See, most to the simple minded people, the head nodders, the spellbound [Those bound under a spell. As in “spelling.”] get caught up on “religion” and religious scriptures [The script], much to their own detriment. Each people on this realm has been shown a way to “The Source of All, “either through oral tradition, or written word. When I say, “written word,” I mean, “within the written word,” because the “deep state of religion” has been hard at work trying to conceal the Way [Striving], the Truth [AS YOU UNVEIL IT TO YOURSELF] and The Light [Knowledge] of what can be only conceived in our minds as “THE CREATOR OF ALL.” The evil doers want the people asleep, and under a hypnotic spell, literally.
Now, do I read the Bible? Sure I do. In the same way I read and study all religious traditions of “The Holy People.” That should be manifest.
Many books, across many traditions, shed light upon the path. Yet for some strange reason this “truth” has been withheld from “believers.” Why?
Each group of each tradition, of all “supposed faiths,” is jockeying for the position of the most greedy, absurd, the most ill-informed, the most distracted and divisive position in the sight of THE MOST HIGH, manifestly. This is 2023 in the western calendar, and yet the people are STILL STUCK 2000 years back rehashing old “religious” madness between two cousins. It boogles the mind? Not only 2000 years back in “religion” but in thinking, actions, abuses, stupidity, and evil. It is wild.
These same delusional, “religious” people expect sane people to be “interested parties” in their lunacy, “I am not.” In 2000 years the “interested parties” have not settled their land title dispute. They have had civil actions, Peace Conferences, Treaties, Deals, Summits, Contracts, Mediation, all and sundry, “Civil.” It has become no longer a “civil matter,” but rather an open, hostile, 75 year “criminal action,” between both parties in violation of international LAW. Kidnapping is a crime. Killing innocents is a crime. Two wrongs cannot be supported “legally or lawfully,” unless “religion” is involved. Then it is alright to kidnap or Harm, but is it really? Does that “really” manifest “God?”
In that the aforementioned matter is a foreign matter, between alleged criminals, in violation of international LAW, one would be precluded, under U.S. LAW, and Higher LAW, from involvement. Besides there is a plethora of “concern” needed on “this land,” and on the people of “this land.”
Why should an “AMERICAN INDIAN” as we are called, whose ancestors were on this land BEFORE THE BIBLE WAS COMMISSIONED BY KING JAMES, WRITTEN BY WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE AND 47 AUTHORS in 1611, care? Why, exactly? Is it because the television says so, or maybe a politician? My family does not have any performance contracts, or outstanding performance bonds, or WRITTEN ENDORSEMENTS, that obligate us to such, and even old ecclesiastical affiliations have been abrogated, abandoned and vacated due to malfeasance, fraud, inter alia, subreption,“Breach of Trust and fiduciary responsibility” by other parties to the obligation. It is void. Again, “So why should our people be “interested parties,” in corporate estate, “foreign entanglements,” by violent religious zealots who dispute, for over 2000 years, over land resources? It is a task to find a justifiable reason why, considering the overall, historical, circumstances.
Using RATIONAL DEDUCTION is it not possible, just remotely possible that perhaps that book, as compiled, is not what it appears, but it is rather a “script” or “Play-Book,” whereby “truths” are contained therein, along with “spellbinding” wording and inculcated witchery? After all, let's keep it PRAGMATIC, King James DID WRITE 3 BOOKS ON WITCHCRAFT, DEMONS AND DEVILS “BEFORE HE COMMISSIONED THE BIBLE.” The title of the books was “demonolgie.” You heard? Maybe it is the “play book” that is NEEDED for you to believe, that way the concocted evil can look like “prophesy being fulfilled?” That way when the devils concoct a pestilence, the simple minded, emotional reactionaries, can “react,” and remain glued, anchored actually, real deep, to the “religious spell.”
“It's the angel opening the vials...” No, its a devil in a lab turning something insalubrious loose.
“And there came unto me one of the seven angels [ANGLES] which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb's wife.”
Revelation 21:9
Lambs don't have wives. See what I mean. Why the “cryptic allegory?” Confusion. You heard?
Take out the emotion, take out the spookism and it becomes clear that “religion” is a grift, a “concocted”control mechanism to lower the lumens of the mind, SEPARATE THE PEOPLE FROM THE SOURCE, to inculcate evil and darkness into the heart and keep the people fast asleep while doing so. That way evil can continue, the grift, “after all “religion” gives standing, JUSTIFICATION, to evil deeds.”
People don't need religion to know what evil or genocide is but when confronted with that truth within the self, the person will dismiss the natural repulsion to evil by justifying it with “religion.” For example*: The “Dum Diversas” issued by the Catholic Church. This was a “green light” to steal, kill and destroy, without justification or cause. Why? Because it was a “religious edict,” and it it called, “Unam Sanctum Operations.” But it was not the Christian “way.”
It, “Unam Sanctum,” was carried out by Western Christianity, not Eastern Orthodoxy, and there are may other branches of that beautiful faith who aren't fighting over filthy lucre or 2000 year old land titles. Study.
Lord have Mercy