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Oldest Bible?

One of 'em

How many Bibles really exist, and which one is the “right one?” I mean, if the Bibles are supposedly the word of All Mighty God then why the plethora of discrepancies? Perhaps people have a misunderstanding about comprehending “religious” texts. Religious texts are maps that guide, and espouse Universal truths in many ways, most of them are allegorical. They are “mind movies” that paint a picture in order to inculcate a truth, but man being misguided by fanaticism, extremism and selfishness, decided to twist the concept into something quite different. The evil doers took the books of guidance, altered them, and then flipped the script, literally, and made the people blaspheme by worshiping creation in the stead of Creator.

The Messengers in the Holy Books, the Holy People, were then deified, and made into “god,” with the evil doers having exclusive access to that “god,” who just so happens to have chosen them as priests, lords and masters. A simple minded scheme, except nobody “peeped it.” The simple minded people, the pure souls, wanted “religion” to be real, they wanted the promise, which they are entitled to, except the people chose the wrong conduit to such, to wit, organized religion. The evil fanatics stepped in and twisted the entire “theological game” upside down and made the people worship satan straight out, under the guide of everything else. The evil ones changed the Bibles, removed books, and utilized an organized religious structure to indoctrinate inverted worship into the people.

Blood drinking, symbolized by wine, flesh eating, symbolized by eucharist, and a plethora of other religious “rituals” that are a cover for pagan worship, blasphemy, perversion, etc. Wantonly killing animals, “sacrifice,” and sundry other “deficiencies” that if done by non-religious people, it would be grounds for a mental institution, jail cell, or at a minimum, anti-psychotic medication in an “in-patient program.”

There are many Bibles, each with a story to tell. It is up to the individual to study and read them for themselves. I mean, The only way that the people are going to really know the message that has been left for them is by seeking it. Clergy is not going to give that message, nor is the television. The Energy of All Mighty God exists within each and every person, that Energy, on a quantum level is activated by the individual pursuit of truth. That Universal truth exists, it was left here on this realm, by spoken traditions of Holy People, and in allegorical Holy Books. Find it.

Bible translations into Geʽez, an ancient South Semitic language of the Ethiopian branch, date back to the 6th century at least, making them one of the world's oldest Bible translations. Translations of the Bible in Ge'ez, in a predecessor of the Ge'ez script which did not possess vowels, were created between the 5th and 7th century, soon after the Christianization of Ethiopia in the 4th century.”

The Garima Gospels are the oldest translation of the Bible in Ge'ez and the world's earliest complete illustrated Christian manuscript. Monastic tradition holds that they were composed close to the year 500, a date supported by recent radiocarbon analysis; samples from Garima 2 proposed a date of c. 390–570, while counterpart dating of samples from Garima 1 proposed a date of c. 530–660.”

Codex Sinaiticus (The Sinai Bible)

300-305 A.D. Unknown origin- The Codex Vaticanus has been kept at the Vatican Library since around the 15th century, and it is the oldest known Bible in existence. The verses are printed on sheets of vellum, and it is believed that it was translated by at least three scribes.”

Most scholars believe that the Codex Vaticanus is the most accurate Bible in existence, as it was written only a couple of hundred years after the death of Jesus. It is also considered to be one of the best translations of a Greek Bible. Though this isn’t a complete translation of the Bible, it is remarkably intact and mostly complete. It’s missing most of Genesis, Hebrews, and Revelations.”

Codex Sinaiticus (The Sinai Bible)

“330-360 A.D. Discovered at Saint Catherine’s Monastery in the Sinai Peninsula- “The Codex Sinaiticus was widely considered to be the oldest Bible in existence until the actual oldest Bible was scientifically dated. The manuscript was discovered in the 19th century, though it was incomplete. Other parts of the same manuscript were found in both the 20th and 21st centuries. Today, the majority of these parts are on display at the British Library, which is in London.”

When you look at the Codex Sinaiticus as a whole, there are large parts of the Old Testament that are missing. However, it is widely accepted that originally, the full Old Testament was part of the codex. Approximately half of the Old Testament remains, and the full New Testament is part of the display.”

Codex Alexandrinus

400-440A.D. Alexandria , Egypt – Gifted to King Charles I of England in 1627- The Codex Alexandrinus is certainly one of the oldest Bibles in history. It is a total of 773 pages, and a full reproduction of the Bible is available on the website of the British Library. The pages are made of vellum, and it is hand-written. Because of the delicate nature of the Codex Alexandrinus, it is rarely touched.”

According to some scholars, the Codex Alexandrinus could be one of the best in the world. It is regarded to be one of the most complete version of the New Testament. This is the New Testament version that most of our New Testaments are based on today.”

People really don't need organized religious groups or institutions in order to find their place in the realm. Most people can read and comprehend, right? So why are the people allowing evil doers to teach them about All Mighty God? In fact, why are the people allowing the evil doers, the fanatics, to teach them anything?

It boggles the mind.

Lord have Mercy