I believe that we have a country that was specifically poisoned by a more lethal strain of jabs and the few of us left will be incapable to form anything resembling fighting back. The usual suspects will use whatever they did to Rwanda in the 90's but on steroids. That was so fucking evil back then, imagine what they can do now. We are not dealing with humans. These bastards have no souls. If I could define them it would be predators from another dimension.

Operation Crimson Mist.

We are not fighting with humans. I still have a hole in my heart for those poor people. Even thinking about it is soul crushing. What 'humans' can get together and do something that sick?????

I hope not but this is a possibility.

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I have noticed an uptick in emotional people. Is it the jab? Perhaps, we can guess, but what we don't have to guess about is the other mechanics that "f"ed people up. They are clear. Public school, "religion," serums for public school [70 in California], Hollywood, News Media, Social Media, Electronic devices, perversion normalized and corruption. Is it the jab? Which one?

Beams, waves, frequencies, all and sundry, but people are already fragile and broken. They are already drugged out, or impaired with pharma chemicals. You are now "feeling" and witnessing this manifest itself. Gird yourself, its gonna get kooky. "Emotions being prepped for the election."

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