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Open Season

Liars on the hunt

“For you are not a God who is pleased with wickedness; with you, evil people are not welcome. The arrogant cannot stand in your presence. You hate all who do wrong; you destroy those who tell lies. The bloodthirsty and deceitful  you, Lord, detest.  But I, by your great love, can come into your house; in reverence I bow down toward your holy temple.” Lead me, Lord, in your righteousness because of my enemies— make your way straight before me. Not a word from their mouth can be trusted; their heart is filled with malice. Their throat is an open grave; with their tongues they tell lies.”

Psalm 5:4-9

I don’t really have words for this type of evil, except to say, “Lord have Mercy.” What has this realm become? It has become “nothing,” this is what has been going on since colonization of the Americas, but this time we get to watch as the same hand that sought to exterminate the American Indian, does its great work on other lands.

The reason why it is to troubling to me is, as a student of history, family history and history in general, I have come to realize that the same tactics being used in the Middle East, are the same tactics used previously in the states united. The same violence and tactics was used on the American Indians, except we did not have video evidence, or a internet to broadcast it. The evil deeds exposure was kept local, nice and quiet. It was impossible to garner “public outrage.” Now people can.

Our lands too were stolen by people who claimed to be “the chosen of god,” and one of their first encampments was Plymouth, which was officially named, “The Hebrew Republic of Massachusetts.” A place where Hebrew scriptures were publicly read each Friday, out loud in Hebrew. Imagine that? On this land, a land with a people preceding the entire “Abrahamic allegory” by thousands of years. To us at that time, it was an outrage. Why? Because “those adherents” were trying to kill and enslave us. The settlers were doing evil, and it did not comport with what they were proselytizing. The words of “their god’ did not match their morality of actions.

The “settlers” back then claimed too that this land was their “promised land,” and that the ocean they crossed symbolized the “crossing of the Red Sea.” Yeah, they were full on delusional. It did not matter, that age old delusion would be used to “gas up” the “settlers,” and when they became able to take care of themselves, they commenced to enslave and fight the local tribes; who fed them, and sheltered them when they were starving. The hospitality would be repaid in blood.

For a fine example of how the Messianic fanatics, of the same historical mind, treat people on lands that they squat on, one only has to witness Palestine. The modern squatters from Eastern Europe are using the ancient “proven” methods to violently deracinate people from their lands in Palestine. Lands to which the people have held for hundreds, if not thousands of years, just like in the states united.

Imagine being an “organic being” of a certain land, a land that your family has occupied since pre-colonial times, since before the advent of a calendar, and long before the biblical 6000 year “story?” Now, imagine a “stranger,” with a strange, manifestly delusional “story” shows up, on your land, and decides that some “strange god,” to which you know nothing about, has given them “your land?” “God told Abraham,” they exclaim, while they systematically murder your people? What type of “god” is that? Sounds like deceit, sounds like a devil. Abraham was from Iraq, Ur of the Chaldes, to be exact. Not North America.

“In Genesis 15:7, All Mighty God supposedly identifies Himself to Abram: “I am the LORD, who brought you out of Ur of the Chaldeans to give you THIS land to take possession of it,” AND NOT ANY OTHER LANDS, especially North America. He was “Abram,” before his name was changed to “Abraham.”

Now, add the backdrop of morality. Where is it? All Mighty God has never condoned murder, and there is no basis in GOODNESS OR GOD-ness, to do such. When the “settlers,” the squatters came, our people had pity for them. They were starving, digging up bodies to eat, and the tribes tried to help them. To no avail, and tensions between the “settlers” and the Virginia tribes became manifest. The tribes feared that besides death or enslavement, they could be eaten too. This did not sit well with the tribes, who viewed the “settlers” as savages.

“Archaeologists have discovered the first physical evidence of cannibalism by desperate English colonists driven by hunger during the Starving Time of 1609-1610 at Jamestown, Virginia (map)—the first permanent English settlement in the New World.”

“There are five historical accounts written by or about Jamestown colonists that reference cannibalism, but this is the first time it’s been proven, said William Kelso, director of archeology at Historic Jamestowne.”

“This is a very rare find,” said James Horn, vice president of research for the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. “It is the only artifactual evidence of cannibalism by Europeans at any European colony—Spanish, French, English, or Dutch—throughout the colonial period from about 1500 to 1800.”

“Portions of the butchered skull and shinbone of a 14-year-old girl from England, dubbed “Jane” by researchers, were unearthed by Jamestown archaeologists last year. They found the remains about 2.5 feet (0.8 meters) down in a 17th century trash deposit in the cellar of a building built in 1608 inside the James Fort site.”

“Owsley described multiple chop and cut marks on the girl’s skull that were made by one or more assailants after she died. “They were clearly interested in cheek meat, muscles of the face, tongue, and brain,” he said. Jane’s hair was not removed. One of the foremost forensic anthropologists in the world, Owsley has analyzed numerous skeletal remains of prehistoric people who were victims of cannibalism. Their bones were similar to Jane's in that they had cut marks and were splintered and fragmented, he said.”

“Four closely spaced chop marks in her forehead indicated a failed attempt to split her skull open, Owsley said. The close proximity of the unsuccessful blows indicates that she was already dead, or they would have been more haphazard, he explained. The back of her skull was then cracked open by a series of chops by a light weight axe or cleaver, he said. Cleaver blades and knives excavated from the Jamestown site were compared to the blows, and Owsley said he thinks a cleaver was used. There were also numerous cuts, saw marks, and gouges along her lower jaw made by the tip of a knife to get to the meat, and to remove throat tissue and the tongue, he said.”

“Owsley said the cutting was not done by an experienced butcher, except possibly the chops to the shinbone. “There is a hesitancy, trial, and tentativeness in the marks that is not seen in animal butchery,” he said. Based on isotope studies of her third molar, the high nitrogen content meant Jane may have been from a high-status family or served as their maid. Elevated nitrogen levels indicate that she ate a lot of protein, which was scarce and expensive, said Kari Bruwlheide, a physical anthropologist at the Smithsonian who works with Owsley.”

“Researchers also know that she was probably from the southern coast of England, based on a comparison of oxygen isotopes in her tooth and oxygen isotopes found in groundwater samples from the area. The water she consumed while her permanent teeth were forming during infancy helps to pinpoint where she was born. A study of the carbon isotopes in her bones indicated she was eating a mostly European diet, which means that Jane had not been in Jamestown for long before her death, Bruwelheide said.”

“The Jamestown colonists were already starving when the 300 new settlers arrived, having suffered from diseases and food shortages. Increasing demands for food from nearby Indian tribes, coupled with severe drought conditions, caused relationships with the Powhatan Indians—a powerful chiefdom that extended across much of Virginia’s coastal region—to deteriorate. At first the settlers ate their horses, then their dogs and cats. Jamestown residents also ate rats, mice, and snakes, according to a firsthand account by George Percy, who became the colony’s temporary leader after John Smith left.”

“Percy writes that some colonists ate their boots, shoes, and any other leather they could find. Others left the fort to search for roots in the woods, but were killed by Powhatan warriors. Percy wrote in an eyewitness account: "And now famine beginning to look ghastly and pale in every face that nothing was spared to maintain life and to do those things which seem incredible, as to dig up dead corpse out of graves and to eat them, and some have licked up the blood which hath fallen from their weak fellows."

“According to several colonists, one man killed his pregnant wife and chopped her into pieces, which he then salted and ate for food. He was executed for murder. "Only in the most desperate of circumstances would the English have turned to cannibalism," Horn said. He believed the accounts because he said there was no reason for Percy to write falsely about something that would reflect poorly on his leadership.”

“By spring of 1610, only about 60 people living at the fort had survived, according to Kelso’s calculations. How many of the dead were cannibalized is unknown, but Jane was not an isolated case, according to historical accounts.”

Now, imagine witnessing a group of strangers, with a strange “religion,” that were killing and eating their own people? Would this not cause tension between the two groups? When this enormity, cannibalism, was coupled with the theft of land, the enslavement of our peoples, and the violence leveled against us, it does not make for an example of “People walking with All Mighty God.” It just doesn’t. Our peoples wanted to share the land, share the bounty that All Mighty God gave us on this land, but the settlers, the squatters, did not want o share, they wanted it all, and they were willing to kill us for it. They were all too willing to exterminate us for our lands and possessions. Just like in the Middle East.

The “Hebrews” as they called themselves, a misnomer, came to this land to pillage and plunder. Nothing else. History evidences this fact.

“When daylight is gone, the murderer rises up, kills the poor and needy, and in the night steals forth like a thief.”

Job 24:14

Anywhere on this land that held ANYTHING OF VALUE was the excuse to murder. Period. Furs, gold, oil, silver, or anything. After all, it was their “promised land.” Even though 500 years before, when the bible was supposed written, they had no knowledge of it. See the disconnect from reality that the Messianic fanatics have? They do the same thing, over and over, with the same bloody results.

“Quite simply, the image of the Indians as they unquestionably "were," frequently allowed Whites the conceptual freedom to act toward them in such a manner as to create them in living reality: they were human beings viewed as animals, hence pursued as animals, hunted and killed as animals. Indians were in a double bind from which there was no escape: those who resisted were killed as dangerous wild beasts; those who did not were considered valueless vermin-pests to be eliminated upon chance encounter or actually hunted for sport.”

“Why and how did California Indians become "Diggers" [Niggers]? One obvious response to these questions is because California was the last frontier within the continental United States. If so-called Social Darwinism posited a temporal scale which ordered mankind from the primitive to the civilized. Manifest Destiny was its spatial counterpart. It called for the conquest of the wilderness by the farm, the town, and the city, "from sea to shining sea." [From the river to the sea]

“California represented the second half of that mythic equation. Having crossed the Rocky and Sierra Nevada mountains, or rounded Cape Horn, White Americans would not be denied the gold at the end of the rainbow. Especially not by "savages" who were unaware or indifferent to the treasure that glittered in the streams by their villages, or whose hunting and gathering way of life assaulted the sensibilities of the agrarian ideal. No, the Indian had to be gotten out of the way, for he was an obstacle to the transformation and exploitation of the wilderness, so manifestly destined. And it is a truism, certainly a depressing one, that whoever is to be conquered or removed or killed must first be symbolically opposed. I submit that given the unquestioned authority with which progress and success were vested, the unshakable belief in the historical mission of America, failing and those who fell by the wayside were unmistakably labeled as failures- must have been a bitter pill to swallow.”

“The stigma of failure, I am suggesting, was not "swallowed." It was instead transmuted into a bitter hatred of Indians. In addition to a need for scapegoats, there was also the problem of control, as even the first Spanish missionaries in the state were aware. The natives had to be controlled so that the land could be possessed. Unfortunately, the methods of control often seemed to bring about the very conditions that would endanger it. As Indians were "ordered off” the landscape, traditional subsistence practices were disrupted and habitats destroyed. Many Indians reacted adaptively by developing a taste for horse meat and other commodities in the White economy. Starvation prompted them either to steal or to accept and rely upon such government aid as was offered to them.”

“The image of the Indian as thief and indolent parasite followed shortly. Unceasing violence against Indian persons, particularly the kidnapping of children and assaults upon women, sparked occasional acts of violent resistance against their perpetrators. These outraged the sensibilities and exhausted the limited sympathies of the Whites, and rein-forced the image of the Indian as an Ignoble Savage. Thus, in California, the acts of stealing, begging, and sporadic violence, the empirical facts of which were often sensationally reported, led to deductions about the agent: the lawless, treacherous, insolent Digger [Nigger] italics mines.”

Bateson, Gregory 1972- Steps to an Ecology of Mind. San Francisco: Chandler Publishing Company.

Nothing has changed. The people of the Middle East are just the latest chapter, in a age old saga, of evil devils, who have hijacked “religion” in the same way they have hijacked and stolen everything else. The sniping of women, children and elders is nothing new. It is just “new to the masses.” The Messianic fanatics, in conjunction with their EVERPRESENT fraternal supervisors, have been doing this type of skullduggery since they came here, and there are many historical events to evidence such. No travesty is free from this influence.

Yeah, nothing has changed, it can’t. It just can’t. Why? Because the doctrine they follow is of the devil, fashioned by their father.

"You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”

John 8:44

Time to grasp the reality, or get in line to be next.

Lord have Mercy

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