.”
But opinions are the province of only certain narrow bands of the much wider width.
This is an opinion: “Coffee ice cream, super-premium highest fat content, is the best!”
Perhaps the hallmark of an opinion is that it doesn’t matter.
You like Marble Slab Creamery coffee ice cream better than all others? Fine. Who cares? Except to you & Marble Slab, narrowly trading cream for bread, it doesn’t matter at all.
& if your tastes which cannot be accounted for later change to some other flavor, again, who cares?
(Is lactose intolerance a problem in fact or in opinion?)
Opinions only apply to isthmuses … which can sorta look like arms that can possibly be pinioned … until sufficient elevation reveals that no, those aren’t arms that are twistable, those are just little strips of malls filled with ice cream shops, massage parlors, fast phood & other pin the retail on the donkey joints … all of which just might twist some h/arms.
& bastions of o-pinion blind (your face down in the mat, if you are fortunate to be worked thus on a cushy mat, can’t see nuthin’ …) trusts - behind which assets are sequestered from liability claims - are more often than not more actually bastions of desperation (“alternative medicine” for example, for those more desperate than those still being bled by allopathic “healthcare”), or bastions of entertainment (are you not?! … which might also often be desperation) that render unto the Caesar’d pretty much exactly what they want & expect & … need.
Looking thru the list of owners of this “Ultimate Fight Club” (1st rule of fight club is never talk about fight club … said one schizo alter where e’go’s I goes to the other), the particular (as opposed generalized/commodified) nefarious “J” arrives late.
The nefarious grandfather in the old neighborhood is irrelevantly nefarious.
The nefarious brother in politics is irrelevantly nefarious.
The nefarious brother in oncology is irrelevantly nefarious.
Just btw, the “fight biz” & the “wrestling biz” & “show biz” are all nefarious - & always have been, no matter who has rotated thru controlling interests. That goes for politics & oncology, too … J’s & all the other dirty birds, too.
Furthermore to the point talking heads of whatever guise & variety might best always be thought of, seen in minds eye, as socks with faces drawn on them that are animated by unseen hands.
And finally, to reiterate the most salient part of the savory goat meat every-sandwich-way-but loose, its the desperate? bread & circus ticket-buyers that make these things go.
Demand-side’s the supply-side that’s gotta sup.
How ya’ gonna’ keep ‘em down on the farm once the war to end all wars & make the whirled safe for de’mock-racy!racy!racy! has taken ‘em to see gay debauched Par-ee?
I don't really know his name, I've saw him on social media from time to time. I stumbled into these videos while looking for something else. Eye opening indeed.
Hell man(’s mayonaise, lettuce, tomato & goat meat sandwiches for everybody!), the “judas goat” ain’t where the buck twenty-nine (de-inflated) sandwich stops.
It’s the people lining up to buy it where the $1.29 stops … being in their pockets.
O-pinion rights? Well, I’ve heard talk of arm bars, for example, where “O” is for “ouch.”
But opinions are the province of only certain narrow bands of the much wider width.
This is an opinion: “Coffee ice cream, super-premium highest fat content, is the best!”
Perhaps the hallmark of an opinion is that it doesn’t matter.
You like Marble Slab Creamery coffee ice cream better than all others? Fine. Who cares? Except to you & Marble Slab, narrowly trading cream for bread, it doesn’t matter at all.
& if your tastes which cannot be accounted for later change to some other flavor, again, who cares?
(Is lactose intolerance a problem in fact or in opinion?)
Opinions only apply to isthmuses … which can sorta look like arms that can possibly be pinioned … until sufficient elevation reveals that no, those aren’t arms that are twistable, those are just little strips of malls filled with ice cream shops, massage parlors, fast phood & other pin the retail on the donkey joints … all of which just might twist some h/arms.
& bastions of o-pinion blind (your face down in the mat, if you are fortunate to be worked thus on a cushy mat, can’t see nuthin’ …) trusts - behind which assets are sequestered from liability claims - are more often than not more actually bastions of desperation (“alternative medicine” for example, for those more desperate than those still being bled by allopathic “healthcare”), or bastions of entertainment (are you not?! … which might also often be desperation) that render unto the Caesar’d pretty much exactly what they want & expect & … need.
Looking thru the list of owners of this “Ultimate Fight Club” (1st rule of fight club is never talk about fight club … said one schizo alter where e’go’s I goes to the other), the particular (as opposed generalized/commodified) nefarious “J” arrives late.
The nefarious grandfather in the old neighborhood is irrelevantly nefarious.
The nefarious brother in politics is irrelevantly nefarious.
The nefarious brother in oncology is irrelevantly nefarious.
Just btw, the “fight biz” & the “wrestling biz” & “show biz” are all nefarious - & always have been, no matter who has rotated thru controlling interests. That goes for politics & oncology, too … J’s & all the other dirty birds, too.
Furthermore to the point talking heads of whatever guise & variety might best always be thought of, seen in minds eye, as socks with faces drawn on them that are animated by unseen hands.
And finally, to reiterate the most salient part of the savory goat meat every-sandwich-way-but loose, its the desperate? bread & circus ticket-buyers that make these things go.
Demand-side’s the supply-side that’s gotta sup.
How ya’ gonna’ keep ‘em down on the farm once the war to end all wars & make the whirled safe for de’mock-racy!racy!racy! has taken ‘em to see gay debauched Par-ee?
"...in their pockets, right?" Right! We call it "pocket watching."
Who is this person talking, please?
I don't really know his name, I've saw him on social media from time to time. I stumbled into these videos while looking for something else. Eye opening indeed.