"Who, Or What Started The Madness?"
Wolves in Sheep's Clothing.....masquerading, and devouring the innocent.
Who started the evil in the Americas? What entity initiated the wholesale fraud, genocide and exploitation of the Indians of the Americas, and the American Negro Indian in general? Who had ultimate control over the entire operation, and who benefited? It was the church, and so-called, “Christians,” who were really not. In previous posts, “Dear Christian People of the Book” parts 1 and 2, I outline the massive discrepancies in the so-called bible. Over 100.
If men cannot get their biblical story or script straight, the story that supposedly forms the basis of the dictate to harm to others, the basis of their “dum diversas,” their “Doctrine of Discovery,” their edict to impose “their concept” of LAW, (of All Mighty God) and to conquer territory unlawfully, then how can we as a society expect anything else to be straight? The Creator is not the author of confusion and mischief. The mischief came from devils, drunk with perceived worldly power, and a mind washed cadre of “religious” disciples, impoverished, who saw the Americas as a “come up.” Europe was broke. They were scuffling, feuding and eating their own. Literally. The Americas was, and is their meal ticket. Additionally, with regards to the “Dum Diversas,” which states, in pertinent part,
“Bishop Nicholas
Servant of the Servants of God. For the perpetual memory of this act:
To the dearest son in Christ Alfonse, illustrious King of Portugal and the Algarbians,Greetings and Apostolic Blessing.
While we turn over in our mind the diverse concerns of the office of Apostolic service entrusted to us (although we do not deserve it) by celestial Providence, concerns by which we are every day urgently pressed, we are also moved by a persistent encouragement: we chiefly carry in our heart that the well-known anxiety, that the rage of the enemies of the name of Christ, always aggressive in contempt of the orthodox faith, could be restrained by the faithful of Christ and be subjugated to the Christian religion. To this purpose also, when the occasion of the matter demands it, we laboriously expend our free [desire/eagerness/devotion], and indeed remember to follow with fatherly affection all the faithful of Christ, especially dearest sons in Christ, illustrious Kings, professing Christ’s faith, who, for the glory of the Eternal King, eagerly defend the faith itself and with powerful arm fight its enemies. We also look attentively to labor at the defense and growing of the said Religion and all things pertaining to this healing work, should proceed from our undeserved provision, we invite, with spiritual duties and grace, the faithful of Christ and also individuals to rouse their [positions/duties?] in help/support of the faith.
1. As we indeed understand from your pious and Christian desire, you intend to subjugate the enemies of Christ, namely the Saracens. (Muslims) , and bring [them] back, with powerful arm, to the faith of Christ, if the authority of Apostolic See supported you in this. Therefore we consider, that those rising against the Catholic faith and struggling to extinguish Christian Religion must be resisted by the faithful of Christ with courage and firmness, so that the faithful themselves, inflamed by the ardor of faith and armed with courage to be able to hate their intention, not only to go against the intention, if they prevent unjust attempts of force, but with the help of God whose soldiers they are, they stop the endeavors of the faithless, we, fortified with divine love, summoned by the charity of Christians and bound by the duty of our pastoral office, which concerns the integrity and spread of faith for which Christ our God shed his blood, wishing to encourage the vigor of the faithful and Your Royal Majesty in the most sacred intention of this kind, we grant to you full and free power, through the Apostolic authority by this edict, to invade, conquer, fight, subjugate the Saracens and pagans, and other infidels and other enemies of Christ, and wherever established their Kingdoms, Duchies, Royal Palaces, Principalities and other dominions, lands, places, estates, camps and any other possessions, mobile and immobile goods found in all these places and held in whatever name, and held and possessed by the same Saracens, Pagans, infidels, and the enemies of Christ, also realms, duchies, royal palaces, principalities and other dominions, lands, places, estates, camps, possessions of the king or prince or of the kings or princes, and to lead their persons in perpetual servitude, and to apply and appropriate realms, duchies, royal palaces, principalities and other dominions, possessions and goods of this kind to you and your use and your successors the Kings of Portugal.
We carefully ask, require, and encourage your same Royal Majesty, girded by the sword of virtue and fortified with strong courage, for the increase of the divine name and for the exaltation of faith and for the salvation of your soul, having God before your eyes, may you increase in this undertaking the power of your virtue so that the Catholic faith may, through your Royal Majesty, against the enemies of Christ, bring back triumph and that you earn more fully the crown of eternal glory, for which you must fight in lands, and which God promised to those who love Him, and our benediction of the See and grace.
2. For we, by the dignity of your sacrifice, grant that you undertake this work with more courage and fervent zeal, together with chosen sons, noblemen, dukes, princes, barons, soldiers, and other faithful of Christ, accompanying your Royal Serenity in this fight of faith, or contributing with their means, and that they undertake or contribute from their possession, or send, as said before, from which you and they hope to be able to pursue the salvation of their souls, and they hope, by the mercy of omnipotent God, and his apostles the blessed Peter and Paul, entrusted with authority, to you and indeed all individual faithful of Christ of either sex accompanying your Majesty in this work of faith. Indeed to those who did not want to accompany you personally, but will send help according to their means or exigency of allegiance, or they will reasonably contribute from those possessions assigned by God, we grant, by the power of your sacrifice, a plenary forgiveness of all and individual sins, crimes, trespasses, and digressions which you and they have confessed with contrite heart and by mouth, to you and to those who accompany you, as often as you and they happen to go into any war against the mentioned infidels, and indeed to those who do not accompany you but are sending and contributing, as mentioned before, to those who persist in sincerity of faith, in the unity of the Holy Roman Church, by our obedience and devotion and of our successors Roman Pontiffs entering canonically, to the remaining a suitable confessor whom you and anyone of them selected can forgive merely once at the moment of death. Thus, however, the confessor sees to matters in which there is an obligation to a third party and that you, those who accompany you, who send and contribute fulfill it if you and they survive or your heirs and their heirs if you and they perish, as mentioned before.
3. And nevertheless, if it should happen that you or others of those accompanying you against the Saracens and other infidels of this kind, on the way there, staying there, or on the way back, departed from this world, we restore you and those accompanying you, remaining in sincerity and unity, through the present letter, to pure innocence in which you and they existed after baptism.
[Baptism in water, as in “under water,” as in “salvage.” You are ship wrecked.]
4. But we demand that all and each thing which the faithful of Christ, who do not accompany you, contributed for your support to carry out this undertaking, be taken by the noblemen of individual places in which these contributions were given and as time permits at once be repaid and given to you through secure messengers, or letters of the bank, without any reduction, expenses, and salaries, merely reasonably reserved for those working in this undertaking, and that they are transmitted under authentic sum-total, and that if the noblemen themselves, or anybody else deducted, or transferred or seized for his own use from the sum sent for support of this undertaking anything except expenses and salaries, or if they allowed or conspired for money to be either fraudulently or deceitfully subtracted, transferred or seized, that they incur eo ipso the sentence of excommunication, from which they cannot be absolved except by the office of the Roman Pontificate if they are in articulo mortis (at the moment of death).
5. For the rest, since it would be difficult to carry this present letter to individual places where perhaps it would be doubted about its credibility, we want and decree with authority that to its transfer signed by the hand of Notary public and provided with seal of a bishop or High Court, same credibility is shown, as if the original letter were presented or shown.
6. Consequently, it is not allowed to any person to infringe this sheet of our granting, pardon, will, indulgence, and decree, or dare to oppose it rashly. If, however, anyone tried to tamper with it, he would incur the indignation of the Omnipotent God, and of blessed Apostles Peter and Paul.
Given in Rome at St. Peter, in the year of the Incarnation of the Lord 1452 on June 18th, in the sixth year of our Pontificate.
Or this next “edict” supposedly authorized by, “Christ.” Which One? The “Kristos” of the past, or which allegory exactly that authorizes genocide, whole cloth, of the entire non-Christian part of the realm?
Which deity? Which “God,” that allows evil for material gain?
“Bishop Alexander, servant of the servants of God, [sends his] most beloved son in Christ King Fernando and [his] most beloved daughter in Christ Queen Isabella, [regents] of Castile, Leon, Aragon, Sicily and Granada, salutation and apostolic benediction. Among other works pleasing the divine majesty and close to our heart, this indeed stands out the most: elevating the Catholic faith and the Christian religion, especially in [these] our times, as well as extending and spreading it everywhere, securing the salvation of souls and subduing the barbarous nations and bringing them back to the faith itself. Since we have been called to this Holy See of Peter by the will of the divine grace despite, of course, being undeserving, and because we recognize that you as those truly Catholic kings and princes, as we know you have always been and for which your splendid deeds so famous almost the world over serve as proof, not just desire it but turn it into reality with all effort and zeal and with full diligence, sparing nothing in terms of exertion, costs, and danger, shedding even your own blood, and that you have committed to this your whole heart and every effort for some time now - as your recent recovery of the Kingdom of Granada from the tyranny of the Saracens, which greatly elevated the glory of the name of God, attests - we [therefore] consider it worthy and appropriate and we feel obliged to grant you willingly and enthusiastically those things necessary to pursue, with daily growing ardor, such a sacred and commendable plan pleasing to the immortal God for the honor of God himself and the extension of the Christian realm. We have heard, of course, that though for some time you had intended to look for and find certain remote and unknown islands and mainlands, heretofore undiscovered by others, in order to return their local population and inhabitants to the worship of our Redeemer and to the profession of the Catholic faith, you were not able to reach the intended goal of this your sacred and commendable plan, as you were until now most occupied with the conquest and recovery of the Kingdom of Granada; but when the aforementioned kingdom was finally regained, as it pleased the Lord, and wishing to follow your desire, you designated [our] beloved son Christopher Columbus, a man certainly worthy and most highly recommendable and suited for a task of this magnitude, together with ships and men equipped for such an undertaking under the greatest hardships, dangers and expenses, to carefully search for remote and unknown continents and islands of this kind across the sea, where no one had ever sailed before; with help from above and utmost perseverance while sailing the ocean, these [men] found certain very remote islands and even mainlands heretofore undiscovered by others and inhabited by an abundance of peoples who live peacefully and who go naked, as we are assured, and don’t eat flesh. And the peoples themselves who dwell in the aforementioned islands and lands believe, as your aforementioned envoys have reason to assert, that there is one God, the creator, in heaven, and they appear to be ready to embrace the Catholic faith and to be imbued with good morals, and, if they are instructed, there is [good] hope for an easy introduction of the name of the Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ, in said lands and islands; and the aforementioned Christopher has already arranged for the construction and erection of a sufficiently fortified outpost on one of the main islands, which he left in the custody of certain Christians who came with him and who ought to search out other remote and unknown islands and mainlands; on those islands and lands already discovered are found gold, spices, and an abundance of other precious things of various kinds and qualities. Hence you proposed, after careful consideration of all things and in particular with regard to the exaltation and dissemination of the Catholic faith, as is befitting Catholic kings and princes, in the tradition of your ancestors, kings of illustrious memory, to subject said mainlands and islands and their local population and inhabitants with the help of divine grace and to bring them back to the Catholic faith. In our strongest support in the Lord of this sacred and commendable plan of yours and wishing that it shall be carried to its rightful end and that the name of our Savior shall be brought into those regions, we urge you, therefore, most strongly in the Lord and by the reception of the holy baptism, through which you owe obedience to our apostolic mandates, and by the bowels of our Lord Jesus Christ’s mercy, we order you sternly, if you, in your dedication to the true faith, devoutly intend to rigorously pursue such an expedition, that it be and has to be your intention to induce the populations living in those islands and lands to accept the Christian religion, and neither danger nor hardship should ever deter you in your steadfast hope and confidence that God Almighty will ensure the good outcome of your endeavors. And, in order to take up more freely and courageously a task of such magnitude, given to you out of the generosity of the apostolic grace, by our own impulse, not at your or someone else’s request on your behest in this matter but out of our pure magnanimity and a certain knowledge and full apostolic power, we draw and establish a line from the Arctic Pole, or north, to the Antarctic Pole, or south, irrespective of whether the mainlands and islands were found or are to be found towards India or any other region - a line that shall be distant one hundred leagues to the west and south of any of the islands that are usually called the Azores and Cape Verde, so that all islands and mainlands discovered and to be discovered, detected and to be detected, from said line towards the west and south, as long as they were not in fact in the possession of another Christian king or prince up to the day of the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ that just passed and from where begins our current one thousand fourteen hundred ninety-third year, when some of the aforementioned islands were found by your envoys and captains -, and with the authority of the Almighty God bestowed on us in our [succession of] St. Peter and of the Vicariate of Jesus Christ that we execute on earth and with the consent of the people present, we give, grant and assign in perpetuity to you and your heirs and successors, the kings of Castile and Leon, all the islands and mainlands found and to be found, discovered and to be discovered, in the west and south, with all of their dominions, cities, castles, towns and villages, and all rights, jurisdictions and domains, and make, appoint and regard you and said heirs and successors as their lords with full, free and all encompassing power, authority and jurisdiction; we decree likewise that no right of any Christian prince who in fact owned said islands or mainlands by the said day of the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ can be challenged or invalidated by this gift, grant and assignment of ours. And in addition, we order you by the virtue of holy obedience - as you also promised and we have no doubt you will do in your most profound devotion and royal magnanimity - to assign qualified and God-fearing, learned, experienced, and knowledgeable men to said mainlands and islands in order to instruct the aforementioned local populations and inhabitants in the Catholic faith and to imbue them with good morals, while you exhibit all necessary diligence in the aforementioned matters; and we strictly forbid any person of whatever dignity - even imperial and royal -, status, standing, rank or position, under immediate penalty of excommunication, which they would incur should they disobey, to undertake journeys for commercial or any other reasons to the islands and mainlands found and to be found, discovered and to be discovered, in the west and south without your and your aforementioned heirs’ and successors’ explicit permission, unless there are any conflicting apostolic regulations and decrees or any other obstacles, by drawing and establishing a line from the Arctic Pole to the Antarctic Pole irrespective of whether the mainlands and islands were found or are to be found towards India or towards any other region; a line that shall be distant one hundred leagues to the west and south from any of the islands that are usually called the Azores and Cape Verde, as stated above: We trust in him from whom empires and dominions and all good things originate that, with the Lord’s guidance, should you pursue such a sacred and laudable plan, your struggles and efforts will shortly lead to a most happy outcome, to the delight and glory of all Christendom. But since it will be difficult to bring the present document to each place where it might be expedient, we wish and decree by similar impulse and knowledge that a transcript signed by the hand of a commissioned public notary and furnished with the seal of any person in an ecclesiastical office or from an ecclesiastical court may receive the [same] undiminished credence before the law and in other circumstances as the present one would receive if produced and displayed. No one is allowed, therefore, to infringe upon this our commendation’s, exhortation’s, request’s, gift’s, grant’s, assignment’s, regulation’s, deputation’s, decree’s, mandate’s, prohibition’s and will’s charter or act against it with impetuous insolence. Should someone dare to try just that, however, he may expect to incur the wrath of the Almighty God and of his apostles St. Peter and Paul.
Given at Rome at St. Peter’s in the one thousand four hundred ninety-third year of the Lord’s Incarnation, on the fourth of May, the first year of our pontificate. Gratis as ordered by our most holy lord, the pope. In June For the referendary A. de Mucciarellis For Io. Buff[olino], A. S[an]tos[e]verino L. Podocatharus.
Or lastly, the third in the trifecta of evil, which when coupled with the aforementioned, forms the clay feet of the institutional subreption and wholesale enslavement of the western population, to wit, The Bull Romanus Pontifex (Nicholas V) January 8, 1454 “Nicholas, bishop, servant of the servants of God. for a perpetual remembrance...
The Roman pontiff, successor of the key-bearer of the heavenly kingdom and vicar of Jesus Christ, contemplating with a father’s mind all the several climes of the world and the characteristics of all the nations dwelling in them and seeking and desiring the salvation of all, wholesomely ordains and disposes upon careful deliberation those things which he sees will be agreeable to the Divine Majesty and by which he may bring the sheep entrusted to him by God into the single divine fold, and may acquire for them the reward of eternal felicity, and obtain pardon for their souls. This we believe will more certainly come to pass, through the aid of the Lord, if we bestow suitable favors and special graces on those Catholic kings and princes, who, like athletes and intrepid champions of the Christian faith, as we know by the evidence of facts, not only restrain the savage excesses of the Saracens and of other infidels, enemies of the Christian name, but also for the defense and increase of the faith vanquish them and their kingdoms and habitations, though situated in the remotest parts unknown to us, and subject them to their own temporal dominion, sparing no labor and expense, in order that those kings and princes, relieved of all obstacles, may be the more animated to the prosecution of so salutary and laudable a work.
We have lately heard, not without great joy and gratification, how our beloved son, the noble personage Henry, infante of Portugal, uncle of our most dear son in Christ, the illustrious Alfonso, king of the kingdoms of Portugal and Algarve, treading in the footsteps of John, of famous memory, king of the said kingdoms, his father, and greatly inflamed with zeal for the salvation of souls and with fervor of faith, as a Catholic and true soldier of Christ, the Creator of all things, and a most active and courageous defender and intrepid champion of the faith in Him, has aspired from his early youth with his utmost might to cause the most glorious name of the said Creator to be published, extolled, and revered throughout the whole world, even in the most remote and undiscovered places, and also to bring into the bosom of his faith the perfidious enemies of him and of the life-giving Cross by which we have been redeemed, namely the Saracens and all other infidels whatsoever, [and how] after the city of Ceuta, situated in Africa, had been subdued by the said King John to his dominion, and after many wars had been waged, sometimes in person, by the said infante, although in the name of the said King John, against the enemies and infidels aforesaid, not without the greatest labors and expense, and with dangers and loss of life and property, and the slaughter of very many of their natural subjects, the said infante being neither enfeebled nor terrified by so many and great labors, dangers, and losses, but growing daily more and more zealous in prosecuting this his so laudable and pious purpose, has peopled with orthodox Christians certain solitary islands in the ocean sea, and has caused churches and other pious places to be there founded and built, in which divine service is celebrated. Also by the laudable endeavor and industry of the said infante, very many inhabitants or dwellers in divers islands situated in the said sea, coming to the knowledge of the true God, have received holy baptism, to the praise and glory of God, the salvation of the souls of many, the propagation also of the orthodox faith, and the increase of divine worship. Moreover, since, some time ago, it had come to the knowledge of the said infante that never, or at least not within the memory of men, had it been customary to sail on this ocean sea toward the southern and eastern shores, and that it was so unknown to us westerners that we had no certain knowledge of the peoples of those parts, believing that he would best perform his duty to God in this matter, if by his effort and industry that sea might become navigable as far as to the Indians who are said to worship the name of Christ, and that thus he might be able to enter into relation with them, and to incite them to aid the Christians against the Saracens and other such enemies of the faith, and might also be able forthwith to subdue certain gentile or pagan peoples, living between, who are entirely free from infection by the sect of the most impious Mahomet, and to preach and cause to be preached to them the unknown but most sacred name of Christ, strengthened, however, always by the royal authority, he has not ceased for twenty-five years past to send almost yearly an army of the peoples of the said kingdoms with the greatest labor, danger, and expense, in very swift ships called caravels, to explore the sea and coast lands toward the south and the Antarctic pole. And so it came to pass that when a number of ships of this kind had explored and taken possession of very many harbors, islands, and seas, they at length came to the province of Guinea, and having taken possession of some islands and harbors and the sea adjacent to that province, sailing farther they came to the mouth of a certain great river commonly supposed to be the Nile, and war was waged for some years against the peoples of those parts in the name of the said King Alfonso and of the infante, and in it very many islands in that neighborhood were subdued and peacefully possessed, as they are still possessed together with the adjacent sea. Thence also many Guineamen and other Negroes, taken by force, and some by barter of unprohibited articles, or by other lawful contract of purchase, have been sent to the said kingdoms. A large number of these have been converted to the Catholic faith, and it is hoped, by the help of divine mercy, that if such progress be continued with them, either those peoples will be converted to the faith or at least the souls of many of them will be gained for Christ. [Slaves “souls” and bodies harvested for their evil deity, who has assumed the costume of Christ.]
But since, as we are informed, although the king and infante aforesaid (who with so many and so great dangers, labors, and expenses, and also with loss of so many natives of their said kingdoms, very many of whom have perished in those expeditions, depending only upon the aid of those natives, have caused those provinces to be explored and have acquired and possessed such harbors, islands, and seas, as aforesaid, as the true lords of them), fearing lest strangers induced by covetousness should sail to those parts, and desiring to usurp to themselves the perfection, fruit, and praise of this work, or at least to hinder it, should therefore, either for the sake of gain or through malice, carry or transmit iron, arms, wood used for construction, and other things and goods prohibited to be carried to infidels or should teach those infidels the art of navigation, whereby they would become more powerful and obstinate enemies to the king and infante, and the prosecution of this enterprise would either be hindered, or would perhaps entirely fail, not without great offense to God and great reproach to all Christianity, to prevent this and to conserve their right and possession, [the said king and infante] under certain most severe penalties then expressed, have prohibited and in general have ordained that none, unless with their sailors and ships and on payment of a certain tribute and with an express license previously obtained from the said king or infante, should presume to sail to the said provinces or to trade in their ports or to fish in the sea, [although the king and infante have taken this action, yet in time it might happen that persons of other kingdoms or nations, led by envy, malice, or covetousness, might presume, contrary to the prohibition aforesaid, without license and payment of such tribute, to go to the said provinces, and in the provinces, harbors, islands, and sea, so acquired, to sail, trade, and fish; and thereupon between King Alfonso and the infante, who would by no means suffer themselves to be so trifled with in these things, and the presumptuous persons aforesaid, very many hatreds, rancors, dissensions, wars, and scandals, to the highest offense of God and danger of souls, probably might and would ensue – We [therefore] weighing all and singular the premises with due meditation, and noting that since we had formerly by other letters of ours granted among other things free and ample faculty to the aforesaid King Alfonso – to invade, search out, capture, vanquish, and subdue all Saracens and pagans whatsoever, and other enemies of Christ wheresoever placed, and the kingdoms, dukedoms, principalities, dominions, possessions, and all movable and immovable goods whatsoever held and possessed by them and to reduce their persons to perpetual slavery, and to apply and appropriate to himself and his successors the kingdoms, dukedoms, counties, principalities, dominions, possessions, and goods, and to convert them to his and their use and profit – by having secured the said faculty, the said King Alfonso, or, by his authority, the aforesaid infante, justly and lawfully has acquired and possessed, and doth possess, these islands, lands, harbors, and seas, and they do of right belong and pertain to the said King Alfonso and his successors, nor without special license from King Alfonso and his successors themselves has any other even of the faithful of Christ been entitled hitherto, nor is he by any means now entitled lawfully to meddle therewith – in order that King Alfonso himself and his successors and the infante may be able the more zealously to pursue and may pursue this most pious and noble work, and most worthy of perpetual remembrance (which, since the salvation of souls, increase of the faith, and overthrow of its enemies may be procured thereby, we regard as a work wherein the glory of God, and faith in Him, and His commonwealth, the Universal Church, are concerned) in proportion as they, having been relieved of all the greater obstacles, shall find themselves supported by us and by the Apostolic See with favors and graces – we, being very fully informed of all and singular the premises, do, motu proprio, not at the instance of King Alfonso or the infante, or on the petition of any other offered to us on their behalf in respect to this matter, and after mature deliberation, by apostolic authority, and from certain knowledge, in the fullness of apostolic power, by the tenor of these presents decree and declare that the aforesaid letters of faculty (the tenor whereof we wish to be considered as inserted word for word in these presents, with all and singular the clauses therein contained) are extended to Ceuta and to the aforesaid and all other acquisitions whatsoever, even those acquired before the date of the said letters of faculty, and to all those provinces, islands, harbors, and seas whatsoever, which hereafter, in the name of the said King Alfonso and of his successors and of the infante, in those parts and the adjoining, and in the more distant and remote parts, can be acquired from the hands of infidels or pagans, and that they are comprehended under the said letters of faculty. And by force of those and of the present letters of faculty the acquisitions already made, and what hereafter shall happen to be acquired, after they shall have been acquired, we do by the tenor of these presents decree and declare have pertained, and forever of right do belong and pertain, to the aforesaid king and to his successors and to the infante, and that the right of conquest which in the course of these letters we declare to be extended from the capes of Bojador and of Não, as far as through all Guinea, and beyond toward that southern shore, has belonged and pertained, and forever of right belongs and pertains, to the said King Alfonso, his successors, and the infante, and not to any others. We also by the tenor of these presents decree and declare that King Alfonso and his successors and the infante aforesaid might and may, now and henceforth, freely and lawfully, in these [acquisitions] and concerning them make any prohibitions, statutes, and decrees whatsoever, even penal ones, and with imposition of any tribute, and dispose and ordain concerning them as concerning their own property and their other dominions. And in order to confer a more effectual right and assurance we do by these presents forever give, grant, and appropriate to the aforesaid King Alfonso and his successors, kings of the said kingdoms, and to the infante, the provinces, islands, harbors, places, and seas whatsoever, how many soever, and of what sort soever they shall be, that have already been acquired and that shall hereafter come to be acquired, and the right of conquest also from the capes of Bojador and of Não aforesaid.
Moreover, since this is fitting in many ways for the perfecting of a work of this kind, we allow that the aforesaid King Alfonso and [his] successors and the infante, as also the persons to whom they, or any one of them, shall think that this work ought to be committed, may (according to the grant made to the said King John by Martin V., of happy memory, and another grant made also to King Edward of illustrious memory, king of the same kingdoms, father of the said King Alfonso, by Eugenius IV., of pious memory, Roman pontiffs, our predecessors) make purchases and sales of any things and goods and victuals whatsoever, as it shall seem fit, with any Saracens and infidels, in the said regions; and also may enter into any contracts, transact business, bargain, buy and negotiate, and carry any commodities whatsoever to the places of those Saracens and infidels, provided they be not iron instruments, wood to be used for construction, cordage, ships, or any kinds of armor, and may sell them to the said Saracens and infidels; and also may do, perform, or prosecute all other and singular things [mentioned] in the premises, and things suitable or necessary in relation to these; and that the same King Alfonso, his successors, and the infante, in the provinces, islands, and places already acquired, and to be acquired by him, may found and [cause to be] founded and built any churches, monasteries, or other pious places whatsoever; and also may send over to them any ecclesiastical persons whatsoever, as volunteers, both seculars, and regulars of any of the mendicant orders(with license, however, from their superiors), and that those persons may abide there as long as they shall live, and hear confessions of all who live in the said parts or who come thither, and after the confessions have been heard they may give due absolution in all cases, except those reserved to the aforesaid see, and enjoin salutary penance, and also administer the ecclesiastical sacraments freely and lawfully, and this we allow and grant to Alfonso himself, and his successors, the kings of Portugal, who shall come afterwards, and to the aforesaid infante. Moreover, we entreat in the Lord, and by the sprinkling of the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, whom, as has been said, it concerneth, we exhort, and as they hope for the remission of their sins enjoin, and also by this perpetual edict of prohibition we more strictly inhibit, all and singular the faithful of Christ, ecclesiastics, seculars, and regulars of whatsoever orders, in whatsoever part of the world they live, and of whatsoever state, degree, order, condition, or pre-eminence they shall be, although endued with archiepiscopal, episcopal, imperial, royal, queenly, ducal, or any other greater ecclesiastical or worldly dignity, that they do not by any means presume to carry arms, iron, wood for construction, and other things prohibited by law from being in any way carried to the Saracens, to any of the provinces, islands, harbors, seas, and places whatsoever, acquired or possessed in the name of King Alfonso, or situated in this conquest or elsewhere, to the Saracens, infidels, or pagans; or even without special license from the said King Alfonso and his successors and the infante, to carry or cause to be carried merchandise and other things permitted by law, or to navigate or cause to be navigated those seas, or to fish in them, or to meddle with the provinces, islands, harbors, seas, and places, or any of them, or with this conquest, or to do anything by themselves or another or others, directly or indirectly, by deed or counsel, or to offer any obstruction whereby the aforesaid King Alfonso and his successors and the infante may be hindered from quietly enjoying their acquisitions and possessions, and prosecuting and carrying out this conquest. And we decree that whosoever shall infringe these orders [shall incur the following penalties], besides the punishments pronounced by law against those who carry arms and other prohibited things to any of the Saracens, which we wish them to incur by so doing; if they be single persons, they shall incur the sentence of excommunication; if a community or corporation of a city, castle, village, or place, that city, castle, village, or place shall be thereby subject to the interdict; and we decree further that transgressors, collectively or individually, shall not be absolved from the sentence of excommunication, nor be able to obtain the relaxation of this interdict, by apostolic or any other authority, unless they shall first have made due satisfaction for their transgressions to Alfonso himself and his successors and to the infante, or shall have amicably agreed with them thereupon. By [these] apostolic writings we enjoin our venerable brothers, the archbishop of Lisbon, and the bishops of Silves and Ceuta, that they, or two or one of them, by himself, or another or others, as often as they or any of them shall be required on the part of the aforesaid King Alfonso and his successors and the infante or any one of them, on Sundays, and other festival days, in the churches, while a large multitude of people shall assemble there for divine worship, do declare and denounce by apostolic authority that those persons who have been proved to have incurred such sentences of excommunication and interdict, are excommunicated and interdicted, and have been and are involved in the other punishments aforesaid. And we decree that they shall also cause them to be denounced by others, and to be strictly avoided by all, till they shall have made satisfaction for or compromised their transgressions as aforesaid. Offenders are to be held in check by ecclesiastical censure, without regard to appeal, the apostolic constitutions and ordinances and all other things whatsoever to the contrary notwithstanding. But in order that the present letters, which have been issued by us of our certain knowledge and after mature deliberation thereupon, as is aforesaid, may not hereafter be impugned by anyone as fraudulent, secret, or void, we will, and by the authority, knowledge, and power aforementioned, we do likewise by these letters, decree and declare that the said letters and what is contained therein cannot in any wise be impugned, or the effect thereof hindered or obstructed, on account of any defect of fraudulency, secrecy, or nullity, not even from a defect of the ordinary or of any other authority, or from any other defect, but that they shall be valid forever and shall obtain full authority. And if anyone, by whatever authority, shall, wittingly or unwittingly, attempt anything inconsistent with these orders we decree that his act shall be null and void. Moreover, because it would be difficult to carry our present letters to all places whatsoever, we will, and by the said authority we decree by these letters, that faith shall be given as fully and permanently to copies of them, certified under the hand of a notary public and the seal of the episcopal or any superior ecclesiastical court, as if the said original letters were exhibited or shown; and we decree that within two months from the day when these present letters, or the paper or parchment containing the tenor of the same, shall be affixed to the doors of the church at Lisbon, the sentences of excommunication and the other sentences contained therein shall bind all and singular offenders as fully as if these present letters had been made known and presented to them in person and lawfully. Therefore let no one infringe or with rash boldness contravene this our declaration, constitution, gift, grant, appropriation, decree, supplication, exhortation, injunction, inhibition, mandate, and will. But if anyone should presume to do so, be it known to him that he will incur the wrath of Almighty God and of the blessed apostles Peter and Paul. Given at Rome, at Saint Peter’s, on the eighth day of January, in the year of the incarnation of our Lord one thousand four hundred and fifty-four, and in the eighth year of our pontificate.” *** Side note: Throughout the aforementioned “edicts” there is a constant focus on Muslims. Why? Because Islam is a threat to satan. Not TV Islam, or media isis Islam, but true Islam, which like Christianity, has been usurped by impostors. Jesus, Peace be upon Him, is mentioned 125 times in the Qur’an. Muhammad only 6. The word, “Christian,” or “Christianity” is not in the bible.
I will let the reader digest the rest. Please be informed that the aforementioned unum sanctum operations are still ongoing and the Papacy in Rome, the Pope, has never rescinded these Holy Roman “edicts.” They form the “spiritual” green light that allows doers of evil to massacre an entire civilization, rob it blind, enslave the rest, invoke a prayer, go to church, and sleep at night. All legal, all sanctioned by their deity. Not mines, or any sane person's I would bet.
It seems, based upon the incorporated instruments that organized “religion” and its concept of “God” is actually a mental disorder whereby psychopaths rob, murder, steal land, and cleanse themselves of guilt with a , delusional dogma of “Divine Providence.”
Which so called, “divinity?” I ask because there sure is a lot of blood, murder, suffering and misery associated with this concept of “divine edict,” unless the “divinity” has been inverted. If that is the case, and the evidence leans that way, the so called, “deity” that the evidence points to, based upon the bloodshed, is the devil.
All Mighty God assigns land, wealth and sustenance to His creation, by creation, as He sees fit, without genocide, murder, inter alia, bloodshed, fraud and or theft. The attributes of negative energy are associated with the evil one and his disciples, they are his trademark, the trademark of rejection, of all that is ugly, not All Mighty God. I recognize the hoof prints. The hoofs that have been walking over the populace of the states united, and my family since 1764. Hoofs on the realm since 1320.
Lord have Mercy
The earth is the Lord's. The sins of men who declare they are God on earth make a mockery of God's principles to the peril of all.