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Plain As Day

History Bears Witness

Studying this topic over the years, I have come to the conclusion that Zionism, Socialism, Marxism and sundry other “isms” are just philosophical doctrines that cloak and cover organized tyranny, oppression, misery, abuse and crime. Period. Why? Because each of these doctrines, along with democracy, creates a “priest class” of minders, who run rough shod over the interests of regular people, and they do so with a fanatical zeal, comparable to that of psychopaths and serial killers.

A Jewish state? A Muslim State or a Christian state, it really does not matter. Whenever one group of people, like colonists in the states united, come to the lands of another, they are not coming for “religion.” They are coming for land and wealth. They are coming for revenue and it does not matter how many people that have to be deracinated, or exterminated. That is how they roll. History evidences this fact.

“Religion” is the “front,” that’s all. It has historically never been about religion, ever. For example, no “religious groups” are fighting over barren lands with no prospect for otherwise. Nobody is fighting over lands that contain no oil, metals, diamonds or other revenue generators. Nobody is fighting to “feed another race of people.”

So, when I hear the term, “Jewish state,” I cringe. It was never about “Jewish” anything. Just look at how “Jews” are treated in Israel? Where is their state? They don’t have one. Their state, it used to be cohabitating peacefully with Christians and Muslims. That is long gone, because the wealth transfer from Palestine usurped it.

Right now, the people of that areas are fighting for gas, land development and anything else of value there, along with control of the “Holy sites.” If you control the Holy sites, you control the “religions.” At least jurisdictionally. The symbolism of such is weighty, especially with “believers.”

It’s about revenue, not religion. Religion is just the cloak. Does anyone believe for one second that an organized group who indiscriminately harms innocent people, over decades, is “religious.” What sucker believes that? It’s always about “the paper.”

So, stand by idle, cheer even, for your favorite nation, politician or group, but know with certitude you are cheering for the enrichment of devils, who will do to you, what they did to others. History, and national poverty evidences this fact.

In a “Jewish state,” Jews don’t get discriminated against and beaten. In a Zionist state, they do.

Lord have Mercy

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