Sep 25Liked by Jean-Baptiste Guillory

Just the fact/ions, ma'am.


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Have a collection of facts invariable, but for faces-names-locations (more names).

Maplines are drawn around easy-obvious distinctions first. Race, say. But even if/when those are disappeared, erased,e-raced, there's always more drawn in. Gangsters gotta have a them to be that all important us.

Factions within families, too, nuclear & extended.

Was taught fractions fractions when I was young, took awhile longer to learn fractions wholes, sounds just like holes, those that black lowest common denoms because, well, just because.

No place I've been has this not been reality.

And no ordinary people own the land, or the improvements, anywhere I've been, either.

The eviction, dispossession, disowning possibilities are various, but always in the wings, until pelicans fold 'em for the diving gulp. Security, like control, is an illusion ... a very fostered illusion.

Slip on the peels, then set it all on fire:


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