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“ Monteria infernal...."

In our tradition, the woman is the shot caller. She is not the Chief, but the Chief can’t “move in any direction” without her input. Period. So, her voice represents “many waters,” and on the rare occasion when she speaks, her words are weighty on the soul. That is the only way it can be, such is her creation. Auntie from the First Nations has spoken the truth and in our traditions on this land, Turtle Island [North America], she unveils our intentions of not destroying the foreigner, but to see the foreigner on the land and their people, ALL PEOPLE, healed. We all want that. We have never been a hateful people. Others however, have absolutely been so.

None of us ever can heal until we first find out what the problem is, acknowledge it, remedy it and then move on. See one of the biggest obstacles to healing is denial. People deny truth until they can’t no more. The problem with that is often people wait until it is too late, and then facing the truth is meaningless. The damage becomes irreparable,. and then some are full of regrets. Go to a funeral for clarity, and “there” homes “regret.” “I should have said this, or should have done that,” cries the guilty conscious.

The colonial powers of Europe in conjunction with the Papacy, destroyed our peoples of the Americas, and exported untold wealth and souls from this land. They did, and in some case, continue to do, absolutely everything imaginable that is evil, fraudulent, and genocidal. That is the truth. History classifies it as, “The Bad Guys.”

No one on this land, the states united, has the life they have, or that their ancestors had, except by way of usurpation, violence and dirty dealing. The aboriginal title to the land was taken unlawfully, extinguished, and the people of the land were extinguished right along with it. Gold, silver, oil, furs, crops, commerce, all and sundry, generated on a pile of bones. All based upon a lie, “The Doctrine of Discovery,” which had been OUTLAWED in 1537 by the Pope. Everything forward from there was fraud and crime because it had no force in law, ecclesiastical, common law or otherwise. It was “phony decrees” that were used to justify the hijack by squatters. Squatters who came to this land and committed genocide.

The levels of fraud, name stealing, land theft, and violence is unimaginable, and most cannot be spoken on, at least here. People have no idea, literally, because public school never taught them such, and since they don’t know, they navigate on the land with a sort of entitlement, a sort of arrogance. They have no idea that literally, they are residing on a “Valley of Dry Bones.” Bones of our people.

Think about it? A strange people comes to YOUR LAND, and they are in really bad shape. They are digging up graves of their comrades for sustenance, FOOD, because they don’t know the land. Our people took them in, fed them, clothed them, sheltered them, taught them to grow corn and tobacco, shared our women as wives, gave them land to stay on and that still was not enough. None of the hospitality mattered, our people were not Messianic, “believers in the lie,” so we were savages. All of the “Christian niceties” was just a front, a deception, a ruse, a diabolical lie.

The English colonist “settlers” lied in our faces, smiled in our faces, pretended to be our friends until they got “their numbers up,” and then they proceeded to murder us for our lands and land wealth non stop for over 201 years. This on top of the 8 attempts it took Spain to establish a settlement in Florida, Land of Flowers, in the decades before them. Hernando De Soto fed out people, in what is now “The Deep South” to his dogs. Our men, women and children.

Dogs of the Conquistadors

“The Spaniards began using dogs at least by the 1260s, as King Jaume I of Aragon-Catalonia supplied guard dogs to garrisons of regional castles. When Christopher Columbus returned to the New World in 1493, Don Juan Rodriguez de Fonseca, in charge of supplying the expedition, included 20 mastiffs and greyhounds as weapons. The Spanish destroyed the Guanches of the Canary Islands by use of war dogs. Later the dogs fought the Moors. The mastiffs, which could weigh as much as 250 pounds and stand three feet high at the shoulder, were brute attackers, while the greyhounds were speedy and made lightning-quick strikes, often trying to disembowel their opponent.”

“In May 1494 the Jamaican natives did not look friendly, so Columbus ordered an attack. One war dog caused absolute terror, so Columbus in his journal wrote that one dog was worth 10 soldiers against Indians. During the Haiti campaign, opposed by a huge native force, all 20 dogs fought at the Battle of Vega Real in March 1495. Alonso de Ojeda, who had fought with them against the Moors, commanded the dogs. He released the dogs shouting, “Tomalos!” (basically, “Sic ’em!”). An observer said that in one hour, each dog had torn apart at least a hundred natives. The island was taken largely by terror of the dogs. Later conquistadores including Ponce de Leon, Balboa, Velasquez, Cortes, De Soto, Toledo, Coronado, and Pizarro all used war dogs.”

“Some Spaniards started a cruel practice called “la monteria infernal” (“the hellish hunting”) or “dogging,” setting the dogs on the chiefs or other important people in tribes. When their leaders were torn to shreds, the tribes often surrendered. To increase the ferocity of attacks, some conquistadores fed the dogs on the flesh of natives. One Portuguese fellow “had the quarters of Indians hanging on a porch to feed his dogs with.” The dog Amigo helped in the conquest of Mexico. Bruto, belonging to Hernando de Soto, assisted in the conquest of Florida. When Bruto died, the Spaniards kept it secret, because the natives feared him so much.”

“A dog named Mohama [Mohamad, a slur against The Prophet] gained a soldier’s share of the booty for fighting courageously at Granada. Perhaps recognizing the Spanish love for war dogs, in 1518, King Henry VIII of England sent 400 war mastiffs “garnished with good yron collers” (spiked collars) to the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V of Spain. Apparently one of Charles’s foes heard of this acquisition and started collecting war dogs of his own. At the siege of Valencia, the iron-clad mastiffs sent the newly trained French dogs fleeing with their tails between their legs.”

“The Spanish sent war dogs to their New World campaigns to help conquer much of South and Central America. Just as the invaders’ horses terrified the natives, so did the dogs, because the likes of these creatures had never been seen. The Aztec king, Montezuma, was told that the Spanish dogs were huge, “spotted like ocelots, with ears doubled over, great hanging jowls, blazing yellow eyes, gaunt stomachs, and flanks with ribs showing.” They “went about panting, tongues hanging out. Their barks astounded the Mexicans since, though they had their little dogs, they did not bark; they merely yowled.” A mastiff belonging to Francisco de Lugo barked most of the night, causing the local people to ask if the beast was a lion. They were told that the dogs would kill anyone who annoyed the Spaniards. The dogs often preceded the horsemen in column, panting with “foam dripping from their mouths.”

“A German explorer accompanied the Spaniards to Colombia and saw a brigade of mastiffs used to scout out ambushes by the Chibchas Indians. These animals wore quilted armor to protect them from arrows, and they learned to kill the natives by tearing out their throats. The Indians were terrified of these dogs. An account in 1553 says Pizarro’s dogs were “so fierce that in two bites with their cruel teeth they laid open their victims to the entrails.”

“The dogs the Spaniards brought were mostly war dogs. These dogs were strong and ferocious, accompanying their owners in battles. They were usually wearing armor to protect them from enemies and were incredibly valued. The Spaniards depended so much on their war dogs that they trained them to kill. They often had them fast days before a battle to make them more lethal against their enemies. They were also used as a method of torture against Americans.”

“The Aztec natives were familiar with certain breeds of dogs, but they were generally small and harmless species, without much fur. The species known by these natives were an antecedent of the modern chihuahua and the Xoloitzcuintle. These dogs were raised as pets and also as food and source of protein. Unlike these more timid endogenous breeds, European dogs were large and aggressive. The Aztecs had dogs. They were small, hairless, timid creatures, related to the modern Chihuahua, which were reared not as pets but as a food source. Accordingly when the Aztecs first met the Spanish war dogs – wolfhounds, greyhounds, lurchers, pit bulls and gigantic mastiffs similar to modern Rottweilers, they had absolutely no idea what they were dealing with. Indeed they did not think these animals were dogs at all.”

“They thought they might be some species of dragon – an impression compounded by the fact that the Spanish dogs were armored in chainmail and steel plate like their masters and were thus almost invulnerable to stone weapons. Fasted before battle so they were in a state of voracious, slavering hunger, trained to fight and kill with the utmost ferocity, these terrifying animals already relished human flesh having been used repeatedly in acts of genocide against the Indians of Hispaniola and Cuba. Unleashed in snarling, baying packs, their tongues lolling, drool dripping from their fangs and sparks of fire seeming – in the imagination of the victims – to flash from their eyes, they tore into the Aztec front lines with devastating effect, disemboweling men, ripping out their throats, feasting on their soft, unarmored bodies.”

“They have flat ears and are spotted like ocelots,” reported one Aztec eyewitness of the Spanish war dogs. “They have great dragging jowls and fangs like daggers and blazing eyes of burning yellow that flash fire and shoot off sparks. Their bellies are gaunt, their flanks long and lean with the ribs showing. They are tireless and very powerful. They bound here and there, panting, their tongues dripping venom.”

“Clad in metal armor and chains, the natives did not believe that these creatures were dogs and regarded them as beasts. These attack dogs, often wearing their own armor, were the common European shock and awe tactic of the period. The first documented New World use of these canine swat teams occurred in 1495 when Bartholomew Columbus, Chris’s brother, used 20 mastiffs in a battle waged at Santa Maris el Antigua, Darien with his brother employing the same approach a year later.” 

“These dogs were trained to pursue, disembowel and dismember humans and to this purpose, enjoyed a human diet in the Americas. The Spanish reveled in holding human hunts called “la Monteria infernal “where much sport was made of chasing and killing the local men, women and children.”

“The noted Spanish apologist Bartolme de La Casas has left us numerous accounts of the exploits of these hounds from hell and it is easy to understand why these horrific memes still prevail in the cultures of Latin America. The names of many of these dogs so esteemed by the Spaniards still live on and here are but a few: Bercerruillo the terror of Borinquen, until he was fallen by 50 arrows, received a salary one and a half times that of an archer from his owner Ponce de Leon.”

“Leoncillo (Little Lion), Bercerruillo’s son, was Balboa’s warrior, earned over 500 gold pesos in booty during his many campaigns, and he was the first Western dog to see the Pacific. When ordered to catch a native he would grab the man’s arm in his mouth. If the man came along quietly, they walked slowly to Balboa. If there was any resistance, the dog ripped him apart. Bruto, De Soto’s champion, received 20 slaves as spoils before his career ended.”

So, as long as the beneficiaries of the blessing of this land continue to be arrogant and entitled, then land will continue to punish them. There will never be Peace, and most importantly, the people will never heal. There is nothing more dangerous than a wounded animal. The people have been generationally “wounded,” and now is the time for medicine, for healing, because if not, they way forward is gonna be wild.

That’s where this comes in, a person can’t heal a wound they “consciously” don’t know they have. On a quantum level, EVERYBODY KNOWS, but on a base reality, the memory is being repressed by alcohol, street drugs, pharma drugs, frequencies and electronics. The DNA can never release it. Repressed memory is at the root of many mental deficiencies, because those memories have a consequence in behavior, mostly negative.

Both the popular media and professional literature have presented many accounts of repressed memory and false memory in the past 5 years. Repressed memory occurs when trauma is too severe to be kept in conscious memory, and is removed by repression or dissociation or both. At some later time it may be recalled, often under innocuous circumstances, and reappears in conscious memory.”

Your brain also files away implicit and repressed memories below your conscious awareness and while you can’t actively retrieve or recall these memories, they can still significantly impact your life.”

“All types of memories influence your mental health, behavior, perception of the world, response to new situations, and interaction with others. I’m sure you’ve heard a quote similar to, “Memories make us who we are.” Well, there’s a lot of truth to that statement. Memory has a significant impact on a person’s behavior and mental health and influences how they perceive the world, respond to new situations, and interact in their relationships. Memory is also at the core of many psychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders. When people lose their memories, they can lose their identity and how they process the world.”

Your memories show up in the present as behaviors, feelings, and mental health issues. For example, because of implicit memories, you may feel a constant buzz of anxiety or see danger in completely non-threatening situations and not really know why. Because of an explicit memory of an unpleasant experience with a dog, you may fear dogs now or because of a suppressed memory of your sibling’s sickness, you procrastinate visiting a close friend who has cancer.”

“Memories have such a profound influence on us because they literally shape our brains through something called neuroplasticity, the ability of our brains to change both form and function based on experiences, behaviors, emotions, and even thoughts. For example, the more you recall a memory, the more you reinforce it in your brain. Neuroplasticity is what allows traumatic events and memories to change the way your brain operates. It also allows the brain to change again and heal.”

Now, as an American Indian, do I hold grudges with people today? No. What I do hold grudges against is people too arrogant and evil to admit the past, people who believe that it was some sort of “white mans civilization” that makes the realm exist. Nothing could be further from the truth. It was not “civilization” that the settlers brought, it was treachery and evil. History bears witness to this fact. One only has to read the history, and look at the “now” to see such manifest quite clearly. It has always been a lie, it has always been evil, but propaganda and public school has hidden it.

The states united is not “the good guys,” it never has been, however even in the midst of such evil, there has always been good, decent people who objected. Not all “white people” agreed with the evil. They kept quiet, or they were exterminated too. History evidences this fact. Whites who sided with Negros and Indians were considered traitors. They were, “traitors to satan.”

Now is the time for everyone to recoginize the evil, repent to All Mighty God, and seek forgiveness “from themselves.” Forgiveness for ignoring the tragedy, and forgiveness for not doing the will of All Mighty God. No public apology is needed, no humiliation rituals, just a change in heart, a change in deeds, and a contrite desire to stand for Good. That starts the journey. It is a “private thing” that takes place in public actions. It takes place in fair dealing, a just bias, and a hate for evil done to others. A hate for evil done to self.

“A mechanic cannot replace a crankshaft without first “opening up the engine.” My postings, as horrific as they are, open up the engine. That is where healing starts.

I’m a mechanic too. I’ll help try to fix it, I’ve done mines, and a quite a few others already. Knowledge starts the journey. Starting the journey, however one can, wherever they can, is the first step to healing. Again this is the “Valley of Dry Bones,” and it is time to bury them for good.

Lord have Mercy

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