Ouch. Let's be clear. "They fought White Pre-Colonials too." Everyone caught "the blues."

"Damn Yankees," it was.

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organized crime and then the multitude of lone criminals similar to organized and disorganized serial killers...

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Basically, "yeah."

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The military occupation of my state, South Carolina, was conducted by the occupation government as a means of seizing the land holdings of the former Confederate soldiers and other citizens of the state including the free "colored" citizens. The land seizures were accomplished, in part, by trumped up criminal charges resulting in the former CSA soldiers being sent to Dry Tortugas federal prison off the coast of Florida. and their properties seized .

Sherman's arsonists had targeted the courthouses and other repositories of property records , making any defense of property rights difficult or impossible.. As a young hunter during the 1960s, I saw what was referred to as "Sherman's Tombstones" which were chimneys and other masonry components of the houses of farms that had been burned during Sherman's campaign against civilians. "Damn Yankees", indeed.

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Head of the Class you are Mr. Ed! Thank you for knowing your traditions and heritage and passing it along to us. Our families BUILT THIS LAND, BUILT THIS NATION, and then they came in with foreign mercenaries, put on Yankee blues and took it. They "f"ed us up. They stole it all and burned the evidence. Facts.

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