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Sep 17Liked by Jean-Baptiste Guillory


Zism, Sism, & Mism, among all the synonymous others, are individual ribs in the overarching, shade-throwing/light-depriving umbrella that is Authoritarianism.

In a natural forest, static cling discharges light up & fertilize-convert all the filtered-light invaders that would strangle the tall trees - the Authoritrees - if their ashen under-canopy reasons for being were allowed to manifest to fruition. Ash fruit? You betcha.

Well, in a temperate natural forest … not bestrode-controlled by intemperate “preservationists.”

))See this piece by a young firefighter disabused, too [scroll down to “I've Got To Say It” & “Open Secret”](( https://substack.com/inbox/post/148971114

Cold forests burn with ice & snow.

But equatorial forests?

Equality under the red in tooth & claw law in lands of endless summer is a cacaphony of fractal horrors that burns beyond most imaginations. Equality of outcome levels down to the microbes (my!my!gimme!robes … like the emperor has!) & then subatomic particles tears those apart, too ( I am Sparticlus!).

Anyway. Back to umbrellas.

Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet. (Roger Miller)

Many, too many others, are equatorial wet-workers.

So when it reigns, it pours. Blood & gore. Furious appetite, digestion, decomposition. Regent-rification. And salt the lands of the annihilated, too ~ Mortons Iodized in a box

How Green, color of envy, & botulism, Was My Valley?



Please sir, may I Maypoles. Shafts perpendicular & round which spokes spin the language of permission/granted & land grants & Remember the Alamo!(mo!-mo!-mo! … please sir, I want some mo ~ Oliver Twist(ing round that pole …).

German meta-conscientiousness & reverence for sacred trees? Thor’s Oak, Irminsul, Yggdrasil?


What’s the pH of phallic symbolism? Acid? Base? What’s the difference, at the extremes? The bathwater that corroded nozzle pours out, & the ground poured into, too, is the baby.

Walter White “Heisenberg” Breaking Bad was foreshadowed & foretold by the time is a flat disc wheel … of … fortune … that spins all the aforementioned spokes spaking Zarathustra.


But, & so, here’s what we know: There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root … of the fake pretenders to Authoritree. (Henry David Thoreau)

Completing the spin, or several of them, here’s another miner’s son that made changed-canopies good (variety in canapés is an essential ingredient to successful parties of fingers in pies eaters), under the part of the sky coincident October (which octave is upon us …) Homer Hickam:


HH got out of the mines, went to work for/with once nazi Werner von Braun, of the V2 (V for

Vergeltungswaffen - vengeance weapon 2) flying/rocket-propelled ballistic mines (the go-boom kind) that were lobbed into London, Antwerp & Liège, who, after fake authoritree “Operation Paperclip” was alchemized into “american” & tasked with running NASA.

See how it spins? Dirty coal, clean coal, Rust Cohle (heluva character):


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