Excellent post!! Thank you!!

I see you commenting on other substacks--you should drop this link.

And on this:

"To believe, for one nanosecond, that motivations towards abortion are honorable, benevolent, or women's health care is just plain naive, simple minded, delusional, disconnected from reality, and a state of denial. No one wants to face the reality. Nothing “normal” in society is as it seems."

Yes, it absolutely sickens me when they refer to the murder of babies as "health care." And now they are pushing to make it legal up until the due date and beyond (meaning, if the baby survives the procedure, you can still kill it).

And I always had the feeling that this had a long history--I recall seeing a documentary on Carthage and I think there was something about them having small boxes outside the front doors for putting a baby in. That made me wonder if the same people ruling back then are still ruling over us today.

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WOW...you hit it. I was just telling my son that...literally. "That made me wonder if the same people ruling back then are still ruling over us today." They are. History it seems is running on a loop. Each loop is the same ole same ole, the only thing that changes is the "window dressing."

Carthage, Pre Rome, all with the same "get down." It is, at its distilled essence, the evil one, who loops the evil to whatever group is in charge, and when the people get wise they take them to war and destroy them.

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I had no idea about the historical context of any of this. Liberal brainwashing is all about Margaret Sanger and her commitment to women's liberation. The eugenics piece is left out. Of course. Gads, it's sickening to think of the superficial shit that people are taught. I was one of them. I bought it all...hook line, and sinker. I'm ashamed now. Thanks for sharing. I read pieces of your stack to a friend; a veterinarian....a very ethical person. A liberal. Who has always believed in the good will towards all from the government. I can only hope that she starts questioning the bullshit that she thought was "normal".

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Mission accomplished. You are so gracious. I am just a regular person and the only thing that matters with this entire substack thing is, "to change just one mind." Its gonna be tough on some, because the history withheld from the people is ugly. The Pre-Colonial peoples of this land, of all hues, were vanquished, extinguished, and the entire episode was washed away via public school.

None of this is what people think. They are under an electronic spell, in a state of semi-consciousness, and they operate from a position that does not comport with reality. It just takes one prayer, "Lord, advance me in knowledge," and the flood gates will open. Once that starts prepare for your emotions to be stretched. The enormity of it all is sometimes overwhelming. Its like the matrix, once you take that pill, its a wrap. Thank you for your kind words.

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Margret Sanger was a moron, her defective moral and ethical character made her a candidate for the abominations she herself advanced.

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This isn't something that can be changed through education. Humanity has segregated and murdered from the very beginning. A snake will bite you it it feels threatened. You can't change humanity's nature any more than you can change the snake's.

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Check. But what we can change is what "triggers" the evil. We can pro-offer information, something that most people don't consider. Just one spark in the mind Dana, just one. THX

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Jul 11Liked by Jean-Baptiste Guillory

Education, not so narrowly defined, changes everything.

Are scientists educated? Is the process of doing science evidence of education - & continuing education? (Actual scientists, science, I mean.)

Now consider “The sweet science.”

When a bully-student invades a boxer’s personal domain, the teacher has come.

Personal experience has confirmed, over & over, that bullies are eminently teachable, & that not a few of them actually appreciate the lessons.


Snakes *know* the boundaries (& won’t invade yours). People often don’t - - *but they want to* (rule-proving exceptions aside).

Among the many deceptions foisted by Twelve (& often more … & the more typically the worse the thinking-damage) Years A Slave public education sausage-snake factory is the inculcated hard-wiring of the belief that “education” consists of sitting in class - caste - rooms, listening to the drone, & waiting for Pavlov’s bell to ring the deindividuated group into the next sit to “do” (be done by) it all over again (& again & again …).

Alas that is not education. It is training. And the result is muscle memory & reflexive response, not ability to think or learn.

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Well said. "Parroting," it is called. Parroting nothingness. People have become expert mimics.

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Jul 12Liked by Jean-Baptiste Guillory

Thanks. Appreciate your work, too.

I left something out. But its the E in the room & I sometimes take for granted that all can see it so that it can go without saying:

“And the result is muscle memory & reflexive response, not ability to think or learn” or feel.

Your own thoughts, learning, feeling. Versus somebody else’s. Where do others end & you begin? Boundaries.

Emotion is the elephant, & Spock is a stock character that is not even live/stock, in reality. Even sociopaths (& even civilized Vulcans) have emotion, despite it being so deeply stuffed it cannot be perceived/felt.

So ‘all the world’s a stage’ film “school” has malleable child actors & actresses being told by directors-“teachers” what their thoughts-feelings-actions should be, & many kids eventually internalize those tales & then come to believe they themselves are authentically asking, “what’s my motivation?” - when in fact they were wound up, over all those dreary years, to wind up where they have wound up : wounded warriors for “the man” - the machine - the myths.

Programmatic feelings & emotions are, do get, installed into soft young nervous systems.


“When an actor comes to me and wants to discuss his character, I say, ‘It’s in the script.’ If he says, ‘But what’s my motivation?, ‘ I say, ‘Your salary.’”

Now, alls ya gotta do, is expand the definition of “salary.”

And “script.”

Your slate is not blank, & your latent, endogenous, inherent, inalienable script is your mission, Jim, should you decide to take it, decipher it, live it.

Not the mission-scripts, for some other life not your own, the various directors have decided you should take.

Some other good stuff, useful analogy, metaphor, simile, from AH (master of suspense - suspension - suspended animation/development …):


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You may have stumbled into the distilled essence of it all...........

SALARY AND SCRIPT.......damn. In a moment of clarity.......a flash. Thanks for that jewel.

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