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Chicago Facts

No facts allowed

It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out the game being played upon the land by the foreign influenced corporations that masquerade as municipal “governments.” Only a straight out, 100% sucker could not. I mean, after over 160 years if the people haven’t figured out the “hijack,” then I really don’t know what else to say. The disconnect from reality is mind boggling.

Immigrants don’t just “beam in” to this land. They don’t parachute in, or drop out of the the sky at random. No, they are transported in. They are flown in on U.S. aircraft from foreign lands, and upon arrival transported to shelters, or placed on other planes, without “Real I.D.,” state I.D. or any Identification at all. Just a piece of paper. They have not been vetted, checked by medical personnel, or even interviewed to ascertain their intentions on this land. Many are violent criminals, gang bangers, prostitutes, mentally ill, sex offenders and sundry other “undesirables” from their land of origin. Not all of them, but a lot.

The elephant in the room is, while the crime and financial burden increases in the states united, the crime and financial burden from the immigrants countries of origin has lessened. The countries of origin have literally cleaned up their garbage, and transported it here. The foreign countries have inside help on this land.

There are non profits, such as HAIS, that facilitates the entry of illegal immigrants into the state united, this I believe. They allegedly have set up “camps” from Latin America to Mexico, whereby they groom the immigrants and aid their entry in this land. Who are they and why are they helping undermine our people?

“HEBREW IMMIGRANT AID SOCIETY (HIAS), international immigrant and refugee service. HIAS was founded in New York City in 1881, when the Russian Emigrant Relief Committee, a temporary body established to help Jews escaping Czarist Russia, formed the Hebrew Emigrant Aid Society. The new organization provided meals, transportation, and employment counseling to arrivals at New York's Castle Garden, the main immigrant-processing center of that time. In 1882 the first Jewish shelter was established on the Lower East Side. In 1889 the shelter adopted the name Hebrew Sheltering House Association and was reorganized by East European Jewish immigrants under the Hebrew name, Hachnosas Orchim. In 1909 the Hebrew Sheltering House Association (1884) and the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (1902) merged. Responding to the growing needs of Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe, the organization soon grew to national dimensions, providing help in legal entry, basic subsistence, employment, citizenship instruction, and locating of relatives for nearly half a million newcomers to the United States during the organization's first decade. Under President John L. Bernstein (1917–26), HIAS offices were opened in Eastern Europe and the Far East.”

“1927 HIAS joined the Jewish Colonization Association (ICA) and the European Emigdirect to form the collectively run HICEM. Although the economic depression of the 1930s resulted in demands for additional domestic services to Jewish communities all over the world, most of HICEM's efforts were devoted toward financing and assisting emigration from Nazi Germany and finding outlets for refugees from Eastern and Central Europe in Western Europe and South America. HIAS continued its European activities throughout World War II, while imploring Western governments to open their gates wider to Jewish war refugees. In 1945 HIAS dissolved its partnership with HICEM, and in 1949 it cooperated with the *American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) in forming the Displaced Persons Coordinating Committee. As in previous years, HIAS continued to fight against restrictive U.S. immigration laws following World War II, and worked with Israel and with other Jewish immigrant services.”

“In 1954 HIAS merged with the United Service for New Americans and the JDC Migration Department into the United HIAS Service, a single international agency which helped thousands of East European and North African immigrants – especially following the Hungarian revolt of 1956 and the Middle East crises of 1956 and 1967 – to find new homes, mainly in Western Europe, the United States, and South America. Today about 30 percent of HIAS's budget comes from the U.S. Department of State; the remainder comes from private donations.”

“During the 1980s there were tensions between HIAS, representing the American Jewish community along with some of the Soviet Jewry movement's agencies, and the Israeli government over whether and how to aid Soviet Jews seeking freedom in countries other than Israel. The Israeli government felt that the Soviet Jewry movement was a Zionist movement and that since it had issued the visas under which Soviet Jews were able to leave, all Soviet Jews should go to Israel and emigrate, if they so chose, from Israel to other countries. HIAS, some local federations, and the Union of Councils felt that the Soviet Jewry movement was a human rights and human freedom issue and therefore, they were prepared to assist Soviet Jews just as they assisted Jews leaving other lands of oppression. The divisions were deep. Each side was faithful to the truth of their experience. In the end HIAS helped those Soviet Jews who wished to come to the United States directly and local federations assisted in the resettlement.”

“In addition to its world headquarters in New York City, HIAS maintains offices in Buenos Aires, Charlotte, N.C., Djabal and Goz Amir, Chad, Kiev, Moscow, Nairobi, Quito, Ecuador, Tel Aviv, Vienna, and Washington, D.C. Since its beginnings in 1881, HIAS has helped more than 4.5 million people to immigrate to the United States and other countries of safe haven around the world.”

“Nine State Department-approved "voluntary organizations" or volags are paid by the head to resettle refugees in the U.S. The bulk of their annual revenues come not from charitable contributions, but government grants, ranging from 58 percent to 97 percent of their total budgets.”

“Inside the United States, nine non-governmental organizations work with, and are funded by, the Department of State to resettle refugees. These religious or community-based organizations referred to as voluntary agencies (or volags) help resettled refugees with the following: reception upon arrival; support with housing, food, and clothing; community orientation; English lessons, enrollment in various benefits and welfare programs; referral to social service providers (including health care, employment), etc.”

“Some of these organizations' leaders have been calling on President Trump to increase the refugee resettlement ceiling to 75,000 for FY2019. Their commitment to helping refugees is undoubtedly guided by good intentions; it is, however, important to keep in mind that, for these organizations, lower resettlement admissions mean less federal funding.”

“The full details are below, but here's a summary of what I found:

  • These volags are funded, for the most part, by the U.S. government. Government funding ranges from a low of 58.5 percent  to a high of 97.3 percent. (Some services provided, and government funds received, by these organizations may be non-refugee-related.)

  • Yearly compensations for the heads of these organizations range from a low of $132,000 to a high of $671,749.

The nine volags are:

Church World Service (CWS) (religious)

Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM) (religious)

Ethiopian Community Development Council (ECDC)

Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) (religious)

International Rescue Committee (IRC)

Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS) (religious)

U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI)

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) (religious)

World Relief Corporation (WR) (religious)

Church World Service (CWS)

Form 990, 2016

Contributions and Grants: $93,044,199

Government grants (contributions): $68,448,159 (73.6 percent)

Compensation: Rev. John L. McCullough, president and CEO:

Reportable Compensation from the organization: $268,350

Estimated amount of other compensation from the organization and related organizations: $77,016

Total: $345,366

From their website:

Year ended June 30, 2017:

Total support, revenues, gains and other income: $96,723,739

Government support: 68,448,159 (70.8 percent)

Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM)

Churches do not have to file 990 forms; there were none filed for this volag. No financial data, either, was accessible on their website. But Corcoran found that they were 99.5 percent funded by the federal government.

According to an Episcopal News Service 2017 post, "EMM receives very little money from the church-wide budget, instead receiving 99.5 percent of its funding from the federal government. Its main office is housed at the Episcopal Church Center in New York. Stevenson [Mark Stevenson, EMM's director] has said that 90 percent of the contract money directly goes to resettling refugees. EMM retains about $2 million for administrative costs, including all national staff salaries. Any unused money goes back to the government."

No data available regarding the financial compensation of EMM's director.

Ethiopian Community Development Council (ECDC)

Form 990, 2016

Contributions and Grants: $18,809,497.

Government grants (contributions): $18,297,256 (97.3 percent)

Compensation: Tsehaye Teferra, PhD, President:

Reportable Compensation from the organization: $201,660

Reportable compensation from related organizations: $84,424

Estimated amount of other compensation from the organization and related organizations: $71,521

Total: $357,605

Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS)

Form 990, 2016

Contributions and Grants: $41,855,465

Government Grants (Contributions): $24,493,763 (58.5 percent)

Compensation: Mark Hetfield, President and CEO:

Reportable Compensation from the organization: $316,455

Estimated amount of other compensation from the organization and related organizations: $27,175

Total: $343,630

From their website:

For the year ending December 31, 2016:

Total contributions: $43,784,191

Government contributions: $24,493,763 (55.9 percent).

International Rescue Committee (IRC)

Form 990, 2015

Contributions and Grants: $730,809,685

Government grants (contributions): $493,570,089 (67.5 percent)

Compensation: David Miliband Director, CEO, President:

Reportable Compensation from related organizations: $671,749

Total: $671,749

Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS)

Form 990, 2016

Contributions and Grants: $67,228,228

Government grants (contributions): $64,666,482 (96.2 percent)

Compensation: Linda Hartke, ex officio director, president, and CEO.

Reportable Compensation from the organization: $293,066

Estimated amount of other compensation from the organization and related organizations: $34,810

Total: $327,876

Note: the current interim president and CEO is Pat Nichols. Reports of financial mismanagement, fraud, and harassment led to the departure of Linda Hartke and calls for an external investigation.

From their website:

For the year ended December 31, 2016:

Total Support and Revenue: $ 69,421,000

U.S. Government and State: $64,666,000 (93.2 percent)

U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI)

Form 990, 2015

Contributions and Grants: $55,313,115

Government Grants: $53,600,108 (96.9 percent)

Compensation: Lavinia Limon, President and CEO:

Reportable Compensation from the organization: $260,491

Estimated amount of other compensation from the organization and related organizations: $39,703

Total: $300,194

Note: The current President and Chief Executive Officer is Eskinder Negash.

From their website:

For the Year Ending September 30, 2016:

Total Revenue: $59,441,100

Government Grants: $53,615,872 (90.2 percent)

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)

No Form 990 could be found.

In their latest financial statement (year ended December 31, 2016):

Operating revenues, gains and other support: $143,986,241

Government contracts and grants revenue: $95,256,272 (66.2 percent)

USCCB's president is Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo; no data on his financial compensation was available.

World Relief Corporation (WR)

Form 990, 2015

Contributions and Grants: $66,262,886

Government Grants: $46,776,420 (70.6 percent)

Compensation: Stephan Bauman, CEO/President:

Reportable Compensation from the organization: $100,641

Estimated amount of other compensation from the organization and related organizations: $32,099

Total: $132,740

Note: Tim Breene is now the CEO and Scott Arbeiter is president.”

Now, it does not take a genius to see that AGAIN, it is the “usual suspects” of “religion” involved in the destruction of the American land. Again, the immigrants are flown in and transported, on the tax payers dime, to sundry cities and states. Meanwhile, “under the guise of teaching the Democrats a lesson,” sundry Republican Governors are sending immigrants to the desired locations throughout the land, and not back to their homelands. The Governors are “part of it,” I believe. Why? Because they already have allegiances with the “mind that is orchestrating the whole thing.” In Texas, all Texans, U.S. Citizens, have to sign a pledge to a foreign nation or they get no “government contracts.” Whose interests and allegiances does that exemplify? Should it not be the other way around?

American citizens are even refused hurricane aid if they don’t endorse a pledge to a foreign land. A pledge in direction violation of THIS NATION’S CHARTER, to wit, the constitution, 1st Amendment. Boycotts are choices of free speech and expression, and they are “protected activities” under this system of rule. However, when “that foreign land” is concerned, no rules, laws, constitutions, or morality makes any difference. It’s their way or the highway. Foreigner have a lot of power over U.S. citizens. This is a situation that “negates” standing to rule “in law.”

The most important thing, right now, is the unveiling of the truth. It’s not a Jewish thing, or any other specific race of people. Evil is an equal opportunity employer. Unfortunately, history has evidenced that certain people who call themselves such, Messianic, just so happen to be involved in may things that threaten our national sovereignty. The people of this land are important to me. I lament each day about how utterly capitulated they are to foreign interests, and not ours on this land.

I don’t wish ill on people who are of other races, and I don’t give them cover when they are triangulating on the land against the people. Apparently those in control of the realm are just fine with the status quo, they are just fine with destroying the people, destroying the nation; and if this land does fall, it’s gonna fall, Jews and all. This issue is not a racial, or religious issue. This is about economics, morality and common sense. Who wants people harmed?

If a person raises an orphan, and that orphan openly exclaims his intent to kill the host, over and over, then what kind of host is that? A fool. Who supports their future demise? Now, are all Jews like that? No. Not all Jews seek to harm others. Some are sane. They seek Peace, not madness. They seek to crumble the “Talmudic mind,” and fulfil the dictates of Moses. Recognize the “spirit” being shown you here:

That “spirit” is not the spirit of Zionism. Zionism, or “conquest” is deeply involved in the immigrant issue on this land. The immigrants represent a “invasion force” being utilized to disturb the people, impoverish them, and prep the battlefield for action. The battlefield is the “minds of Americans,” and the battle has been going on for generations under Messianic Fanaticism.

It is an ancient “Elohim battle,” manifested in modern times, and kept going for generations by Messianic fanaticism. greed and a sick longing to “lord over others.” This is the root of the problem plaguing the realm. Now, are all immigrants as aforementioned? Of course not, a lot of them are innocent people, who come to this land and contribute in meaningful ways. They are a small portion, of a bigger problem, of a bigger plot, that is run by madmen seeking to do harm. They are pawns. They are “resource” sponges, soaking up sustenance that is due here.

”The apostle John said, "Behold, there is a stranger in our midst come to destroy us." -Marva Munson

Lord have Mercy

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